granted i read bookshare books differently and am not as of yet using a mac. Still I often come across a notation when searching for bookshare books indicating that some works cannot be read in their web reader program, but require another format be chosen. My hope was to encourage the person seeking information to be more specific about how they personally read, so suggestions might be provided suitable to what interests them specifically.

On Sun, 9 Feb 2020, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries wrote:

Bookshare Web Reader doesn't involve a download; the books are read on their 
Web site directly.

An interesting alternative that I haven't tried is Thorium Reader, which can 
access EPUB books. It's an Electron application that should work with VoiceOver.

On 2/9/20, 17:30, "Karen Lewellen" <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com on behalf of 
klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:

   making all these various avenues  supporting the most important question,
   that was not asked.
   bookshare books in what format?  there are loads of options these days.

   On Sun, 9 Feb 2020, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries wrote:

   > I use Bookshare Web Reader on multiple operating systems these days.
   > On 2/9/20, 10:19, "macvisionaries@googlegroups.com on behalf of 
hemaka...@gmail.com" <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com on behalf of hemaka...@gmail.com> 
   >    Hi all,
   >    How do I access bookshare books on the Mac? Kindly advise.
   >    Warmly,
   >    Hem.
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