Hi everyone,
First, thanks for the help regarding my misplaced iPhone voice. Took some
doing, and another person, with in the end every voice setting needing
to be properly set.
My headphones goals are rather specific. granted am likely going to call
a music gear store like sweetwater for suggestions as well, but thought I
would check here given how long you folks have been using the IPhone.
My intention at least for a while, is to use a composing program, Symphony
Pro, on my IPhone. More than likely this is the only item I will be using
the phone for, its unlocked and I wish to keep it that way.
What that means though is wanting good quality meaning good at producing
sound quality headphones. I do not want earbuds, my ears are small, and
they tend to fall out, so something with a sturdy hook if not a
traditional fit. the IPhone 5 still has a headphone jack, giving me more
choices as well.
So anyone know of a strong on sound quality headphone with a solid fit
that will work IPhone wise?
- Iphone headphones suggestions? Karen Lewellen