Hi all
I’m not a big Facebook user so this might be a daft question.

Since 2 or so app updates ago I can’t seam to figure out how to post a status 
update, check in etc on the app using my iPhone.
Before this change when updating a status or checking in, there was simply a 
“post” button at the top right of the screen which you had to double tap and it 
posted no problem. That button now got replaced by a button labeled “next” and 
on that next screen you are suppose to choose the audience who can see your 
specific post. On that audience screen it lists public, friends etc, but 
everything seams to be dimmed, or voiceover says everything is dimmed anyway so 
tapping on a option does nothing.

The only other buttons I can find is going back to the screen where you post 
but there is no option for next or to “post” the darn post.

Am I missing something?

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