Ahh, wasn't aware of that. According to


you can build a version with the VO accessibility turned on, at least to 
the extent they've implemented. Has anyone tried this?


Unfortunatly the last update from HÃ¥kan Waara is from November 2006 so I 
would hope there is a lot more in the build.



James & Nash wrote:
> Hi Chris
> You wrote:
>> While the core is cross-platform, their accessibility hooks are going 
>> to be proprietary such as MSAA on Windows. This same proprietary dev 
>> work will have to be done for Mac, Linux and other platforms.
> It has been done for Linux and Orca - at least as far as Firefox is 
> concerned. 
> TC
> James 
> On 14 Dec 2009, at 19:55, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> While the core is cross-platform, their accessibility hooks are going 
>> to be proprietary such as MSAA on Windows. This same proprietary dev 
>> work will have to be done for Mac, Linux and other platforms.
>> CB
>> James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Joel,
>>> You wrote:
>>>> I think Thunderbird il continue to be  basically inaccessible until the 
>>>> Firefox accessibility issues are fixed.  I would think they would trickle 
>>>> down to Thunderbird in time as happened on the windows side.  
>>> I think you may be right. Due to Mozilla's applications being cross 
>>> platform, they cannot natively gain access to the accessibility that Apple 
>>> has written into OSX for VO. I know that there is a specific developer 
>>> working on this issue, but he needs more help. He needs to create all the 
>>> accessibility bits and pieces by hand in order for Voice Over to be able to 
>>> access FireFox and supposedly Thunderbird correctly. This is not the case 
>>> with Orca on Linux, but I'm not sure why.
>>> HTH
>>> TC
>>> James 
>>> On 14 Dec 2009, at 19:35, Joel Zimba wrote:
>>>> I think Thunderbird il continue to be  basically inaccessible until the 
>>>> Firefox accessibility issues are fixed.  I would think they would trickle 
>>>> down to Thunderbird in time as happened on the windows side.  
>>>> I used to use Thunderbird and it was a great mail program.  
>>>> Joel
>>>> On Dec 14, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>>>> I noticed that the final 3.0 release of Thunderbird 3 for MacOSX came 
>>>>> out last week. Last I read the betas were not accessible with Voiceover 
>>>>> (just MSAA/Windows). Has anyone tried the real release and found any 
>>>>> difference?
>>>>> CB
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