
I published in my blog an article about Interface builder and voiceOver.

Here are the articles in English and Spanish:

Tutorial Hello world in xCode with voiceOver

Tutorial: Hola mundo en xCode con voiceOver

        Jonathan Chacón
El 07/01/2010, a las 19:24, Jonathan Chacón escribió:

> Hello,
> thanks Bryan. 
> I'm writing the little tutorial: How to develop a "hello world" using xCode 
> and voiceOver"
> I hope publish it tomorrow.
> Regards
>       Jonathan Chacón
> El 07/01/2010, a las 14:21, Bryan Smart escribió:
>> Jonathan, did you see my post on clicking?
>> You can use VO-shift-space for a real mouse click. You can also use 
>> VO-shift-command-space to toggle the mouse button down and up.
>> You are right that VO-space doesn't click. It only sends a message to the 
>> control to perform its default action. Most controls respond to that, but, 
>> as you've seen, many custom controls don't. These other commands usually 
>> work, though. They work for clicking in Interface Builder.
>> Bryan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mv-...@googlegroups.com [mailto:mv-...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
>> Jonathan Chacón
>> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:57 AM
>> To: mv-...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Interface Builder Progress
>> Good morning,
>> well, I'll publish an article about Interface builder with voiceOver in my 
>> blog. I'll publish it in english and Spanish, my native language.
>> My macBook hasn't got trackpad. It's got touchPad. It's a old macBook.
>> I'm thinking about a alternative to make click. Someone can develop an 
>> appleScript to make a real mouse click because VO+space isn't real.
>> well, I didn't sleep any hour today and I have to sleep a few hours. Sorry 
>> but I'll write more about this later
>> regards and good night for me
>>      Jonathan Chacón
>> El 07/01/2010, a las 06:02, Ricky Buchanan escribió:
>>> That would be fantastic if somebody would write it up I'd be very pleased 
>>> to publish it on ATMac so we have a place to send people.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ricky
>>> On 07/01/2010, at 3:45 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>>> I thought that (in light of the last couple of quirks in behavior) 
>>>> that it would be nice to have all of the steps clearly and simply 
>>>> laid out in one note. What do you think?.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ricky
>>> --
>>> Ricky Buchanan - http://notdoneliving.net/ - @rickybuchanan ATMac - 
>>> http://atmac.org/ - Assistive Technology and Apple products No Pity 
>>> City - http://nopitycity.com/ - Disability gear that pulls no punches 
>>> Four Walls No Limits - http://fourwallsnolimits.net/ - For bedridden, 
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