Thanks David, you beat me to this one. Also, what we have to remember regarding GPS is that any app, yes even the blindness specific ones, used in real time assumes you are in the middle of the street, rather than on a sidewalk. This is how the maps are designed which are at the heart of every GPS program.
There are apps, like Key Nav for the BrailleNote series of products, PC Maps and I’m sure others, that allow you to explore in a virtual mode which does put you on one side or other of a street to a point. again, these are only as accurate as the maps. Jenine Stanley > On Aug 27, 2016, at 10:58 PM, David Chittenden <> wrote: > > Given the inaccuracies which are inherrant in GPS thus far, I would not trust > any app which claimed to be able to tell you which side of the street you are > currently on. GPS is not that accurate. > > David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA > Email: > Mobile: +64 21 2288 288 > Sent from my iPhone > >> On 28 Aug 2016, at 14:05, gs <> wrote: >> >> Hmm. Let me know when the iOS version announces the side of the street. This >> is definitely a deal breaker for me. >> On Aug 21, 2016, at 9:37 AM, Mike Arrigo <> wrote: >> >> It's designed for blind users, but currently it only works in the United >> States and Canada. >>> On Aug 21, 2016, at 1:31 AM, Anders Holmberg <> wrote: >>> >>> Hi! >>> I didn’t know that this app was available for the Iphone. >>> Is this an app thats designed for blind users or is it some other features >>> that people like with this app. >>> /A >>>> On 20 Aug 2016, at 17:14, Kawal Gucukoglu <> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hello Mark. >>>> >>>> Just in case, you sent to the Macvisionary list. Did you mean to do that >>>> or did you mean to send it to the GPS list? I knew you’d get it and I’m >>>> really glad you did as I was going to ask you to do that. >>>> >>>> Kawal. >>>>> On 20 Aug 2016, at 15:38, M. Taylor <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Hello Everyone, >>>>> >>>>> I must say that I am extremely impressed with the Nearby Explorer, for >>>>> iOS, GPS navigation app, developed by the American Printing House for the >>>>> Blind. >>>>> >>>>> So, for your convenience, in either enjoying the app or determining >>>>> whether or not to purchase it, I am pasting in the complete text of its >>>>> user manual, below my signature line. >>>>> >>>>> A couple of things to note, however: >>>>> >>>>> 1. >>>>> Currently, this app only supports navigation in the United States and >>>>> Canada. >>>>> >>>>> 2. >>>>> At the time of this post, the cost of the app is, in the U.S. App Store >>>>> anyway, $79.99. >>>>> >>>>> 3. >>>>> In order to successfully install the app, which includes its built-in map >>>>> of North America, you must have at least 4GB of free space available on >>>>> your iOS device. >>>>> >>>>> 4. >>>>> The direct URL to the online user manual, which includes a in-page >>>>> hyperlinked table of contents, omitted in this post, is: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 5. >>>>> I have not edited the contents of this text in any way. I simply copied >>>>> the text from the website; therefore some of the formatting may not be >>>>> consistent with the HTML version of the manual. >>>>> >>>>> Finally, to you old-timers out there, I am delighted to report that this >>>>> app reminds me a great deal of the groundbreaking, GPS navigation >>>>> solution for the blind and low vision that started it all; I am >>>>> referring, of course, to Code Factory’s Mobile Geo. >>>>> >>>>> Okay, on to the show. >>>>> >>>>> Enjoy and Happy & Safe Traveling, >>>>> >>>>> Mark >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer for iOS User's Guide >>>>> >>>>> Copyright 2016 >>>>> >>>>> American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. >>>>> >>>>> 2016/8/19 >>>>> >>>>> Introduction >>>>> >>>>> When sighted people use a global positioning system (GPS), their main >>>>> interests are getting directions and/or guidance to a destination. Blind >>>>> users appreciate these features as well, but generally desire more >>>>> orientation queues than are available on commercial GPS apps. Nearby >>>>> Explorer is a GPS app designed to provide these queues. When combined >>>>> with an accessible interface and customizable, current information about >>>>> points of interest (POIs), the tools provide a meaningful picture of the >>>>> vicinity and its characteristics. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer works by: >>>>> 1.displaying a screen containing several geography-related categories, >>>>> letting you turn on the ones of interest (announced as you move). You can >>>>> put the phone to sleep and continue receiving feedback or examine the >>>>> values on the screen. >>>>> 2.letting you orient the phone in various positions to get more targeted >>>>> information about: ◦points of interest (POIs), >>>>> ◦direction and streets, and >>>>> ◦the closest point of interest. >>>>> >>>>> 3.providing descriptive details such as: ◦intersection configurations as >>>>> you approach, >>>>> ◦transit stop next time, direction of travel, and head sign for systems >>>>> in over 30 metro areas, >>>>> ◦distance and adjustable direction to POIs, and >>>>> ◦adjustable scope for prominence and proximity for POI announcements. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Features >>>>> >>>>> The information that Nearby Explorer provides helps the blind traveler >>>>> stay oriented. It shows surrounding and approaching streets, businesses, >>>>> institutions, and public facilities, and offers continually updating >>>>> distance and directional information to the nearest or selected location. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer provides a sense of the surrounding streets and their >>>>> relationship to the user's current position. Additionally, it enables the >>>>> passenger in a vehicle to aid the driver with directions and suggestions. >>>>> >>>>> About This Manual >>>>> >>>>> This documentation was complete and accurate at the time of its writing. >>>>> When there are updates or corrections, you may find them at >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> There is also an email list dedicated to the use of this app. This is the >>>>> place to make suggestions, provide tips, and ask questions. To subscribe >>>>> to the list, send a blank email to >>>>> Adventurous users may wish to test upcoming features. To get more >>>>> information, join the beta list by sending a blank email to >>>>> "" >>>>> >>>>> For the purposes of this documentation, wherever possible, APH assumes >>>>> your basic knowledge of Voiceover (VO) and does not, with rare exception, >>>>> convey information in VO terminology. For example, a VO user, must know >>>>> that you double tap an option to turn it on. For basics on VoiceOver, see >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Limitations >>>>> >>>>> To better understand the benefits and limitations of Nearby Explorer, it >>>>> is useful to obtain a basic understanding of how the technology works. >>>>> >>>>> There are several components in play. Two of the most important are GPS >>>>> and maps. >>>>> >>>>> GPS >>>>> >>>>> The mobile device (phone or tablet) uses a GPS receiver to read signals >>>>> sent from an array of satellites designed for this purpose. The receiver >>>>> uses these signals to pinpoint a position on earth and assign lateral and >>>>> longitudinal coordinates to that position. In general, a good >>>>> consumer-grade receiver can render accuracy to within a few yards of a >>>>> person's actual position under optimal conditions. More realistically, >>>>> you can expect to achieve accuracy good enough to determine on which side >>>>> of the street you are traveling. >>>>> >>>>> Some of the conditions that adversely affect accuracy with reading >>>>> satellite signals include the following: >>>>> •Low cloud cover >>>>> •Unusual atmospheric conditions, such as solar flares or magnetic storms >>>>> •Large buildings or physical landmarks that prevent a clear view of the >>>>> sky >>>>> •Inside buildings or underground where there is no clear view of the sky >>>>> >>>>> Maps >>>>> >>>>> The latitude and longitude coordinates do not mean much to most users, so >>>>> they must be combined with maps that contain more familiar landmarks such >>>>> as streets and places. Nearby Explorer comes equipped with maps that >>>>> cover the United States and Canada. >>>>> >>>>> Screenshot of a street map on Nearby Explorer >>>>> >>>>> Figure 1. Screenshot of a street map >>>>> >>>>> There are several factors about the map data that are useful to >>>>> understand to make the most effective use of the software. >>>>> •All the map data resides on your device, so it is not necessary to have >>>>> a Wi-Fi or cell-data connection to use the software. If you do have a >>>>> network connection, Nearby Explorer uses the connection to request >>>>> information about places in combination with the Google Places™ business >>>>> listings service. This information tends to be much more dynamic than >>>>> that of the maps on the device. Plus, you can label places as well as >>>>> benefit from others' labels. >>>>> •There are instances when the map data may be inaccurate. Because there >>>>> are millions of points of interest and other locations in the data, it is >>>>> possible that errors can be introduced during the collection process. >>>>> •Points of interest are indicated as the physical address of the street >>>>> and not at the front door of the establishment. >>>>> •Street addresses are approximate. They are calculated using a relative >>>>> distance from the beginning to the end of the block. You may notice, >>>>> therefore, that an address can be consistently off by a house number or >>>>> two. This is normal and cannot be corrected. While the address given as >>>>> the house number may not always be exact, it does stay constant. >>>>> Accordingly, once Nearby Explorer reports an address at a certain point >>>>> in the block, it consistently reports that same address at that same >>>>> point. >>>>> •The compressed map data does not provide addresses to places. Addresses >>>>> for places are approximated, just like the street numbers. >>>>> •Changing conditions are not reflected in the maps. It is not unusual to >>>>> receive information for restaurants that no longer exist and to not >>>>> receive information for new establishments. The maps reflect the >>>>> conditions at the time of the data collection. These conditions are >>>>> eventually corrected, as the maps are updated periodically. Other >>>>> conditions may be more immediate. Road construction, traffic, and weather >>>>> all represent conditions that cannot be reflected in the data nor >>>>> detected by the satellite signal. >>>>> •Places and Favorites do not account for altitude as part of their >>>>> location. >>>>> >>>>> You must pay attention to your environment. The data given from Nearby >>>>> Explorer are suggestions, not absolute facts. The present conditions and >>>>> immediate environment must always take precedence over Nearby's >>>>> suggestions. >>>>> >>>>> Requirements >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer requires the following: >>>>> 1.iPhone, iPad, or iPod running iOS 9.0 or later >>>>> 2.GPS receiver either on the device or via Bluetooth. (All iPhones >>>>> contain a GPS receiver.) >>>>> 3.At least 4.2 GB of free space on which to store downloaded maps >>>>> >>>>> When the GPS chip is in use, such as when using Nearby Explorer, battery >>>>> consumption is significantly increased. It is usually necessary to plug >>>>> in the device if using it on a long trip where the GPS is in use for more >>>>> than several hours at a time. >>>>> >>>>> To reduce the GPS power consumption, press Nearby Explorer's Pause >>>>> button. This turns off tracking. Press the Resume button to resume using >>>>> GPS. Using an external GPS receiver can both improve accuracy and reduce >>>>> battery consumption. >>>>> >>>>> If you do not move for 15 minutes, Nearby Explorer pauses use of GPS >>>>> automatically. To resume, press the Resume button or unlock the device >>>>> and activate Nearby Explorer if necessary. >>>>> >>>>> Installation >>>>> >>>>> When you start Nearby Explorer for the first time, it displays licensing >>>>> information that should be read carefully. If you understand and agree >>>>> with the terms, select the OK button to continue. >>>>> >>>>> If the app detects it has no map data, Nearby Explorer checks to ensure >>>>> there is a Wi-Fi connection and downloads the maps. >>>>> >>>>> You may use the app while maps download, but only limited functionality >>>>> is available until the download is completed. >>>>> >>>>> Starting >>>>> >>>>> When you start the application, Nearby Explorer displays the Nearby >>>>> screen and waits for positioning information from the GPS. >>>>> The Nearby screen contains a toolbar at the top with buttons for Pause, >>>>> Compass, GeoBeam, and Radius adjustments, and a toolbar at the bottom >>>>> containing buttons for Streets, Search, Favorites, and Transit. >>>>> Below the bottom toolbar is a collection of four tabs for Home, Map, >>>>> Settings, and Help. >>>>> The Home Tab shows the most used controls. >>>>> Between the two toolbars, the screen shows a list of information about >>>>> your current or virtual position. You use the list in one of two ways: >>>>> 1.Examine the values interactively >>>>> 2.Switch on ones you wish to hear automatically as they change >>>>> >>>>> You may also adjust specific behavior for each list item by activating >>>>> its Context menu. >>>>> >>>>> The items you turn on depend on how you wish to use the program. >>>>> >>>>> While walking in an unfamiliar area, it is useful to turn on the street >>>>> address, street name, and possibly the nearest POI and its distance. >>>>> However, if you are riding in a car it may be too much to have street >>>>> numbers and distances to POIs announced. >>>>> >>>>> You may want information that changes very infrequently to be checked. >>>>> For example, City, County, and State, are items that change so >>>>> infrequently that you may wish to have them selected at all times. If you >>>>> use the Map Tab, keeping these options enabled can provide useful >>>>> information about distant places without bothering you for local use. >>>>> >>>>> It is important to keep "chatter" to a minimum. Since most of the >>>>> information from the Nearby screen is time sensitive, it is not useful to >>>>> have too much verbal communication. By the time you hear it, it would no >>>>> longer be relevant. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Screen Options >>>>> •Country >>>>> •State >>>>> •County >>>>> •City >>>>> •Zip Code >>>>> •"Heading":#Heading >>>>> •"Street Number":#StreetNum >>>>> •"Street Name":#StreetName >>>>> •"Approaching":#Approaching (streets) >>>>> •"Guidance":#Guidance >>>>> •"Nearby":#NearbyPlaces(Point of Interest or POI) >>>>> •"Nearby Position":#NearbyPlaces >>>>> •"Watch":#Watch(distance and direction to a watch point) >>>>> •Speed >>>>> •Altitude >>>>> •"Accuracy":#Accuracy >>>>> •Vertical Accuracy >>>>> >>>>> In addition to turning on the items to monitor, you may use the Context >>>>> menu. The menu provides additional options for the selected item. Details >>>>> are explained in the section for each option. >>>>> To activate the Context menu with VoiceOver running, swipe down and >>>>> select the Show menu option or double tap and hold. >>>>> >>>>> Heading >>>>> >>>>> When the Heading item on the Nearby screen is on, Nearby Explorer >>>>> announces your direction of travel and continually updates it as you >>>>> move. This heading is derived by comparing the location of the last GPS >>>>> reading with the position of the current reading. This means that in >>>>> order to get a heading, you must be moving. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer uses the heading to determine which streets you are >>>>> approaching as you move. When you stop moving, the heading becomes >>>>> invalid, and Nearby Explorer's Heading value goes blank. >>>>> >>>>> Compass >>>>> >>>>> In addition to obtaining heading information from the GPS, you may use >>>>> the compass to announce the direction you are facing. >>>>> >>>>> To use the compass, hold the device vertically and point the camera in >>>>> the desired direction (as if you were taking a picture). Nearby Explorer >>>>> responds with a vibration and announcement of the direction. >>>>> >>>>> In addition to the direction, the compass announces a list of streets >>>>> that intersect a line in the direction you point the device. >>>>> As you point the device in another direction, the speech function of the >>>>> compass silences, vibrates, and then announces the new information about >>>>> direction and streets. >>>>> >>>>> To stop using the compass, move the device so it is no longer oriented >>>>> vertically. Nearby Explorer responds with another confirmation tone and >>>>> resumes obtaining the heading information from the GPS. >>>>> >>>>> Note: By default, the compass only works while Nearby Explorer is the >>>>> program in use. This lets you use the phone or other software without any >>>>> concerns about the device's orientation. The Settings screen contains an >>>>> option to enable using Compass and Geobeam even when Nearby Explorer is >>>>> in the background. >>>>> >>>>> Note: All other functions of Nearby Explorer remain active, even when you >>>>> start another program. If you do not want the position of the phone to >>>>> provide Compass feedback, turn off the Compass feature by selecting the >>>>> Compass Off button on the toolbar at the top of the screen. >>>>> >>>>> Street Number >>>>> >>>>> The Street Number option on the Nearby screen provides the closest house >>>>> number of the current position. As you move, the number changes to >>>>> reflect the new, closest address. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer calculates street addresses by dividing a block into >>>>> equal segments and assigning a number to each segment. There are cases >>>>> where this approach can report a number that is one or two houses away >>>>> from the actual address. Take the example of a large business that >>>>> occupies an entire block. While its published address might be 900 Main >>>>> Street, as you travel down the block, Nearby Explorer reports 900, 902, >>>>> 904, and so on, to the end of the block and the official last number. >>>>> >>>>> Choose Address Provider >>>>> >>>>> Sometimes, you can get more precise street numbers by using an alternate >>>>> provider. Nearby Explorer offers the following providers: >>>>> •On-board maps >>>>> •Apple >>>>> >>>>> The accuracy of each provider may depend on your area. One way to test >>>>> the accuracy is to see if the app gives you an accurate address for your >>>>> house or business. >>>>> To change providers, activate the Context menu, then select Address >>>>> Provider. >>>>> >>>>> Street Name >>>>> >>>>> The Street Name option displays the street on which the user is currently >>>>> traveling. If this item is selected, the name of the street is announced >>>>> when you turn onto another street or when you enter a cross street. >>>>> >>>>> When approaching a cross street, depending on the accuracy of the GPS >>>>> signal, Nearby Explorer announces the name of the cross street as you >>>>> enter the street. Inaccurate signals may make it announce the cross >>>>> street either before or after you enter or leave the street crossing. >>>>> >>>>> To constantly update your street address while walking, turn on both the >>>>> Street Number and Street Name items. As you walk, Nearby Explorer >>>>> announces the street address but not the street name (because the street >>>>> name is not changing). With both options selected, when you approach and >>>>> pass a cross street, the app announces the name of the street and the >>>>> closest house number on that street. Often, Nearby Explorer announces an >>>>> address from each side of the cross street as you pass it. The first is >>>>> the closest house number on the side of the street on which you are >>>>> traveling. As you cross, the app announces the second number, which is >>>>> the closest house number on the far side of the street. >>>>> >>>>> As you turn onto another street, Nearby Explorer announces the name of >>>>> that street as soon as it recognizes the new coordinates. This usually >>>>> occurs within a few seconds of the turn. >>>>> >>>>> The street number and name announcements are two of the best ways to >>>>> obtain the most detailed information about your location. When combined >>>>> with a Nearby Places address, which is also approximated, you can easily >>>>> determine on which side of the street you are traveling and on which side >>>>> the desired destination is located. >>>>> >>>>> Note: Poor GPS reception can result in misinformation, such as addresses >>>>> located on the wrong side of the street. If this happens, avoid setting >>>>> any Favorites until you obtain a better signal. >>>>> >>>>> Parking Lots and Other "Off-Road" Locations >>>>> >>>>> If you are not near a street, Nearby Explorer appends a distance and >>>>> direction to the nearest address. For example, if you turn south into a >>>>> parking lot at 100 Main Street and move away from the street, the program >>>>> adds a message, such as "29 yards north" to the street name announcement. >>>>> In this way, as you move south away from Main Street, the program >>>>> announces the address as "Main Street 29 yards north." This additional >>>>> information about the distance and direction is useful to determine the >>>>> route back to the road network in a park, parking lot, or other open area. >>>>> >>>>> Occasionally, even though you are on a street, the program may announce >>>>> the street name as if you were away from the street. This usually occurs >>>>> from a poor satellite signal and ordinarily corrects itself unless >>>>> atmospheric conditions are extremely poor. >>>>> >>>>> If you do not want to know how far away from the street you are, open the >>>>> Street item's Context menu and select Disable Off Road Indication. >>>>> >>>>> How Addresses and Highways Work >>>>> >>>>> In many US cities, the city is divided into quadrants with a street >>>>> separating the north quadrant from the south and a street separating the >>>>> east quadrant from the west. Any street that is west of the east/west >>>>> line often contains "W" in the name to indicate that it is west of the >>>>> dividing line between east and west. Similarly, streets east of the >>>>> east/west line often contain "E" in the name. The addresses begin at the >>>>> east/west line and increase as they move away from it in either >>>>> direction. Thus, if the east/west dividing line is Main Street, and Maple >>>>> Street intersects Main, the addresses west of Main would start with 100 >>>>> and increase as you move west. 400 W. Maple Street is west of 300 W. >>>>> Maple Street. Similarly, the addresses east of Main increase as you move >>>>> east, so 200 E. Maple Street is east of 100 E. Maple Street. >>>>> >>>>> Often a block starts with an address such as 100 or 200 and increases to >>>>> 99 before the next block begins, so addresses on a typical block range >>>>> from numbers such as 100 to 199 or 200 to 299. Of course, if a street is >>>>> particularly long, the street numbers might be a range of five digit >>>>> numbers such as 26800 to 26899. >>>>> >>>>> Even-numbered addresses are on one side of the street, and odd numbers >>>>> are on the other side. Usually, 200 is straight across the street from >>>>> 201. In most cases, the even-numbered addresses fall on the south and >>>>> west sides of a street, and the odd-numbered addresses fall on the north >>>>> and east sides. >>>>> >>>>> Interstates and highways indicate their prevailing direction by their >>>>> route number. All the even-numbered interstates and highways generally >>>>> travel from east to west, and odd-numbered interstates and highways go >>>>> from north to south. >>>>> >>>>> Even numbered interstates (east/west) are numbered smallest to largest, >>>>> starting in the south and increasing to 100 as you move north. For >>>>> example, Interstate 10 is the southernmost interstate. It runs from New >>>>> Orleans to Los Angeles. I-20 is north of I-10 and runs from Kent, Texas >>>>> to Florence, South Carolina. >>>>> >>>>> Odd numbered interstates (north/south) are numbered lowest to highest >>>>> starting from the west coast and increasing as you move east. I-5 is on >>>>> the west coast, and I-95 is on the east coast. >>>>> >>>>> When a city has an interstate that routes traffic circuitously around the >>>>> heart of the city, the interstate is given a three-digit number in the >>>>> 200, 400, or 600 range. It derives its number from the interstate that it >>>>> branches from. In Dallas, for example, the LBJ Freeway is numbered I-635 >>>>> because it loops around Dallas branching from I-35. >>>>> >>>>> Interstates are marked with mile markers, one every mile. Mile markers on >>>>> an interstate begin at the border of each new state. They start with zero >>>>> at the southern border and increase as you move north for odd numbered or >>>>> north/south interstates. They start with zero at the western border of >>>>> the state increasing as you move east for the even numbered or east/west >>>>> routes. >>>>> >>>>> If an interstate does not start at the state's border, the mile markers >>>>> begin numbering at the start of the interstate. >>>>> >>>>> The exits on an interstate are indicated by the mile marker. Exit 5 is >>>>> always located between mile marker 5 and 6. If there are two or more >>>>> exits within a mile, their designation includes both the mile marker and >>>>> a suffix letter. If there were three exits at marker 5, they would be >>>>> labeled 5A, 5B, and 5C. >>>>> >>>>> When you see exits in the map data, they are treated like streets, but >>>>> the street name is the exit number. Therefore, it is not uncommon to have >>>>> streets entering and exiting the interstate with names such as 8 or 8A. >>>>> >>>>> Interstates are named with "I-" followed by the interstate number. I-40 E >>>>> refers to the eastbound lanes of Interstate 40. >>>>> >>>>> US highways are labeled with the prefix "US-" followed by the route >>>>> number. US-67 refers to US Highway, Route 67. >>>>> >>>>> State highways are named with the state abbreviation followed by the >>>>> highway number as in IN-62 for Indiana Highway 62. >>>>> >>>>> County roads are labeled with "County Road" or some abbreviation such as >>>>> "CR" followed by the number of the road as in CR 1429. >>>>> >>>>> Approaching >>>>> >>>>> The Approaching option on the Nearby screen lets Nearby Explorer describe >>>>> upcoming intersections as you approach. >>>>> >>>>> The app describes the next intersection as soon as you pass the current >>>>> one. >>>>> >>>>> If the cross street only intersects on one side, Nearby Explorer >>>>> announces either "Left Side" or "Right Side" after the name and before >>>>> the distance. >>>>> >>>>> If the street is a cross street, Nearby