Hi Earle,

I'm using iTunes on my Mac, so this description of how to change countries for the iTunes Store may not translate well into instructions for Windows screen readers. I'm supplying this answer (and cc'ing to the Macvisionaries list), to provide general information about how to find out content that is available in the iTunes Stores of other countries for discussions like iPhone app availability -- not as a way to purchase from other stores. The quick answer is that the Power Search area of the iTunes Store that you can use to search for applications also has a link to "Change Country". If you select and activate that link, you'll be on a page with links to the United States (or whatever country store you started from), followed by alphabetically ordered links to all the other iTunes Stores, from Argentina to Vietnam (and a further link that is not announced by VoiceOver, but that I'm told is Japan labeled with Japanese characters). If you activate any one of those links, you'll be taken to the iTunes Store home page for that country. Then, if you choose "Search" from the Store menu on the iTunes menu bar, you'll be taken to the Power Search page for iTunes for that country, and can search for apps (or music, or movies, etc.). You won't be able to purchase apps or content that you can't buy from your own country's iTunes Store, but you can see what is there, and you can bring up the context menus for links to each application menu and copy the links. Here's the way I would change my settings to do a search for apps in the iTunes Store for another country starting from the way I would do a search for applications in my own iTunes Store.
1. From iTunes on your computer, navigate to the "Store" menu on the  
iTunes menu bar.  (On a Mac, you would do this by pressing Control- 
Option-M to go to the menu bar, then press "S" to move to the "Store"  
2. Arrow down into the "Store" menu and select the "Search" option.   
(Again, on a Mac, you would press the down arrow, then press "S" to go  
to "Search…", and then press Enter to choose the Search option; this  
sets your selection to "iTunes Store" in iTunes' source table and sets  
the HTML area of the iTunes store to the Power Search page.)
3. Navigate to the HTML area of the iTunes Store to do a search. (On a  
Mac I could tab to where I hear "iTunes Store, HTML content"; but I'd  
probably shorten the number of key presses to navigate to the HTML  
area of the iTunes Store with the following sequence, which is both  
specific to the Mac with VoiceOver and to the current version of  
iTunes: )
a. Command-Option-F to navigate to the search text field
b. Control-Option-Down Arrow to navigate to the "Sign into my iTunes Store account" button [Note: on a Mac the VoiceOver keys are the Control and Option keys; typing "VO-Down Arrow" and "VO-Right Arrow" is a lot faster than typing Control-Option-Down Arrow", etc. so I'll use "VO" to mean "press the Control and Option keys together with other specified keys."]
c. VO-Right Arrow to navigate to "iTunes Store, HTML content"
4. Interact with the iTunes Store HTML area using VO-Shift-Down Arrow
5. VO-Down Arrow to navigate to the "All Results" pop up button
6. VO-Space to press the "All Results" pop up button, arrow down to "Applications", and press Enter to change the pop up button to search for Applications. 7. Interact (VO-Shift-Down Arrow) and VO-Command-H to the header fields for entering the Title/Keywords for each App, then VO-Down Arrow and type in your search terms, such as "GPS", or leave this blank; VO-Command-H to "Developer Name" then VO-Down Arrow and type in search terms, such as "Navigon", or leave this blank. If you want to set a category, VO-Command-H to Category, VO-Down Arrow to the pop up button and VO-Space to press the pop up button. Use your arrow keys or press the keys for the first letters of the category to change the setting from "All Categories" (e.g. press "n a" then press enter to set the search category to "Navigation"). Similarly, you can VO- Command-H to the header field for "Device Compatibility", VO-Down Arrow to the pop up button and VO-Space to press the button and use your arrow keys to set this to either the iPhone or the iPod Touch. 8. Press "Enter" to run the search (or, more formally, you can VO- Right Arrow to the "Search" button and press it with VO-Space to run your search).
Changing countries:
9.To change countries, on a Mac I would use item chooser menu (VO-I) to find the "Change Country" link, press enter or VO-Space to go the link, then VO-Space again to activate the link. 10. On the page with the list of country links, I would use item chooser menu again on the Mac (VO-I), type in the first few letters of country I wanted (e.g. "A u" for Australia), press either enter or VO- Space to select "Australia", and use VO-Space to activate the link and change countries. 11. At this point I would run a search for applications the same way I would in my own iTunes Store (e.g., start from step number 1.)
This takes far more time to type out than it does to do.  Also,  
although there may be slightly faster ways to run the searches,  
because of recent changes in iTunes, I'm being very precise about the  
most accurate search sequences I use right now instead of simply  
telling people to press tab.



