Hi all
I got a few requests to share this with the list, I hope the mods don’t mind, I 
didn’t realise this will be so popular.

I’m not even sure of the companies name, as said they are in Russia.
The guys name is Maxim Pavlov you can email him for all info ma...@sinor.ru 

The price is $80 there is a version with and without temperature measurement, 
both cost the same.
I paid $50 for courier shipping and it took 11 days to reach me, I paid them 
via Paypal.

As I understand, this is actually a normal mainstream multimeter which they 
then program to output synthesised speech via the RS232 communication port.
It has a rechargeable battery and charges via USB cable which is included with 
the product.

You will have a option of voices, he will send you sample files, out of the 3 
english voices he sent me, I opted for the female one.
You will also have the option to have a braille label cut out on the top for 
all modes, or you can choose that they make a cutout for you with only a couple 
of dots marking modes which you choose. I went for the braille label cutout 
since I thought it would be kind of cool, but turns out this doesn’t work too 
well. The space is very limited so everything is squeezed in quite tight, 
result is that most of the braille gets cut off. If I could choose again, I’d 
take the option of only a couple of dots on the top then memorise the modes I 
need most. This label isn’t fixed though, it’s a thick piece of cardboard so at 
some point I’ll just make a new one with a couple of dots on the modes which I 
use most.

Finally you can also choose to have them put a button on the positive probe for 
you, when you press this button it will speak the value on screen, I went for 
this option and it works great rather than the thing talking and talking non 

If you have any questions, I’ll happily answer so ask away.


> On 20 Mar 2018, at 19:25, Daniela Rubio <mabuha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am very interested in this, however by some reason I can’t send a private 
> mail.
> Please e-mail me at daniela.ru...@me.com
> Thanks!
>> El 20 mar 2018, a las 17:20, Nickus de Vos <bigboy...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> Hi all
>> Mods, sorry for the OT, but seeing how I struggled to get this product, I 
>> thought it best to spread the word as wide as possible, there might be other 
>> blind and visually disabled people interested in this product as well.
>> After searching far and wide, basically all across the world, I came across 
>> a manufacturer who makes talking multimeters. In my search I came across 
>> this guys post of quite a few years ago on some electronics forum. It is a 
>> company in Russia who manufactures a talking multimeter.
>> From what I could find, previously one or two other companies also made 
>> talking multimeters, but they either went out of business or discontinued 
>> the product long ago.
>> I ordered this multimeter 2 or so weeks ago and it arrived today, it was 
>> $130 including shipping to South Africa.
>> It’s pretty neat, they customise it according to your needs, you can choose 
>> the voice, choose whether you want braille markings or just dots on top and 
>> you can also choose to get a positive probe with a button which you push for 
>> it to talk.
>> If you are interested, email me off list and I can give you the companies 
>> contact details.
>> Nickus
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