Explorer says the street name and >>>>> "ahead." >>>>> >>>>> Distance Updates >>>>> >>>>> In addition to announcing the side of the street, Nearby Explorer also >>>>> estimates and provides the distance to that intersection. As you approach >>>>> the street, the distance is updated to reflect your changing position. >>>>> >>>>> Guidance >>>>> >>>>> The Guidance setting displays the next maneuver to take (in the >>>>> directions) when you set a place as a destination. For example, it might >>>>> say, "In 30 yards, turn left on Main Street." >>>>> >>>>> To set a place as a Destination, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Activate the Search or Favorites button at the bottom of the screen. >>>>> You may also pick Recent Destinations from the Context menu for the >>>>> Guidance option. >>>>> The app displays a list of Places. >>>>> 2.Activate the item of interest. >>>>> Nearby Explorer shows a menu of actions for favorites and searches. For >>>>> recent destinations, Nearby Explorer sets the destination immediately. >>>>> 3.Select Set as Destination. >>>>> >>>>> When you set a destination, Nearby Explorer announces the route type >>>>> (pedestrian or vehicle), and the side of the street of the destination. >>>>> Each time you set a destination, Nearby Explorer adds it to the list of >>>>> recent destinations. The program remembers the previous 20 places to >>>>> which you requested guidance. >>>>> >>>>> When using the guidance function, keep in mind that streets are marked at >>>>> their center line. Therefore, when Nearby Explorer says, "Turn left on >>>>> Maple in 30 yards," you need to take into consideration the width of the >>>>> street. >>>>> >>>>> Guidance and Directions >>>>> >>>>> When you acquire a list of Favorites or search results, you can obtain >>>>> directions to that location or receive guidance as you travel there. >>>>> These directions and guidance are optimized for either pedestrian or >>>>> vehicle travel. To select pedestrian directions, select Pedestrian from >>>>> the Route Settings view in the Setting screen or the Guidance Context >>>>> menu. >>>>> >>>>> Route Settings >>>>> >>>>> Route settings customize the kinds of routes and directions Nearby >>>>> Explorer creates. To change how Nearby Explorer calculates the route, >>>>> select Route Settings from the Settings menu or from the Guidance Context >>>>> menu if a route is active. >>>>> >>>>> The route settings include route optimizations for pedestrian VS vehicle, >>>>> fastest time, shortest distance, or least turns (main roads) and switches >>>>> to let you specify highways, unpaved roads, toll roads, and ferries in >>>>> the route calculations. >>>>> >>>>> Directions Option >>>>> >>>>> To receive a list of directions, activate the POI. From the next menu, >>>>> choose Get Directions. Nearby Explorer displays a list of directions. At >>>>> the top of the list, Nearby Explorer shows the distance and time to the >>>>> destination. Each item in the list shows the direction and distance to >>>>> the next maneuver in the route. >>>>> >>>>> Guidance Option >>>>> >>>>> For guidance while you travel to the POI, choose Set as Destination from >>>>> the menu. The app responds by adding the first step of the directions in >>>>> the x Guidance field of the Nearby screen. It also updates the Guidance >>>>> field, so the next maneuver is announced as you move. The information in >>>>> the Guidance field always contains the current distance and direction to >>>>> the next maneuver. >>>>> >>>>> Change to or From Pedestrian Mode >>>>> >>>>> To switch to or from Pedestrian mode while using the Guidance feature, >>>>> follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Activate the Context menu on the Guidance option. >>>>> 2.Select Route Settings from the Context menu. >>>>> 3.Turn on or off the Pedestrian Mode setting. >>>>> >>>>> If there are other route settings to change, adjust them here as well. >>>>> Nearby Explorer automatically recalculates the route based on the new >>>>> settings. >>>>> >>>>> Directions During Guidance >>>>> >>>>> To display a list of remaining directions to the destination while using >>>>> the Guidance feature, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Activate the Context menu on the Guidance option. >>>>> 2.Choose Directions from the menu. >>>>> >>>>> Point to Destination >>>>> >>>>> When you set a destination, Nearby Explorer lets you point to it to get >>>>> audio and haptic feedback about that point. Hold the phone with the >>>>> screen face up and use the end to point. When you point at the >>>>> destination, Nearby Explorer vibrates and announces the name and distance >>>>> to the point. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby (POIs) and Nearby Position >>>>> >>>>> The Nearby Places item on the Nearby screen indicates the closest POI to >>>>> your current location. If you turn on the Nearby Position item, the app >>>>> also announces the distance and direction to that POI and continually >>>>> updates the information as you approach and then leave that location. >>>>> These POIs include Nearby Places, Favorites, and Transit Stops in >>>>> supported cities. >>>>> >>>>> By default, Nearby Explorer shows the four closest places and updates the >>>>> distance and direction to the nearest one as you move. To show more or >>>>> less places, use the Context menu and pick "Maximum Places Per Location" >>>>> to set the number of places to report, from one to eight. >>>>> >>>>> If you live in a city with a public transit feed that is supported by >>>>> Nearby Explorer, one kind of Place the app reports is Transit Stop >>>>> information. The report includes the time, direction, and route name of >>>>> the next bus or train. These live transit reports are active only when >>>>> moving less than 10 miles per hour. >>>>> >>>>> To control which type of information Nearby Explorer reports, activate >>>>> the Context menu for the Nearby item on the main screen. The Context menu >>>>> includes three items: Nearby Places, Transit Stop Information, and >>>>> Favorites. You may enable or disable any or all of these options. >>>>> >>>>> Point to Nearby Places With Geobeam >>>>> >>>>> Because your device knows both your current location and the location of >>>>> POIs around you, it is possible to use the device's compass to point at >>>>> features in the environment and receive feedback about that feature. The >>>>> feedback consists of a vibration, a tone, and an announcement with the >>>>> name and distance of the POI. The vibration, in particular, makes >>>>> pinpointing places both intuitive and easy. Think of this feedback as a >>>>> beam (Geobeam) emitting from the end of the device, which you can use to >>>>> point directly to features in the environment. As long as you maintain >>>>> the direction, the vibration continues. You can use this vibration to >>>>> guide you to the point. >>>>> >>>>> CAUTION: >>>>> There may be obstructions between you and the POI. Nearby Explorer cannot >>>>> know about certain environmental barriers that may exist between you and >>>>> the point. You must use traditional mobility techniques to ensure the >>>>> path is safe or to follow a safe path to the point. >>>>> >>>>> The tone also conveys information about the distance between the object >>>>> to which you point and your location. The higher the pitch, the closer >>>>> you are to that point. The speech also announces the distance, but the >>>>> tone can be used to quickly get an idea about which objects are closest >>>>> as you scan the environment. >>>>> >>>>> There are two ways to position your device to use Geobeam. For both >>>>> positions, the "business end" is considered the top edge. >>>>> >>>>> To engage Geobeam in the first position, hold the device out in front of >>>>> you, (as though you were handing it to someone), pointing the business >>>>> end in the direction of the POI. The screen should be facing skyward. In >>>>> this position, Nearby Explorer lets you know only about the closest POI >>>>> when you point to it. If you have a destination or a Watch set, use the >>>>> device in this position to find the destination or Watch point. >>>>> >>>>> The second position is the normal Geobeam operating position. It is >>>>> achieved by rotating the device 90 degrees counter clockwise from >>>>> position 1, (as though you were shaking hands with someone). As you move >>>>> your device into this position, Nearby Explorer makes a sound. When you >>>>> move it out of Geobeam position, Nearby Explorer makes another sound to >>>>> confirm. >>>>> >>>>> Point the end of the device in different directions while maintaining its >>>>> orientation. When the end of the device points to a POI, Nearby Explorer >>>>> makes a sound, vibrates, and announces the name of the Place and its >>>>> distance. >>>>> When using Geobeam, be sure to take notice of these characteristics: >>>>> •You can decrease or expand the distance range by adjusting the "search >>>>> radius":#PlaceRadius for Nearby Places. >>>>> •Geobeam points can appear to move slightly. This