There is a moveto comand, but unfortunately you would have to select the box, in this case (junk) but it would be kind of nice to have a different key combo specifically to just move any given message into junk when you would catch it.

When I've gotten what I call "chronic" junk from an address, I've set up rules and within the section for what I want mail to do with messages related to that address I select (automatic deleet), then also to be smart about it, add task, and select "play sound" then select from the pop-up for sound to be played. I have a bunch of extra sound effects stored in librarywhere Mail can access. For these rules, well, they get a toilet flush. Never see the mail, just hear it go by-by. The sound part is only an option though, don't have to be done at all, was just being a smart A-- when I was setting it up that day.

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