Perhaps the EC Technology board you are looking at is a new one. When I bought the one that I used for my girlfriend, my impression was that it connected to three devices. Unfortunately when we got it, I found out that wasn't the case.

I recommend avoiding the keyboards that have track pads. My experience of the keyboards that do not have track pads, is that they have scissor Keys which is what you want. My experience of keyboards that do have the trackpad, is that they have a different style of keys which is harder to press and not easy to type on. They are Chiclet style Keys, like the ones that used to be built into thumb keyboards that came with phones.

On November 10, 2017 7:22:10 PM Simon Fogarty <> wrote:

Hi Erik,

Yeah the EC Technology board I was looking at did seemingly do three devices, but then so as you mentioned did the 2 iClever boards I looked at, both iClever boards folded up to fit in the pocket but one has a touch pad on the right hand end and one doesn’t, The one with the touch pad doesn’t ship to NZ, nor the ec technology board the iClever without the touch pad does ship down under.

Guess I’ll go back to looking again at them

From: [] On Behalf Of Erik Burggraaf
Sent: Saturday, 11 November 2017 12:27 PM
Subject: RE: Recommendation for a Bluetooth keyboard to pair with my iPhone

Hi Simon, I think the iclever keyboard that I recommended has a model ending in 06. The model ending in 06 folds in half, while the model ending in 03 folds in thirds, similar to the EC Technology keyboard you mentioned.

I actually owned the EC Technology keyboard, and I can highly recommend it. It does not connect to more than one device at a time, but in other ways it is equivalent to the iclever 03 or 06. Another derivative of the EC Technology keyboard is the esynic folding Bluetooth keyboard, which you can also find reviewed on inclusive Android. I am currently using the esynic. While it is an excellent keyboard overall, the Accent key is broken and dumps random accent characters into the text as I type. So, I'm not really as happy with it as I was with the EC Technology. My sister and I bought these keyboards at the same time, and she is using her as without any issues. I guess I'm just a lucky guy. The EC Technology keyboard lasted for approximately 3 years. I consider that excellent value for money.

If you don't need the connectivity options from the iclever, then I think you'll be very happy with any of these keyboards. Go ahead and buy whichever one is on sale, and will ship to your location.



On November 10, 2017 4:01:18 PM Simon Fogarty <<>> wrote:
Hi Donna,

Which one did you go for in the end?

I’m looking at 2 currently one is the device suggested by erik, the iClever Bk03 But I’m also looking at the EC Tech folding bt keyboard which is slightly more expensive but seems to have a higher rating

But the EC Tech device can’t be shipped to NZ,
But will be interested to hear what you think of the KB you get.

From:<> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, 11 November 2017 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Recommendation for a Bluetooth keyboard to pair with my iPhone

Well, I'm getting it for my birthday.  I'll let everyone know what I think.
On Nov 9, 2017, at 7:49 AM, Erik Burggraaf <<>> wrote:

I don't have this keyboard myself, only because I can't buy from<> anymore. I'm not sure why most of us need to iOS devices. One is enough for me. Regardless, I have been interested in how this keyboard determines its pairings. As far as I'm concerned, Bluetooth is Bluetooth is Bluetooth. If you were going to go to the trouble to make a 3 in 1 Bluetooth connection for a keyboard, you wouldn't restricted by device would you? I've also wondered what would happen if you tried to pair the keyboard up with a Mac. The spec is very specific that it's Windows, IOS, and Android. There's no reason why it shouldn't connect up to a Mac just fine, but what would actually happen if you tried it? I actually have one of each, iOS, Android, and Windows devices. So, this is actually the perfect keyboard for me. If anyone is planning to buy, I would be interested in PayPal and someone the money, getting them to order me one, and ship it to Canada. On November 9, 2017 4:41:22 AM Simon Fogarty <<>> wrote:
Hi erik,

Is this iClever keyboard able to connect to more than one IOS device?
I’I’d rather connect to a couple of IOS devices rather than windows android and ios at one time.

But it reads well in the reviews

Sent from my iPad

On 8/11/2017, at 8:30 AM, Erik Burggraaf <<>> wrote:
Hi Donna,

This icleverr one is very popular if you have access to<>.

It folds to a size just a little bigger than a passport, unfolds to a full sized keyboard, comes with a cary case, and pairs to one ios, one android, and one windows device all at once, allowing you to switch back and fourth.



On November 7, 2017 1:58:01 PM Donna Goodin <<>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have finally decided to get a small Bluetooth keyboard to pair with my iPhone. I once used an apple keyboard that went with the iPad mini, and I loved it. I’d be looking for something like that something small and portable. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Sent from my iPhone

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