movement is caused by >>>>> inaccurate satellite reception. You can still use them to get close to >>>>> your target location. >>>>> •Geobeam is more accurate the further away you are from the point. When >>>>> you get close to the point, you must contend with other impediments, such >>>>> as the location being marked in an odd place (like in the street) or poor >>>>> satellite reception. >>>>> >>>>> If you don't want Nearby Explorer to provide feedback when you position >>>>> the phone, turn Geobeam off with the Geobeam button on the toolbar. >>>>> >>>>> Adjust Nearest Place Behavior >>>>> >>>>> By default, Nearby Explorer reports the direction to the nearest place as >>>>> a compass direction, but you can change this behavior to receive >>>>> direction as a position on a clock face. To do that, use the Context >>>>> menu, and select the Report as Clock Face option. >>>>> >>>>> If you do not have a network connection, Nearby Explorer uses the POIs in >>>>> its database to identify nearby places. If you have a data connection, >>>>> the app uses the Foursquare[^R^] service or Google Places[^TM^] business >>>>> listings instead. These services can provide POIs in interesting and >>>>> useful ways. >>>>> >>>>> Google Places provides as many as 20 place results for each search >>>>> request. Therefore, it can provide different, more general, or more >>>>> meaningful results by changing the radius of the search. Google Places >>>>> allows a radius of up to approximately 30 miles. Foursquare shows 50 >>>>> place results at a time. >>>>> >>>>> By default, Nearby Explorer uses a radius of 170 yards to help identify >>>>> the nearest place. This radius usually provides adequate information >>>>> about almost any small business, government facility, or other place in >>>>> relative proximity. If you are located where there are few businesses or >>>>> institutions, or if you reduce the radius too much, you may get no >>>>> results. >>>>> >>>>> There are a few ways to adjust the radius. The easiest way is to use the >>>>> Radius buttons on the toolbar. >>>>> >>>>> You may also select the Set Radius option from the Context menu of the >>>>> Nearby Position item. Nearby Explorer responds with a menu from which you >>>>> may select the desired radius. >>>>> >>>>> If you are traveling in a vehicle, you should not use a small radius, >>>>> especially in a densely populated area. As you travel, increase the >>>>> radius based on the environment and your personal preferences. >>>>> >>>>> Watch >>>>> >>>>> The Watch function is used to monitor a particular point of interest. It >>>>> is most effective as a reference and orientation tool. When you monitor a >>>>> POI, Nearby Explorer always displays the distance and direction to the >>>>> Watch point from your current position. To set a place as a Watch, follow >>>>> these steps: >>>>> 1.Select a search result or a Favorite and open its Context menu. >>>>> 2.Select Set as Watch. >>>>> >>>>> Alternatively, select Set Location as Watch from any Context menu on the >>>>> main screen. >>>>> >>>>> If you have the Watch item turned on, the app monitors and announces the >>>>> distance and direction to the place you are watching. >>>>> >>>>> If you set a Watch position, the compass in your device can also be used >>>>> to point to the Watch point. As you point at the watched position with >>>>> your screen facing skyward, Nearby Explorer announces the name and >>>>> distance and vibrates to let you know where that position is located. For >>>>> example, you could set the location of your car in a large parking lot as >>>>> a Watch point and be able to locate it later. >>>>> >>>>> Explore the Map >>>>> >>>>> While Nearby Explorer keeps track of your location as you move, it can >>>>> also provide information about other places while you remain stationary >>>>> or move about virtually. >>>>> >>>>> The program provides several methods for map exploration, such as using >>>>> the Go To option (explained shortly) from the result of the Explore, >>>>> Search, or Favorites tools. >>>>> >>>>> You can also use the touch screen of your device to explore the map. To >>>>> learn more about map exploration using a touch screen, see Map View. >>>>> To virtually shift to another city or state, see Search. >>>>> >>>>> Virtual Navigation >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer lets you navigate virtually. Select Enable Virtual >>>>> Navigation from any Context menu on the main screen. Nearby Explorer >>>>> shows buttons to move in any cardinal direction. Each button click moves >>>>> 20 yards. >>>>> >>>>> Follow Roads >>>>> >>>>> Navigation mode moves in the exact direction you request by default. >>>>> However, this can be a problem if you wish to follow a road that does not >>>>> run exactly north/south or east/west. The Follow Roads switch on the >>>>> Navigation screen makes Nearby Explorer follow the road instead of moving >>>>> in the precise direction you indicate. This usually works well, but it >>>>> can sometimes cause Nearby Explorer to assume the incorrect street when >>>>> navigating through an intersection. Moving in a different direction often >>>>> helps you get back on the correct street in this situation. >>>>> >>>>> To exit Navigation mode, press Resume on the toolbar or disable Virtual >>>>> Navigation from any Context menu. >>>>> >>>>> Accuracy >>>>> >>>>> The Accuracy setting provides a number to be considered as a range for >>>>> horizontal positioning. For instance, if the app shows "5 yards" the >>>>> program is fairly confident that it knows your position within 5 yards. >>>>> The smaller the number, the more accurate you should consider Nearby >>>>> Explorer's information. >>>>> >>>>> Vertical Accuracy >>>>> >>>>> Vertical Accuracy is an indication of the reliability of the Altitude >>>>> report. >>>>> >>>>> Favorites >>>>> >>>>> In addition to the POIs in the maps, you can add your own places. In >>>>> Nearby Explorer, these are called Favorites. >>>>> >>>>> Favorites are treated like Nearby Places. As you approach a Favorite, the >>>>> app announces its name and location. >>>>> >>>>> You use Favorites to mark an existing place more suitable to your needs >>>>> or to mark a place that does not exist in the map data. You can also save >>>>> existing places as Favorites for easier access. >>>>> >>>>> To set your current location as a Favorite, select Save Location as >>>>> Favorite from any Context menu on the main screen. >>>>> >>>>> The app responds by displaying a dialog box where you may type a new name >>>>> or press the OK button to accept the automatically generated name. The >>>>> automatically generated name consists of the nearest address. >>>>> >>>>> It is useful to give favorite places meaningful names that more precisely >>>>> describe the marked position. When marking the door to a restaurant, for >>>>> example, use exact wording to distinguish that Favorite from the more >>>>> general POI in the maps. "Side Door to Wendy's" distinguishes the >>>>> entrance from the map data's more general "Wendy's" moniker. >>>>> >>>>> To display a list of your Favorites, press the Favorites button at the >>>>> bottom of the screen. >>>>> >>>>> The Favorites list organizes your Favorites by their distance from your >>>>> current position, so the closest places are listed first. >>>>> >>>>> Each item in the list shows the name of the Favorite, its distance and >>>>> direction from your current position, and its address. >>>>> >>>>> To rename a Favorite, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Select one of the favorites in the list. >>>>> 2.Select Rename from the Context menu that appears. The app displays a >>>>> dialog box with the current name. >>>>> 3.Edit the current name or type a new one. >>>>> 4.Press the Save button. >>>>> >>>>> To delete a Favorite, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Select the favorite to delete. >>>>> 2.Select Delete from the Context menu. >>>>> >>>>> Transit >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer uses transit feeds for several transit systems to provide >>>>> information about public transit. >>>>> >>>>> To use the Transit feature in a supported metropolitan area, press the >>>>> Transit button at the bottom of the screen. >>>>> >>>>> If you haven't used the Transit feature in the current city, Nearby >>>>> Explorer downloads the transit map for that area. