Hi all, I have a variety of Mac questions.

MacBook Pro 
As voiceover users, what are your thoughts on the MacPro touch bar? Is that a 
selling point over the MacBook Air?

Mac mini 
Does anyone have experience choosing and connecting a monitor to the Mac mini? 
Picking out a good one for sighted household members? ;) I was under some 
assumption that a TV would work fine, but from my reading, that doesn't sound 
the case. It didn't occur to me, that monitors are built for sitting close, 
TV's are built for sitting away. Insert face-palm here.

Mac bluetooth accessories
I've recently learned about bluetooth numb pads. I remember way back in the 
day, I loved using an external numb pad with my Window's machine. Anyone with 
experience using one of these with Mac? I know the numb pad will extend 
voiceover commands, but I don't know if a bluetooth one will do this.

Thanks for the help. I am ready to upgrade my MacBook Air mid 2011, but clearly 
having a hard time deciding.


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