I thought she had done this already, but I might be mistaking her situation 
for another list Member or someone from another list entirely. I’m on way too 
many lists ….

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com




> On May 5, 2020, at 11:27 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On your iPhone, go into Settings, Phone, and double-tap on item that reads 
> “Calls on other devices, When Nearby”.  A new screen should open and list the 
> devices that you can enable/disable.  Make sure that the Mac is enabled.  It 
> will read something like, “Marie’s Mac, On”.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Jamf Certified Tech
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On May 5, 2020, at 8:57 PM, Marie Lyons <mlyons...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:mlyons...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hmm, when I figure it out I will let you know.  In the meantime I am having 
>> Siri call him on Facetime. I’m not sure what setting that would be.
>> Marie LyonsSent from my iPhone
>>> On May 5, 2020, at 10:28 PM, John Panarese <jpanar...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jpanar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>    That shouldn’t have mattered. I have my phone and watch nearby and my 
>>> Mac will also receive the FaceTime call. There has to be something off with 
>>> a setting or a small piece to the puzzle missing. 
>>> Take Care
>>> John D. Panarese
>>> Director
>>> Mac for the Blind
>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com <mailto:j...@macfortheblind.com>
>>> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com <http://www.macfortheblind.com/>
>>>> On May 5, 2020, at 10:19 PM, Marie Lyons <mlyons...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:mlyons...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> I continue working on this without success. I’ll tell you what happened 
>>>> this last time. I was sitting in front of my mac when the call came in nd 
>>>> it rang on both my phone and my watch but did not ring on the mac. No 
>>>> dialog box came up. I wondered if because I had my phone in my pocket and 
>>>> my watch on my wrist if that might have had something to do with it?
>>>>>> On Apr 26, 2020, at 7:27 PM, John Panarese <jpanar...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:jpanar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> If you are receiving a call, the VoiceOver focus normally goes to the 
>>>>> dialog and you can use the VO arrows to find the, accept, button. If this 
>>>>> is not the case, you should be able to command tab to the window to 
>>>>> respond.
>>>>> Take Care
>>>>> John D. Panarese
>>>>> Director
>>>>> Mac for the Blind
>>>>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>>>>> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com <mailto:j...@macfortheblind.com>
>>>>> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com <http://www.macfortheblind.com/>
>>>>>> On Apr 26, 2020, at 7:15 PM, Marie Lyons <mlyons...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:mlyons...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> I heard the dialog box come up but it didn’t seem to have focus.  So 
>>>>>> once it’s there then what do I do? Is there a keyboard command, or a way 
>>>>>> to use the track pad?
>>>>>> Marie LyonsSent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Apr 25, 2020, at 7:49 PM, Jason White <ja...@jasonjgw.net 
>>>>>>> <mailto:ja...@jasonjgw.net>> wrote:
>>>>>>> There's a dialogue that prompts you to accept or decline the call. It 
>>>>>>> should receive focus when the call comes in.
>>>>>>>> On 4/25/20 4:06 PM, Marie Lyons wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can’t figure out how to answer a Facetime call on my mac. Can anyone 
>>>>>>>> instruct me?
>>>>>>>> Marie LyonsSent from my iPhone
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