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer automatically updates transit maps when possible. If the >>>>> map for your system expires, Nearby Explorer shows "Expired" and the date >>>>> on which the data expired in the title of the screen. If this occurs, you >>>>> may wish to contact your transit system. You may still use expired maps, >>>>> but be aware they may no longer be accurate. >>>>> >>>>> Once you choose a transit system, Nearby Explorer's Transit Stop screen >>>>> displays a list of nearby stops, with the closest stop listed first. >>>>> >>>>> To see more nearby stops, press the More Stops button at the bottom of >>>>> the screen. >>>>> >>>>> Each list item on the Stops screen contains the following information: >>>>> •Street corner or address where the stop is located >>>>> •Direction the bus/train travels from that stop >>>>> •Distance and direction to that location from your current position >>>>> •Time of the next bus/train serving that stop >>>>> >>>>> To see a list of all the routes that service a particular stop, select >>>>> one of the stops. >>>>> >>>>> The Route screen includes buttons for the previous and next day in >>>>> addition to a list of vehicles. Each item in the list includes the >>>>> following: >>>>> •Time the vehicle reaches that stop. >>>>> •Short name or number of the route. >>>>> •Name of the route >>>>> •Name of the vehicle >>>>> >>>>> To see a schedule of times when the vehicle passes that corner, select >>>>> the route of interest. Nearby Explorer responds with a schedule screen >>>>> that shows all the times for the day. >>>>> >>>>> To follow the vehicle's route, select the time of interest. Nearby >>>>> Explorer responds with the All Stops screen. The All Stops screen shows >>>>> the time, address, direction of travel, and distance and direction from >>>>> the last stop. >>>>> >>>>> To identify buses/trains at other stops, press Back to get to the Nearby >>>>> Stops screen and select another stop. >>>>> >>>>> Multiple Transit Systems >>>>> >>>>> If there are multiple transit systems in your area, Nearby Explorer shows >>>>> an Alternate Transit System button at the bottom of the Transit view. >>>>> Press this button to rotate through the available transit systems. >>>>> >>>>> Updating Transit Schedules >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer uses an automated system to keep its transit information >>>>> up-to-date. If an update is available, Nearby Explorer downloads the >>>>> schedule the next time you start Nearby Explorer. >>>>> >>>>> If your local area does not support Google Transit™ trip planning >>>>> service, see the Google Transit Page for information about requesting the >>>>> transit authority in your area to participate. >>>>> >>>>> Supported Transit Areas >>>>> >>>>> •Albuquerque, NM >>>>> •Ann Arbor, MI >>>>> •Atlanta, GA >>>>> •Austin, TX >>>>> •Bakersfield, CA >>>>> •Baltimore, MD >>>>> •Beaumont, CA >>>>> •Birmingham, AL >>>>> •Boston, MA >>>>> •Buffalo, NY >>>>> •Chicago, IL >>>>> •Cincinnati, OH >>>>> •Cleveland, OH >>>>> •Colorado Springs, CO >>>>> •Columbus, OH >>>>> •Corpus Christi, TX >>>>> •Dallas, TX >>>>> •Denver, CO >>>>> •Detroit, MI >>>>> •Eastern Sierra, CA >>>>> •Eugene, OR >>>>> •Fort Lauderdale, FL >>>>> •Fort Worth, TX >>>>> •Halifax, Ca >>>>> •Houston, TX >>>>> •Indianapolis, IN >>>>> •Jacksonville, FL >>>>> •Kansas City, MO >>>>> •Las Vegas, NV >>>>> •Lexington, KY >>>>> •Los Angeles, CA >>>>> •Louisville, KY >>>>> •Madison, WI >>>>> •Miami, FL >>>>> •Milwaukee, WI >>>>> •Minneapolis, MN >>>>> •Montreal, Ca >>>>> •New Jersey >>>>> •New York, NY >>>>> •Oklahoma City, OK >>>>> •Orange County, CA >>>>> •Orlando, FL >>>>> •Ottawa, Ca >>>>> •Philadelphia, PA >>>>> •Phoenix, AZ >>>>> •Portland, OR >>>>> •Sacramento, CA >>>>> •Salem, OR >>>>> •San Antonio, TX >>>>> •San Diego, CA >>>>> •San Francisco, CA (BART) >>>>> •San Francisco, CA (SFMTA) >>>>> •San Jose, CA >>>>> •St. Louis, MO >>>>> •Toronto, Ca >>>>> •Vancouver, Ca >>>>> •Washington, D.C. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Search >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer assists you with finding businesses, institutions, >>>>> addresses, and places that relate to a specific topic. >>>>> >>>>> Once you find a place of business, you can do one of several things, >>>>> depending upon the information available for that location. These things >>>>> include receiving directions or guidance, adding it to your Favorites, or >>>>> traveling to it virtually on the map. >>>>> >>>>> There is a Search Provider button at the bottom of the screen that lets >>>>> you select among Google Places, Foursquare, and On-board maps. The Search >>>>> screen inherits the provider settings from the Home screen. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer can search within approximately a 30-mile radius of your >>>>> actual or virtual position. To initiate a search with another location >>>>> than your own, first search for a city and state, and then search for the >>>>> place of interest. >>>>> >>>>> To open the Search screen, press the Search button. Nearby Explorer >>>>> responds with a screen that lets you type a term and shows a list of >>>>> nearby places. >>>>> >>>>> To search for POIs in another city or state, you must switch to that city >>>>> first. To do this, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Activate the Edit Box. >>>>> 2.Type the city or county name or the first few letters of the name, >>>>> followed by a comma, then the two letter state or province abbreviation. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer responds by displaying a list of matching cities and the >>>>> county in which that city is located. Each item in the list also >>>>> indicates that city's distance and direction from your current location. >>>>> Choose the city of interest. >>>>> >>>>> The app responds with a City Action menu containing either Go To or >>>>> Search. >>>>> >>>>> To move the virtual position to that city and close the Search screen, >>>>> choose Go To. >>>>> >>>>> To display search results from that city, choose Search. >>>>> >>>>> The types of items that appear in the Search screen list depend on your >>>>> network connection, the search radius setting, your location, or any >>>>> terms you have typed. These POIs are arranged so the closest one appears >>>>> at the top of the list. Each list item shows the name of the place, its >>>>> category, and its distance and direction from your current or virtual >>>>> position. >>>>> >>>>> To show places related to a term you type, follow these steps: >>>>> 1.Activate the Edit Box. >>>>> 2.Type a word or key word that is in the name of the desired place. >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer automatically increases the search radius to >>>>> approximately 30 miles when you provide a specific term to find. You may >>>>> change the radius to narrow the distance to search. Nearby Explorer >>>>> discards any changes to the radius or search provider when you close the >>>>> Search view. >>>>> >>>>> You may search for addresses in any location by entering the street >>>>> number as the first portion of the search term. For example, 1839 >>>>> Frankfort Ave, Louisville shows APH from wherever you search. >>>>> >>>>> When you select one of the search results, Nearby Explorer displays a >>>>> menu of actions from which to choose. The menu includes the following: >>>>> •Save to Favorites >>>>> •Go To >>>>> •Get Directions >>>>> •Set as destination >>>>> •Set as Watch >>>>> •View on Foursquare (if using Foursquare as a search provider.) >>>>> >>>>> Streets >>>>> >>>>> To show the Streets screen, press the Streets button at the bottom of the >>>>> screen. >>>>> >>>>> The Streets screen shows all the intersections on the current street and >>>>> a Go To button. >>>>> >>>>> Each intersection in the list shows the name of the intersecting street, >>>>> the distance and direction to that intersection, and in which direction >>>>> the street runs. >>>>> >>>>> If you were on Maple Street between 1st and 2nd Streets and opened the >>>>> Streets view, you might see a list like the following: >>>>> •1st Street 100 yards north heading east >>>>> •2nd Street 50 yards north heading east and west >>>>> •3rd Street 20 yards south heading east and west >>>>> •4th Street 70 yards south heading east and west >>>>> >>>>> Nearby Explorer highlights the closest intersection to your current >>>>> location. When you open this view, the cursor will be on the 2nd Street >>>>> or 3rd Street item depending on which is closest. >>>>> >>>>> To turn onto one of the streets listed, select the street. Nearby >>>>> Explorer displays a new list with all the intersections on the new >>>>> street. Of course, one of those intersections is the street you were on >>>>> when you Selected it, so the list might look like the following: >>>>> •Ash 3 miles west heading north and south >>>>> •Cherry 2 miles west heading north and south >>>>> •Dogwood 1 mile west heading north and south >>>>> •Elm .5 miles west heading north >>>>> •Lilac .1 miles west heading south >>>>> •Maple heading north and south >>>>> •Peach 200 yards east heading south >>>>> >>>>> Since the intersection of 2nd and Maple is closest, Nearby Explorer >>>>> highlights the street "Maple" in the list. >>>>> >>>>> When you get to the desired location, press the Go To button to return to >>>>> the Nearby screen with your location set to the selected intersection. >>>>> >>>>> Map View >>>>> >>>>> Along with the Home screen, where you fine tune what the app says as you >>>>> move, Nearby Explorer offers a view of the map. >>>>> >>>>> The Map view shows an interactive, accessible map of your current or >>>>> virtual position. >>>>> >>>>> To use the map, select