There is a huge difference between minor vision loss and low vision, and then 
another huge difference between low vision and legal blindness. Legal blindness 
is 20/200, 6/60, or worse in the better eye after correction. Low vision, is 
any vision which is better than that, and worse than 20/60, 6/18, which is the 
lowest vision permitted to drive a car. Sight loss is anything worse than 
perfect vision.

My fiancé has visual acuity of 6/15, 20/50, so is able to drive. She 
occasionally uses a magnifier, and uses screen enlargement on occasion. So, we 
can technically say she suffers from sight loss. She has no need of using 
VoiceOver, though she occasionally uses speak screen. She also uses Zoom fairly 
regularly: She falls into the 400 million category which is sited below.

Legal blindness is between 0.5% and 0.6% of the population. Including people 
like my partner, who does everything via vision, is probably muddying the 
waters a bit.

Kind regards,

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +61 488 988 936
Sent from my iPhone

> On 24/03/2017, at 05:41, Karen Lewellen <> wrote:
> mark,
> I wish to interject something I feel you and those of you who resonate with 
> this  effort  should  consider.
> Speaking only for myself I feel one reason why it can be challenging to 
> instigate impact is  the way you discuss the experience of sight loss as if  
> it is totally and absolutely the opposite of sight, speak of the what 400 
> million people on the planet estimated to be living with sight loss as if 
> they are the same  / interchangeable with  each other, and make no effort to 
> establish frames of reference for the people you want to reach.
> Frankly I feel it is just as important for visible diverse and  positive 
> images of individuals living with sight loss to appear in popular culture as 
> it is to create employment.
> Because if people simply work with the dictionary that says blind / sighted, 
> they are going to be what they are...very confused.
> To suggest that individual uniqueness never exists, or goes out of the window 
>  when scores on an eye chart differ is counterproductive.
> Speaking only for myself, I feel this is part of why there are so few tools 
> in the first place. why does one need several ways to do a task, if "the 
> blind," are spoken of so uniformly as if there are a composite whole?
> Seek a place in society yes, but demonstrate that you have earned that place. 
> By your talent, your uniqueness, and what you share with the rest of 
> humanity.  You matter because you exist, equally able to fortify the fabric 
> of society, individually with what makes you special, collectively with what 
> gives you the chance to view the world differently.
> Off my soapbox now, smiles.
> kare
>> On Thu, 23 Mar 2017, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Earlier this week, both Apple and Starbucks announced that they were, in
>> effect, reaffirming their commitments to several agendas.
>> In apple's case, they introduced iPhone 7 and 7 Plus RED Special Edition,
>> which is intended to give customers a way to participate in the fight
>> against aids.
>> In Starbucks case, they affirmed their commitment to hiring thousands and
>> thousands of veterans and immigrants.
>> Upon reading each of these announcements, via various social media outlets,
>> I requested that these two companies make a commitment to the blind and low
>> vision.
>> To Apple, I asked that they play a more active role in research that will
>> bring, eyesight, (in quote marks) to the blind and low vision.
>> To Starbucks, I asked that they commit to a policy of hiring blind and low
>> vision employees, where reasonably possible.
>> I am posting this to the list in order to ask those of you with social media
>> accounts to make similar requests of these and any other companies that
>> boast of their commitments to investing in any particular demographic.
>> We must begin to directly advocate for ourselves, as visually impaired
>> people, if major change is ever going to occur and we must do it on the
>> global stage so that our sighted counterparts will know that we are here and
>> that we matter.
>> The Gospel According to Mark, Chapter 2017.2.1.1.A. (smile)
>> Mark
>> -- 
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>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
>> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you 
>> can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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can reach Cara at

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