I have now paired my Braille note touch plus running all current firmware with 
my Catai=lina and with my Mohabi systems. As I said when I did my original 
tests, there is absolutely no need to enter a pairing code, just to confirm it. 
If you want to FaceTime with me I can walk you through the process.
Jonathan Cohn

> On Feb 27, 2020, at 1:16 PM, maurice mines <maur...@maurice-amines.com> wrote:
> An update on the situation. I spent about an hour on the phone with tech 
> support for human wear. And unfortunately the same problem existed even with 
> the support professional. This issue has been thoroughly documented. I’ll 
> probably write you all an update when I find out what is being done to fix 
> this problem. Just me normal consumer think the problem is largely breast in 
> Cupertino. This use of a security code generated by my Mac for an adaptive 
> technology device is ready to kill us! If you can exempt speakers and things 
> that people want for purely entertainment purposes why is it that the blind 
> must put in codes and all sorts of specialty things in order to access our 
> hardware and use non visual access techniques. And they wonder why we have a 
> 70% unemployment rate. This is why people won’t hire Russ. Long story short 
> the big boys and operating systems need to understand that if they are going 
> to help people get employed they need to reduce the barriers to employment. 
> That’s not just on the state agencies.
> Sincerely  Maurice Mines.
>> On Feb 26, 2020, at 07:45, Jonathan Cohn <jon.c.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, I’ll try tonight with my Catalina machine, but I expect to have no 
>> problems. Once you click pair in the VoiceOver dialog did you get a chime on 
>> your BrailleNoteTouchPlus?
>> If so at this point hit any braille routing key on the braille display.
>> Then answer the next two question in the affirmative and you should be 
>> paired.
>> Jonathan
>>> On Feb 26, 2020, at 12:08 AM, maurice mines <maur...@maurice-amines.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, it’s still not working. In an email earlier today I 
>>> described all of the steps that I go through. I repeated these steps with 
>>> sided assistance this evening. It starts to connect and and immediately 
>>> disconnects. So it’s obviously a problem that’s bigger than me. I don’t 
>>> know who was to blame more here Apple for human where for not updating 
>>> better utility. This process worked under the first generation of the 
>>> braille note touch. But under the braille note touch plus nothing doing. 
>>> Even if you can match the code this device still will not talk to the other 
>>> device.
>>> Looks like I’ll be petitioning for a new display. The request rejection and 
>>> the administrative appeals process is so much fun. Let’s hope it doesn’t 
>>> ring true administrative logic. Or I can pick an older display and meant 
>>> to. Long story short I’m giving up on this and tell human where an Apple 
>>> can someday come to terms on this one. Although I don’t know when that day 
>>> will be I suspect no time soon.
>>> Sincerely a tired frustrated and very hacked off Lori’s mines.
>>> -- 
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