Hi all, I’ve just downloaded the Triode App for listening to radio on the Mac. 
(Note the spelling of the app.) It’s made by the same folks that do 

So far so good. Of course I have a few wishlist things. I wish there is more 
keyboard navigation. Play/pause, volume, mute, etc. Possibly even a hotkey to 
read the current song playing. I’m running into some streams that for some 
reason or another do not work.

Positives: it is pretty easy to navigate and VO friendly. If song title and 
artist are available, they are easy to read and there is a setting to notify me 
when song changes. As I’m writing this message, the song changed and VO readout 
the new information. I like that.

So, you guys may want to give Triode a try. Maybe give the developer your own 
feedback. It is a free app, but if you want to save favorites, of course it is 
a subscription. ;) 

If not this app for listening to radio on the Mac, do you have suggestions? 
I’ve tried a couple and haven’t found one I really like.


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