Hi Chris,
You can do system audio and mic with audio hijack. You can also do a hell of a 
lot more with it.
Audio Hijack is, pretty much, the answer to Virtual Audio Cable on the Mac, 
except it’s less complicated.

> On Oct 15, 2016, at 2:31 PM, christopher hallsworth <challswor...@icloud.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I am possibly looking into Audio Hijack  as a recorder for both me and my 
> girlfriend who, as you probably know by now, will be receiving her first ever 
> mac for Christmas. Finally, thanks to a guide over at
> www.rogueamoeba.com
> on how to use Audio Hijack with VoiceOver, I know how to do a recording of 
> system audio only. Now, would it be possible to combine both system audio and 
> an input device such as our internal microphones? If so, great! If not, 
> please suggest alternative recording applications where we can capture both 
> system audio and our input devices at the same time.
> Any responses greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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