the Map tab at the bottom of the screen. Nearby >>>>> Explorer fills the screen with the standard Apple Map view with >>>>> integration into Nearby Explorer's interface. >>>>> >>>>> Using the Map >>>>> >>>>> Use your finger to touch or slide on any part of the screen to receive >>>>> feedback about that part of the map. >>>>> >>>>> North is at the top of the screen, south is at the bottom, and east and >>>>> west are right and left, respectively. >>>>> >>>>> As you touch the screen, VoiceOver gives feedback in the form of tones >>>>> and verbal announcements. When you touch a street and pause there on the >>>>> map with VoiceOver Hints enabled, you begin getting beeping feedback as >>>>> you slide your finger to follow that street. Wether or not you enable >>>>> VoiceOver Hints, pausing while touching a street makes VoiceOver begin >>>>> beeping at different tones. This lets you know when you drift away from >>>>> the street, and it provides verbal announcements as you approach >>>>> intersections while you slide. >>>>> >>>>> In addition to street name and direction information, VoiceOver announces >>>>> POIs. The amount of detail depends on how closely the map is zoomed. >>>>> >>>>> If the map does not cover enough space, or you want to move the center of >>>>> the map, use the scroll and zoom features to adjust the view. >>>>> >>>>> Scroll the Map >>>>> >>>>> To scroll the map, use the technique where you double tap then hold and >>>>> slide. The usual three-finger scrolling technique required when you are >>>>> running VoiceOver does not work. >>>>> When you scroll, Nearby Explorer virtually moves to the point at the >>>>> center of the map and applies the announcements you set in the Home >>>>> screen. It also pauses the GPS, so to resume tracking your position, >>>>> activate the Resume button at the top of the Home screen when you finish >>>>> using the map or other tools where you virtually explore. >>>>> >>>>> The amount you scroll depends on how far you drag your finger and the >>>>> zoom level. >>>>> >>>>> Zoom >>>>> >>>>> To zoom, use the Rotor to get to the Zoom control, then flick up or down. >>>>> Zoom is not in the default Rotor configuration, so you must add it in the >>>>> Settings / General / Accessibility / VoiceOver / Rotor setting. You only >>>>> need to add it once. >>>>> >>>>> Once you add Zoom, you may flick up and down to change the amount of >>>>> information to show on the map. VoiceOver responds with each adjustment >>>>> by announcing the number of roads visible in the new view. The closer you >>>>> zoom, the more information about roads and POIs you get. As you broaden >>>>> the view, you see only more prominent roads and POIs. >>>>> >>>>> Points of Interest Rotor Control >>>>> >>>>> When focused on the Map view, VoiceOver adds Points of Interest to the >>>>> choices available in the Rotor. To see all the POIs, select Points of >>>>> Interest in the Rotor, then flick through the names of each of them that >>>>> appear in the view. >>>>> >>>>> Geobeam and Compass From Map View >>>>> >>>>> You may use Geobeam and Compass to examine the surrounding virtual area, >>>>> just as if you were there. These tools can help orient you to unfamiliar >>>>> places before you travel to them. >>>>> >>>>> Home Screen >>>>> >>>>> To return to the Home screen, select it from the bottom left of the >>>>> screen. You may wish to make adjustments in what gets announced as you >>>>> scroll through the map. If so, change the settings, then return to the >>>>> Map tab. >>>>> If you scrolled the map, Nearby Explorer pauses the GPS reception. To >>>>> return to a live GPS position, activate the Resume button at the top of >>>>> the screen. >>>>> >>>>> Settings >>>>> >>>>> The Settings tab shows options that let you change how Nearby Explorer >>>>> behaves. >>>>> >>>>> Report Distances in Metric Units: Off >>>>> >>>>> When you turn on this setting, Nearby Explorer uses metric measurements >>>>> for distance reports. When the setting is off, it uses imperial units of >>>>> measurement. >>>>> >>>>> Report Distances in Feet Instead of Yards: Off >>>>> >>>>> If using imperial measurement units, Nearby Explorer can express >>>>> distances in feet rather than yards. Turn this setting on to receive >>>>> distance announcements in feet. >>>>> This option is not available if the Report Distances in Metric Units >>>>> setting is on. >>>>> >>>>> Allow Geobeam and Compass when App is in the Background >>>>> >>>>> Normally, Geobeam and Compass work only while Nearby Explorer is in the >>>>> foreground. If you want them to work while the phone is locked or when >>>>> Nearby Explorer is in the background, turn on this button. >>>>> >>>>> Adjust Speech >>>>> >>>>> To change the voice, pitch, speech and volume of the speech Nearby >>>>> Explorer uses, select Adjust Speech from the Settings tab. The Adjust >>>>> Speech screen shows sliders to adjust any of the speech parameters and a >>>>> button to return the speech to the default settings. There is also a >>>>> button to test the speech selections. Select the Done button when >>>>> complete. >>>>> >>>>> Choose Address Provider >>>>> >>>>> Normally, Nearby Explorer uses on-board maps to provide addresses. You >>>>> may select between Apple or On-board maps to provide this information. >>>>> >>>>> Choose Search Provider >>>>> >>>>> Normally, Nearby Explorer uses Google Places to provide results for >>>>> searches and Nearby Places. Use this button to select among Google >>>>> Places, Foursquare, or On-board maps. >>>>> >>>>> Route Settings >>>>> >>>>> When using Guidance or directions, the route settings let you customize >>>>> the way Nearby Explorer delivers instructions. >>>>> >>>>> Pedestrian Mode: Off >>>>> >>>>> Normally, Nearby Explorer assumes you are driving and provides >>>>> instructions that account for one-way streets, highways, and other >>>>> instructions possible only while driving. When Pedestrian mode is on, it >>>>> uses the shortest route without highways, and does not consider street >>>>> direction. >>>>> h4. Route Optimization >>>>> >>>>> The Route Optimization settings button opens a dialog that lets you >>>>> control things like shortest distance, fastest, and simplest route. >>>>> >>>>> Use Highways: On >>>>> >>>>> When using Driving mode, Nearby Explorer uses highways by default; >>>>> however, you may instruct it not to use them by turning off this button. >>>>> >>>>> Use Unpaved Roads: On >>>>> >>>>> If you wish to use only paved roads, turn this button off. >>>>> >>>>> Use Toll roads: On >>>>> >>>>> If you wish to avoid tolls, turn off this button. >>>>> >>>>> Use Ferries: On >>>>> >>>>> To avoid using ferries, turn off this button. >>>>> >>>>> About >>>>> >>>>> The About button shows the version number and copyright information. >>>>> >>>>> Other Information >>>>> >>>>> If you make or receive a phone call while Nearby Explorer is working, the >>>>> program mutes the announcements until the phone call is complete. >>>>> >>>>> Registered Trademarks >>>>> >>>>> © 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google Places™ is a trademark of >>>>> Google Inc. >>>>> © 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google Transit™ is a trademark of >>>>> Google Inc. >>>>> © 2011 Foursquare Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Foursquare[^R^] is a >>>>> registered trademark of Foursquare Labs, Inc. >>>>> >>>>> NAVTEQ END-USER LICENSE TERMS >>>>> >>>>> The data ("Data") is provided for your personal, internal use only and >>>>> not for resale. It is protected by copyright, and is subject to the >>>>> following terms and conditions which are agreed to by you, on the one >>>>> hand, and American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. and its licensors >>>>> (including their licensors and suppliers) on the other hand. >>>>> >>>>> The Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission >>>>> from Canadian authorities, including: © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of >>>>> Canada, © Queen's Printer for Ontario, © Canada Post Corporation, >>>>> GeoBase®, © Department of Natural Resources Canada. All rights reserved. >>>>> >>>>> NAVTEQ holds a non-exclusive license from the United States Postal >>>>> Service® to publish and sell ZIP+4® information. >>>>> >>>>> © United States Postal Service ® 2011. Prices are not established, >>>>> controlled or approved by the United States Postal Service®. The >>>>> following trademarks and registrations are owned by the USPS: United >>>>> States Postal Service, USPS, and ZIP+4. >>>>> >>>>> Terms and Conditions >>>>> >>>>> Personal Use Only >>>>> >>>>> You agree to use this Data together with the Nearby Explorer app for the >>>>> solely personal, non-commercial purposes for which you were licensed, and >>>>> not for service bureau, time-sharing or other similar purposes. >>>>> Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set forth in the following >>>>> paragraphs, you may copy this Data only as necessary for your personal >>>>> use to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, provided