Hi Mark,

The first issue I've noticed but I thought that was how it had always worked 
for me.

As for the second issue I'll try finding my edge and give it a try or possibly 
try my voyager 5200 as well,

But do you have any issues with earpods switching between devices automatically 

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: Saturday, 5 October 2019 5:31 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Mark on Latest Commercial Release of iOS 13 Using iPhone 8 Plus

Hello All,

Well, quite unexpectedly, I updated my 8 Plus to the latest version of iOS 13, 
today.  This is to say, I thought the system would ask me to agree to the terms 
of service, before updating but, for the first time in my history with the 
company, it did not.  Instead, it went right ahead and updated then, after 
rebooting, it asked if I agreed to the terms of service (smile).
I'm not blaming apple, too much, after all, I freely entered my phone's pass 
code which permitted the update.

Be that as it may, I must say that I have no major problems with the latest 
commercial release version of iOS 13.  I am careful to mention that I am 
referring to the commercial release because I am running the latest iPad OS 
beta on my iPad Pro.

After updating, I have been trying to reproduce many of the issues I've read 
about here on the list.  I am happy and surprised to report that I cannot 
reproduce any of them on my 8 Plus.  This is to say, call routing is performing 
as expected.  Call waiting and all things call related are working just fine.  
Try as I may, I have not yet managed to lose VoiceOver or any hap tic feedback 
before, during, or after making any calls, even those on Face Time.  

Mind you I've only had iOS 13 on my 8 plus for 1 days so who knows what 
tomorrow may bring but, for now, all of my go-to apps, such as Nearby Explorer, 
Over Drive, all of my banking apps, Twitter, and all of the native apps appear 
to be working as expected.  

The only annoying thing I have noticed, so far, is that when typing in a 
contact, when composing a text message, VoiceOver does not read the label 
associated with a particular number.  I will file a bug report on this, 

Steps to reproduce:

>From within the messages app, compose a new message.

Place focus in the, "To" field.  

Type in the first few letters of a contact's name such as "dav" for the name 
"David."  Now in previous versions of the OS, VoiceOver would say something 
like, "David Johnson, Mobile."  In this release, it merely says, "David 
Johnson, 800-555-1212." Which may or may not be David's mobile number.

As for the second thing I have noticed is that now, thanks to iOS 13 and Watch 
OS 6, my seemless VoiceOver audio switching between the watch and the phone no 
longer works on my Plantronics Voyager Edge.  At least, I cannot get it to 
work.  I can get audio from either device but no longer does it do
so automatically.    Thanks Apple.

If anyone out there has got this working, please let me know how you 
accomplished it.

Okay, that's all for now.

In the Journey,


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