Hello there
You say your Mac Mini is still on El Capitan. Personally back when I had El 
Capitan on my iMac, I found it to be very buggy and frustrating to use. I 
experienced it as very unstable and simply never liked it.
Maybe you should try going up to Sierra, I liked Sierra right from day one, and 
still find it a very stable build, i'm running it both on my MacBook Pro but 
also on my iMac which is older than your mini. 

It might also be worth doing a total clean install of Sierra while you're at 
it, in other words formatting your hard drive and not simply upgrading over the 
current system. This will take longer and is slightly more effort, but in the 
end you Will have a clean machine and it will feel like a brand-new Mac. You 
might want to do this in the next week or two before High Sierra comes out, or 
at least download Sierra while it's still easy to get.

I'll be running Sierra on my MacBook Pro which is my work machine for at least 
The next few months until I'm sure High Sierra isSuper stable,   

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any typos...

> On 01 Sep 2017, at 20:38, Nimer Jaber <nimerjab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Busy messages happen to me on a Macbook pro, fully specked out, SSD and a 
> bunch of ram and all. They equally happen on a MB air... not sure the cause, 
> and not sure why some experience this and others don't, but this has been my 
> biggest headache with the Mac, and one that causes me to revert to Windows or 
> Linux to achieve productive browsing. Honestly, Safari and an external 
> keyboard on the iPhone is much, much better.
>> On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 11:57 AM Scott Granados <scott.grana...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> What vintage is your Mini, is it new or older?  Also, do you have an SSD 
>> drive or rotating old style hard disk?  I ask because this information would 
>> help me determine both whether you should upgrade or not and what’s causing 
>> the busy messages.
>> Thanks
>> Scott
>> > On Sep 1, 2017, at 12:54 PM, regina alvarado <reggie.alvar...@gmail.com> 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > I am wondering if this is a habit of my Mini or if there is a setting I 
>> > can change. When I was in the internet and moving up and down with 
>> > vo-arrows, oftentimes I would hear internet busy. I have heard this in 
>> > mail also. Once I wait a bit the internet is back on. Is there anything I 
>> > can do to alleviate this? Also, is there a command to go straight to text 
>> > in safari once you are on the article's page? Thanks. Newby but learning 
>> > and determined to understand apple operating system. Oh, I know high 
>> > sierra is coming. I currently have el Capitan. I was told by a person in 
>> > Accessibility that I don't want to upgrade any further as my Mini is like 
>> > a first computer for someone like a grandmother or a user who only wanted 
>> > internet and mail and perhaps music or such basic things. I am happy with 
>> > this, though I have no grandchildren. What does everyone think about this. 
>> > Should I upgrade to any of the higher like sierra? I was told there would 
>> > be less lag if I stayed on El Capitan.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Reggie and Lex
>> >
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> Cordially,
> Nimer Jaber
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