Just a reminder that Java and JavaScript are two different technologies
that, unfortunately, share parts of their name. From wikipedia:
"The final choice of name caused confusion, giving the impression that
the language was a spin-off of the Java programming language, and the
choice has been characterized as a marketing ploy by Netscape to give
JavaScript the cachet of what was then the hot new Web programming
Java is much more like C in that you compile it into an app that runs on
your machine. For web browsers, it's a bit like Flash in that you need a
plugin to run Java. Also, like Flash, Java has greater capability to do
stuff such as read/write files and the like and has had a raft of
security issues. Javascript is the scripting language built into all
browsers and allows the author to add interactivity to their page. Most
pages, unless they are just static content, probably won't work right
without Javascript but it's a rare site these days that needs Java. Back
in the bad old days interactive sites and screen readers didn't work
well together so the general guidance was that and accessible site
needed to work well without Javascript. That was like boiling the ocean
to catch a fish as Javascript is used all over the place. Now days
Javascript is considered to be just another web authoring tool. You can
use it to make sites more accessible, or at least cause no harm, but it
can also be used to ruin them.
On 3/26/17 6:16 AM, Gerry Cook wrote:
funnily enough i unchecked java script and couldn’t get to the select
station on the nrl.com <http://nrl.com> website so i checked it again
and got it back in safari. I was going to use terminal to uninstall it
but i’ll hold off for a wile. Thanks scott.
cheers gerry have a nice day
Email: gerryc...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:gerryc...@optusnet.com.au>
Skype: gerry.cook1
Twitter: @gerrycook52
On 26 Mar 2017, at 1:49 am, Scott Granados <scott.grana...@gmail.com
<mailto:scott.grana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Jerry, if you use applications that call on the java process you’ll
want it. It all depends on what you’re doing.
On Mar 25, 2017, at 1:28 AM, Gerry Cook <gerryc...@optusnet.com.au
<mailto:gerryc...@optusnet.com.au>> wrote:
Hi everyone! I was just wondering whether i need java because i’ve
heard that websites, won’t perform as they should with it, , I’m
thinking if i should, get rid of it or keep it any ideas? Thanks.
cheers gerry have a nice day
Email: gerryc...@optusnet.com.au <mailto:gerryc...@optusnet.com.au>
Skype: gerry.cook1
Twitter: @gerrycook52
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