Hi, I did not know that you COULD read kindle books with braille. I thought 
that was not possible. Now I will have to retry it, glad if I was mistaken in 
Greetings, Anouk,

> Op 9 dec. 2017, om 12:46 heeft Angie Nutt <an...@comproom.co.uk> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> I so agree with you; I love reading Kindle books in braille for instance. 
> When I first got a braille display about 2 years ago I was over the moon. I 
> still use speech though when my hands are doing other things; just love the 
> choice.
> All the best
> Angie
>> On 9 Dec 2017, at 05:47, M. Taylor <mk...@ucla.edu> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I just finished an hour of reading Braille on my Focus 40 Blue display.  
>> I must say that this was the best non-Jaws Braille display reading
>> experience I've enjoyed since 2011.  If memory serves, 2011 was the last
>> year in which I could pan right, using a left panning wheel on my display,
>> in iOS.  
>> Now, with all of the wonderful Braille display customization options, I can,
>> once again, use my beloved Wiz Wheels to my heart's content.  (smile).  
>> I am so delighted to see that UEB (Unified English Braille) is also being
>> properly translated in iOS 11.
>> To me, no matter how convenient audio feedback may be, there is something
>> ineffably beautiful about Braille.  What a gift to behold.
>> Bravo to Apple for finally giving Braille its well-earned respect.
>> Mark
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