I personally use Time Machine for local backups to external hard drive's, then 
I also use CrashPlan for cloud backups of my entire machine and all attached 
external drives. I believe if something is not offsite, it's not backed up, in 
other words a drive in your house with a Time Machine backup on it isn't really 
a proper back up. 

I haven't personally use carbon copy cloner, but from what I always hear it's 
definitely worth the money, and very good especially to make clones of entire 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 31 Jan 2017, at 02:31, maurice.mines <maurice.mi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good evening everyone, I have an interesting, and perplexing problem. I am 
> looking to change which backup software I use. I have pours have Time 
> Machine, for disasters. But I wanted to try installing carbon copy cloner, 
> but the trial expired before I could install the trial. So that is out. I’m 
> thinking about super, duper? But does anyone have anything that they really 
> like? Be curious to see the responses?
> A few, but very few, know where I am, and what I’m doing. One might also be 
> curious to know that I use a braille sense right now as a braille display, 
> but I’m probably going to switch to the human where braille display line just 
> because the displays appear to be better made. And that’s just personal 
> opinion. The real question is about imaging software on the Mac? Thank you 
> all very much in advance? I will look at this thread tomorrow morning when I 
> get up and again just before the class where I’m not have to make a decision 
> download and install the software.
> Sincerely Maurice mines.
> note the above text has been dictated to the computer by using Dragon 6.5 for 
> Mac OSx Sierra, if there any errors in the syntax, spelling and were other 
> aspects of this message, they are the result of either the software or the 
> dictation process. If there’s something that you truly did not understand? 
> Please ask me question what I really meant? I will do my very best to clear 
> up any misunderstandings. Thank you very much for reading this.
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