Hello James, Esther and others,

The field that I am going into is in no way technical; I want to pursue a 
degree in pastoral counseling.  Since almost all of my work can be done via the 
Internet, I am not sure how much interactionI will have with other students 
prior to the beginning of my coursework.  The initial course I have to complete 
is on the aforementioned writing style.

Actually, Esther, the links you referred to might be helpful indeed, and I 
thank you!

So there was an actual Ms. Turabian?  We live and learn.

Kindest regards,


On 4,Mar,2010, at 9:48 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi James,
> Kate Turabian was dissertation manager at the University of Chicago for 
> several years, and wrote a style guide.  I think this style is also referred 
> to as the University of Chicago Press Style (or the two are very similar), 
> and there's a Chicago Manual of Style online. They use Author-Date citations. 
>  See, for example this PDF guide:
> http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/instruct/guides/chicago-turabianstyle.pdf
> I'm sure LaTeX does support this, but the learning curve might not be 
> worthwhile unless Mike is going into a technical field that requires 
> equations or special symbols (mathematics, physics, linguistics, computer 
> science, etc.)  A better plan might be to contact the graduate department in 
> question and ask what other students use.  If there are a lot of students 
> using LaTeX, then it would relatively simple to install TeXShop and learn 
> using patterns from other students working in the same area.  The devil is in 
> the details, so it's a real advantage to use the same programs that others 
> who work in exactly the same area are likely to use.  Although someone else 
> familiar with LaTeX could probably dig and locate the resources you need, 
> nothing beats having somebody just say, oh, that's handled by this style file 
> or macro, here's a copy.
> Similarly, if they use some other word processing software, Mike can check 
> that out.  This is probably a better way to proceed than looking for Turabian 
> templates (which might be called something else in a particular package.)
> Cheers,
> Esther
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Michael
>> On 4 Mar 2010, at 19:44, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> In one month, I will begin graduate studies at an American university that 
>>> requires research papers to be written using the Turabian style for doing 
>>> footnotes, bibliographic citations, etc. Although I have Office 2007 
>>> running under Windows 7, I'd like to use a Word Processor on the Mac that 
>>> would have a template for Turabian.  Does anyone have any ideas?
>> I have never heard of Turabian, but  have you considered LaTeX? It is not a 
>> "word processor" as such, but it is extremely versatile and can be made to 
>> do just about anything. Unfortunately, it does have a steep learning curve. 
>> However, for big projects like your University course, I think the pros out 
>> weigh the cons.
>> You can find lots of info about LaTeX on the web. It is cross platform, and 
>> has a native Mac version. It also defaults to creating files in PDF which is 
>> very useful.
>> Get in touch off-list if you think this might be something that could be 
>> useful.
>> TC
>> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> In one month, I will begin graduate studies at an American university that 
>>> requires research papers to be written using the Turabian style for doing 
>>> footnotes, bibliographic citations, etc. Although I have Office 2007 
>>> running under Windows 7, I'd like to use a Word Processor on the Mac that 
>>> would have a template for Turabian.  Does anyone have any ideas?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Mike
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