I will just make a time machine of my drive then reinstall...
I think it will be better hahahaha
thanks Tim

On 10/13/17, Tim Kilburn <kilbu...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This seems to depend on a number of factors.  Specifically, how many
> partitions do you have on this disk?  If only two, then your issue is indeed
> a problem.  If more than two, then I'll explain a few things that may help.
> • Let's say, for argument's sake, that you have three partitions.  Macintosh
> HD, HD-2 and HD-3.
> • using Disk Utility or Terminal, you can determine the disk identifier for
> these volumes.
> • For fun, I'll say that they came up as disk0s2, disk0s3 and disk0s4
> respectively.
> • So, if you remove disk0s3, you can easily expand Macintosh HD (dis0s2)
> into the free space provided by the removal of disk0s3.
> • But, f disk0s4 is the partition that was removed, then your frustrations
> begin.  Because disk0s4 is sequentially after disk0s3, you cannot combine
> disk0s2 with disks4.  The reason for this is that disk0s3 is logically "in
> the way" of any expansion.
> • Confirm the disk identifiers while in Disk Utility by selecting the
> partition from the table and the last item on the screen will display the
> disk identifier, such as disk3s3.
> • In Terminal, use "distil list" to see all the disk info you'll ever need.
> • This gets a little more complicated if you have a Fusion drive or or if
> things are formatted in the new APFS format.  Still possible, but some
> different arguments.
> With all this said, if your partition map has it so that your free space is
> not directly connected to the Macintosh HD partition, then the only way you
> could manipulate things to your favour would be to backup or copy the data
> from the other partition to a totally different target, remove that
> partition, then expand the Macintosh HD into the free space and finally
> re-create a partition for this data to return to.  There are also methods
> within Terminal that can allow merging of partitions, but the same
> restrictions are applied with respect to identifier numbering.
> I hope this makes some sort of sense.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Oct 12, 2017, at 22:25, Oriol Gómez Sentís <ogomez....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all:
> I am trying to use disk utility to enlarge a partition. I deleted the other
> volume, and I would like to enlarge my boot volume.
> How can I do it? the pi chart seems to be inaccessible…
> Has anyone else done this before or os there a way to do it with terminal?
> Thanks bunches.
> Oriol Gómez Sentís
> T: (+34)620788049
> Website: http://www.oriolgomez.com
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