Thanks for sharing this news Mary. I am really glad that Amazon Prime  is now 
offering audio description. I was hoping this would happen soon. :-)

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 9, 2017, at 9:12 AM, Mary Otten <> wrote:
> This should be of interest to android or iOS users who like Amazon prime 
> video. I assume this will be accessible on any platform that has Amazon prime 
> available.
> Get out those fire TVs or fire TV sticks and check it out, you don't have to 
> be using an android or an iPhone.
> Amazon Prime Video is now offering audio description
> AppleVis | Empowering blind and low-vision users of Apple products ...  /  
> Greg Wocher
> Hello everyone,
> I wanted to let everyone know that amazon prime video is now offering audio 
> description. I saw this come across on my twitter feed from ACB National. 
> Here is a link to the ACB's announcement:
> I have tried it on one of the series mentioned in the list and it does work. 
> It looks like it works similar to NetFlix. Once you get a show started, you 
> need to find the autdio options and check english with audio description. 
> Everyone who has access to prime video go and have a look.
> Regards,
> Greg Wocher
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> Sent from my iPhone
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