Earle wrote:

How do you go about searching in other app stores from different countries? I couldn't find a way to do this.
----- Original Message -----
From: Esther
To: viph...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 11:36 PM
Subject: GPS Apps for New Zealand besides TomTom [was Re: Response from Navigon]
Hi David,

I don't believe that Navigon has added coverage for New Zealand yet, but when was the last time you checked your GPS app options? GPS navigation apps have been multiplying like crazy in every store. For example, in New Zealand's app store you have access to MotionX GPS in both the regular and Lite versions:
• MotionX GPS ($4.19)
• MotionX GPS Lite (Free)

And there's Sygic's "Mobile Maps Australia & New Zealand" ($64.99)

Now, probably some of the offerings won't be accessible. I'd stay away from "CoPilot Live Australia & New Zealand" ($64.99) based on the fact that the U.S. version of the app has been reported to be inaccessible with VoiceOver by a number of people, but some of these apps are likely to be usable. Certainly I'd try the MotionX GPS Lite app since it's free, and since people have reported the MotionX GPS Drive app for the U.S. to be quite accessible (and inexpensive). Also, there may be way to integrate points of interest from apps like "AroundMe" and "Where To?" that are available internationally (including in the New Zealand app store) with some of these GPS apps.
• Where To? -- GPS Points of Interest by FutureTap ($4.19)
• AroundMe by Tweakersoft (free)

Easier for you to search for these apps than for me, since the New Zealand app store is your default iTunes store, but there are a lot of GPS apps out there.


David Chittenden wrote:


Actually, we are not a small market. We are an extremely tiny little market. If we throw too much of a whining hissy fit, they may decide that it is better to not have any accessibility in the product at all. If every blind person with an iPhone were to purchase Navigan, it would just be a few thousand sales. If they refunded all of that, they would still make a healthy profit from all of their other sales, and they would not have to deal with our headaches; like the choice Tom Tom made.
I am in New Zealand. The last time I checked, the only GPS system  
available here was Tom Tom. As we are all aware, Tom Tom is  
completely inaccessible, and they have absolutely no plans to make  
it accessible. I am hoping Navigan ads New Zealand. I am perfectly  
willing to accept using bicycle route for the automatic  
announcements. I currently use Mobile Geo and a Windows Mobile  
pocket pc phone which will be dying soon. My solution talks almost  
too much, and is extremely expensive.
David Chittenden, MSc, CRC, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com

Scott Howell wrote:
I think they really need to hear from all of us. I am deeply  
disappointed in their attitude and maybe everyone who has  
purchased their software in the last 30 days should let them know  
they may consider requesting a return via the iTunes store. Maybe  
we are considered a small market, but they certainly seem to be a  
rather narrowed-minded company.
Seems MotionX is more interested in accessibility despite there is  
a reoccurring cost to use their product and perhaps that is  
something to consider.
On Jan 18, 2010, at 7:12 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello everyone,

Here is my message to Navigon and the response I received today. Not very encouraging!

This is a very useful app, but since the latest update, blind users like me have found that voice guidance has disappeared from pedestrian mode. This is a serious blow to us. Are you planning to put this facility back in the next update? Many of us would be very grateful if you did.
We are all currently using the workaround of putting it into  
Cycle mode, but this is not really satisfactory because of one- 
way streets and so on.
One of the beauties of Navigon is that it is multi-lingual.

Potentially, you have quite a large customer base among blind iPhone users the world over. We'll certainly all sing your praises if you can make this small change for our benefit.
Dear customer,

thank you for contacting the NAVIGON support team.

Unfortunately there is no possibility for this change to be reversed.
For further information on your product please see the link under :


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours sincerely
NAVIGON Support Team

Berliner Platz 11
97080 Wuerzburg
Phone for United Kingdom: 0871-2880154 (0,10 GBP/€/min. Fixed network, mobile tarifs may vary)

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