Apple Watch Series 5 review roundup: Always-on display worth the upgrade, 
battery life lives up to claim
By Zac Hall 
After you read my re-review of the Apple Watch Series 3 at its new 
Fitbit-killing price, dig into the just-released early reviews of the brand new 
Apple Watch Series 5. This year’s hardware builds on the success of Apple Watch 
Series 4, touting a new always-on display and built-in compass. Here’s what the 
reviewers are saying:
Always-on display and battery life
The Verge jumps right in with the biggest new feature this year: always-on 
display. So how it is? Here’s Dieter Bohn’s take:
I love the always-on screen on the Series 5. Apple’s implementation is better 
than other smartwatches I’ve used for two reasons: it legitimately doesn’t hurt 
the battery life as much, and Apple keeps a little color visible in ambient 
For whatever reason, I’ve never been able to get earlier Apple Watches to show 
their screens with subtle wrist movements. I’ve always had to cartoonishly 
raise my arm. An always-on screen means I am a little bit less of a jerk in 
conversations and meetings.
And in terms of battery life, Dieter says Apple Watch Series 5 lives up to its 
claim of maintaining enough to get through one day:
But the big question is battery life: Apple claims it still gets 18 hours with 
standard use, and I have gotten that. So, box checked — except that the Series 
4 usually outperformed that estimate. I won’t go so far as to say that the 
Series 5 gets notably worse battery life than the Series 4, but at best, it’s 
on par. You’ll be charging it every day.
John Gruber at Daring Fireball likens the importance of the new always-on 
screen to the iPhone 4’s high-resolution display:
To me, the always-on display is the Apple Watch’s retina display moment — once 
you see it, you can’t go back. […]
I’d have placed an order for a Series 5 watch even if Apple had put up a slide 
that said “Just one new feature: Always-on display.”
And Brian Heater at TechCrunch puts numbers to the battery life test using the 
new always-on display:
While improved battery life would almost certainly be a welcomed feature in 
future updates, Apple’s made a bit of a compromise, offering an always-on watch 
that lasts the same stated 18 hours as its predecessors. I found I was, indeed, 
able to get through a day no problem with standard use. My own usage had the 
product lasting closer to 20 hours without the need to recharge, but even so, 
the device needs to get charged once a day, regardless — otherwise you’ll 
almost certainly be out of juice the following day.

What about the battery life experience with always-on display turned off in 
Apple Watch Series 5? Nicole Nguyen at Buzzfeed has this to say:
Being able to glance at the Series 5 meant that I spent less time gesticulating 
my arms.
Another (positive) side effect of the always-on display is that, when the 
feature is turned off, there are significant battery gains. Apple claims its 
latest watch’s battery life is 18 hours, which my testing found to be true. 
With always-on disabled, the battery lasted over 21 hours (with sleep 
tracking!) and was still at 43% when I woke up the next day.
There’s even an excellent chart to show battery life with various activities 
like working out.
For the best look at how each watch face responds to the new always-on display 
modes, see Rene Ritchie’s iMore video review:
Built-in Compass
The less visible upgrade this year is inside with the newly built-in compass, 
and Patrick O’Rourke at Mobile Syrup summarizes the benefits:
Apple, interestingly, has added a compass to the Series 5, too. The app 
indicates the wearer’s incline, elevation, latitude and longitude. It’s worth 
noting the Compass can be added as a complication to specific Watch Faces as 
well. The Compass also makes the watch’s Apple Maps app more useful because it 
now indicates exactly what direction you’re facing.
Further, elevation data is utilized during workouts, which is particularly 
useful when hiking, running or riding a bike.
The new sensor will benefit other apps too, not just Maps, although TechCrunch 
explains that apps will need to be updated to adopt features (like this one 
shared at the keynote):
Given that the product isn’t actually available yet, the number of third-party 
apps that take advantage of the feature is still pretty limited. That said, the 
much-loved star map app Night Sky offers a pretty compelling use for the 
compass, as you swing your arm around to get a better notion of your own place 
of the massive, ever-expanding cosmos.
Improved walking directions alone should make the compass useful however.
Emergency Calling
Apple Watch Series 5 also touts the ability to make emergency calls in 
countries beyond where you bought your watch. For example, if you’re traveling 
abroad from the US, the watch can know to call the 911 equivalent, something 
that was limited on previous models.
That feature requires a trip to another country, however, but Lauren Goode at 
Wired does mention its inclusion:
Speaking of chips, the Apple Watch Series 5 has the same performance specs as 
the smartwatch before it. It technically has a new SIP—that’s system in a 
package—because Apple has added the sensors needed to power a digital compass 
on the watch, plus a modem that supports international emergency calling. But 
the processor speeds are the same as last year’s, a surprise from a company 
that boasts about its mobile chip innovation almost annually.
I wasn’t able to test the brand-new international emergency calling feature. My 
editors did not approve a last-minute trip to Mexico, if you can believe it. 
But I did use the smartwatch to make phone calls independent of my actual 
phone. I didn’t experience any glitches when I walked out of the office and 
initiated phone calls—a scenario that caused issues in the earliest days of 
cellular Apple watches because of the handoff from Wi-Fi networks to 
cellular—and calls sounded great, for a smartwatch. My mom, my main phone-call 
squeeze, agreed.
Apple Watch Series 5 is still a watch after all, and watches play a role in 
fashion. That’s why Apple has introduced two new titanium finishes and the 
return of ceramic this year.
Stephen Pulvirent at Hodinkee has his experience with the new case material to 
For Series 5, Apple re-introduced a white ceramic Edition model (though space 
grey ceramic is still absent) as well as a pair of Edition models in titanium, 
one in a matte natural color and one in DLC space black. This is the first time 
we’ve seen a titanium Apple Watch and it’s an interesting move from Apple. It 
sits between the steel and ceramic models in terms of price and it offers a 
more luxurious option that’s still a great choice for people using their Watch 
as a fitness device. This fusion of function and indulgence fits in extremely 
well with Apple’s current thinking on the Apple Watch as simultaneously a 
wellness and fashion product.
His analysis goes on to ask the question about the role of premium case 
materials in smartwatches:
The big question still looms though: Do you really want or need premium 
materials and increased prices in a device that you’re most likely going to 
want to replace annually (at least for the next few year)? I think that’s still 
very much a personal decision and it’s hard to fault people for coming down on 
either side. Materials like ceramic and titanium, being both functional and 
still relatively affordable, make much more sense to me than solid gold at this 
point, but I’d be very surprised if we didn’t continue to see the Edition 
collection ebb and flow over the coming years.
Hodinkee’s video (below) also shows that the Apple Watch Edition has its own 
version of white as a unique color option.
Apple Watch Series 5 reviews generally reach the same conclusion so far: the 
always-on display is a big deal, and Apple Watch generally maintains promised 
18-hour battery life. To quote Patrick at Mobile Syrup one more time: It 
finally feels like a regular watch.
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