Hello Jessica,

I have not encountered any problems when in stalling Zoom in Catalina.  

I suspect that, during the installation process, a dialog box is appearing on 
the screen asking you to grant certain permissions to the installer so that it 
may proceed with the installation.  

For whatever reason, VoiceOver is not automatically announcing the appearance 
of the dialog boxes.

So, the next time you attempt an install, when it appears to be stuck, try the 
Command+F1, F1 key sequence in order to discover if there is, in fact, a UI 
prompt on the screen.  If memory serves, you should be prompted 2 or 3 times to 
grant permissions to various aspects of your OS.  Even if doing so doesn't make 
any sense, be certain to grant permissions to everything requested.

The installation process should take less than 3 to 5 minutes.

Good Luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Jessica Moss
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 5:55 AM
To: 'Jim Fettgather' via MacVisionaries
Subject: Installing zoom on the Mac.

I’ve noticed for some strange reason, that when I click the install button to 
install zoom on my Mac, the progress indicator suddenly becomes busy, and in 
the end I have to force it to quit.  Has anyone else had this issue?
  I can install it on my phone and run it with no issues, so I’m stumped as to 
why it’s constantly getting stuck on the Mac side of things, and would like to 
be able to use it on both platforms if at all possible.

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