That's Because
You,Mr.Ray i.e., Mr.BarFootRay haven't Gone
Through the Experiences that They Have
and/or Are a Product of SuchExperiences
i.e., YourPrivileged Life
Say IT Loud & Proud, so EveryOne knows "where" You Stand!
I MuchPrefer to KnowThis
BlackLives Matter & ALL Lives can't Matter Until BlackLives Matter!!!
Just Sayin
Blessin's 2 You AnyWayz
At 03:57 AM 6/30/2020, you wrote:
Just the truth. I’m sick and tired of people
on my side telling us we can’t stand up for it
but BLM can stand up for theirs’. MO MORE!
I will never apologize for my Whiteness, my Catholicism or my Southernness
Sent from the first computer with built-in screen reader access for the blind:
The constantly barefooted Ray
On Jun 29, 2020, at 11:27 PM, 'E.T.' via
Isn't that quote of yours a bit over the top and offensive?
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?
On 6/29/2020 8:24 PM, Raymond Foret Jr wrote:
I very much doubt my current Mac will support
this so I’ll need to get a new one next
year. Maybe I should wait till I can get a
maxed out Mac mini with the new Apple chip set.
I will never apologize for my Whiteness, my Catholicism or my Southernness
Sent from the first computer with built-in
screen reader access for the blind:
The constantly barefooted Ray
On Jun 29, 2020, at 9:29 PM, Mike Arrigo
<<> <>> wrote:
This is really exciting, hopefully we will
have very good voiceover support in Firefox
very soon, and I would say that it is already off to a great start.
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