Sure is a nice app. Is there also a Mac version?

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 1/13/2020 2:22 AM, Raymond Foret Jr wrote:
Weather office is free and very nice and basic and accurate also.  It has never gone wrong on me yet.  Couldn’t ask for better if basic weather is what you’re after.

Sent from the first computer with built-in screen reader access for the blind:


The constantly barefooted Ray

On Jan 12, 2020, at 11:02 PM, Brad Snyder < <>> wrote:

I use an app called Weather Office.  It is straight forward, with no cute stuff or jokes and it is VoiceOver accessible.  You can find it on the AppStore.  I can’t remember if I had to pay for it, but if I did, it wasn’t much and it was worth it.

- Brad -

On Jan 12, 2020, at 22:38, Mary Otten < <>> wrote:

I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the weather app that comes with the iPhone. It seems like I almost never get a temperature reading. It’s usually blank. I also have the dark sky. Are used to really love that app, as it provided accurate information and precipitation etc. But these days, it’s all over the place. Predicted temperatures are crazy. Like when it predicted that it was going to fall to 20° here in Eugene. Not that that can’t happen, but nobody else was predicting that, and it didn’t get anywhere close I wonder what apps people are using, which give them accurate local information, not just based on some big general area. Dark sky claims to do that, or at least it used to. I don’t care about funny jokes, such as are apparently a feature of a program called Weather karat or carat whether something. I just want accurate weather that is relevant to my part of town.

Sent from my iPhone

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