that you do not remove any >>>>> copyright notices that appear and do not modify the Data in any way. You >>>>> agree not to otherwise reproduce, copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, >>>>> create any derivative works of, or reverse engineer any portion of this >>>>> Data, and may not transfer or distribute it in any form, for any purpose, >>>>> except to the extent permitted by mandatory laws. >>>>> >>>>> Restrictions >>>>> >>>>> Except where you have been specifically licensed to do so by the American >>>>> Printing House for the Blind, Inc., and without limiting the preceding >>>>> paragraph, you may not (a) use this Data with any products, systems, or >>>>> applications installed or otherwise connected to or in communication with >>>>> vehicles, capable of vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch, real time >>>>> route guidance, fleet management or similar applications; or (b) with or >>>>> in communication with any positioning devices or any mobile or >>>>> wireless-connected electronic or computer devices, including without >>>>> limitation cellular phones, palmtop and handheld computers, pagers, and >>>>> personal digital assistants or PDAs. >>>>> >>>>> Google's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy >>>>> >>>>> By using the Nearby Explorer application, the user is bound by Google's >>>>> Terms of Service. >>>>> >>>>> A link to the APH Privacy Policy is available at >>>>> Be advised that Nearby Explorer app uses >>>>> Google Maps API. To learn more, go to the Google Privacy Policy webpage. >>>>> >>>>> Warning >>>>> >>>>> The Data may contain inaccurate or incomplete information due to the >>>>> passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of >>>>> collecting comprehensive geographic data, any of which may lead to >>>>> incorrect results. >>>>> >>>>> No Warranty >>>>> >>>>> This Data is provided to you "as is," and you agree to use it at your own >>>>> risk. American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. and its licensors (and >>>>> their licensors and suppliers) make no guarantees, representations or >>>>> warranties of any kind, express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, >>>>> including but not limited to, content, quality, accuracy, completeness, >>>>> effectiveness, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness, >>>>> use or results to be obtained from this Data, or that the Data or server >>>>> will be uninterrupted or error-free. >>>>> >>>>> Disclaimer of Warranty: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. AND >>>>> ITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) DISCLAIM ANY >>>>> WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, >>>>> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some States, >>>>> Territories and Countries do not allow certain warranty exclusions, so to >>>>> that extent the above exclusion may not apply to you. >>>>> >>>>> Disclaimer of Liability: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. AND >>>>> ITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) SHALL NOT BE >>>>> LIABLE TO YOU: IN RESPECT OF ANY CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION, IRRESPECTIVE OF >>>>> THE NATURE OF THE CAUSE OF THE CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS, >>>>> INJURY OR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OR >>>>> POSSESSION OF THE INFORMATION; OR FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, >>>>> CONTRACTS OR SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL >>>>> OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE >>>>> THIS INFORMATION, ANY DEFECT IN THE INFORMATION, OR THE BREACH OF THESE >>>>> TERMS OR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR BASED ON >>>>> A WARRANTY, EVEN IF American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. OR ITS >>>>> LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some >>>>> States, Territories and Countries do not allow certain liability >>>>> exclusions or damages limitations, so to that extent the above may not >>>>> apply to you. >>>>> >>>>> Export Control >>>>> >>>>> You agree not to export from anywhere any part of the Data provided to >>>>> you or any direct product thereof except in compliance with, and with all >>>>> licenses and approvals required under, applicable export laws, rules and >>>>> regulations. >>>>> >>>>> Entire Agreement >>>>> >>>>> These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between >>>>> American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (and its licensors, including >>>>> their licensors and suppliers) and you pertaining to the subject matter >>>>> hereof, and supersedes in their entirety any and all written or oral >>>>> agreements previously existing between us with respect to such subject >>>>> matter. >>>>> >>>>> Governing Law >>>>> >>>>> The above terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State >>>>> of Illinois, without giving effect to (i) its conflict of laws >>>>> provisions, or (ii) the United Nations Convention for Contracts for the >>>>> International Sale of Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agree to >>>>> submit to the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois for any and all >>>>> disputes, claims and actions arising from or in connection with the Data >>>>> provided to you hereunder. >>>>> >>>>> Government End Users >>>>> >>>>> If the Data is being acquired by or on behalf of the United States >>>>> government or any other entity seeking or applying rights similar to >>>>> those customarily claimed by the United States government, this Data is a >>>>> "commercial item" as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. ("FAR") 2.101, is >>>>> licensed in accordance with these End-User Terms, and each copy of Data >>>>> delivered or otherwise furnished shall be marked and embedded as >>>>> appropriate with the following "Notice of Use," and shall be treated in >>>>> accordance with such Notice: >>>>> >>>>> NOTICE OF USE >>>>> >>>>> CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/ SUPPLIER) NAME: NAVTEQ >>>>> >>>>> CONTRACTOR (MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: 425 WEST RANDOLPH STREET, >>>>> CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60606 >>>>> >>>>> THIS DATA IS A COMMERCIAL ITEM AS DEFINED IN FAR 2.101 AND IS SUBJECT TO >>>>> THESE END-USER TERMS UNDER WHICH THIS DATA WAS PROVIDED. >>>>> >>>>> If the Contracting Officer, federal government agency, or any federal >>>>> official refuses to use the legend provided herein, the Contracting >>>>> Officer, federal government agency, or any federal official must notify >>>>> NAVTEQ prior to seeking additional or alternative rights in the Data. >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac >>>>> Visionaries list. >>>>> >>>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or >>>>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the >>>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. >>>>> >>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara >>>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at >>>>> >>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at: >>>>> >>>>> --- >>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >>>>> "MacVisionaries" group. >>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >>>>> email to >>>>> To post to this group, send email to >>>>> Visit this group at >>>>> For more options, visit >>>> >>>> I'm fundraising for RNIB. >>>> >>>> Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin Money >>>> Giving page. >>>> >>>> To find out more about what I'm doing and why, please visit >>>> where you can also >>>> sponsor me online. >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac >>>> Visionaries list. >>>> >>>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or >>>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the >>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. >>>> >>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara >>>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at >>>> >>>> The archives for this list can be searched at: >>>> >>>> --- >>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >>>> "MacVisionaries" group. >>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >>>> email to >>>> To post to this group, send email to >>>> Visit this group at >>>> For more options, visit >>> >>> >>> -- >>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac >>> Visionaries list. >>> >>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if >>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners >>> or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. >>> >>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara >>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at >>> >>> The archives for this list can be searched at: >>> >>> --- >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >>> "MacVisionaries" group. >>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >>> email to >>> To post to this group, send email to >>> Visit this group at >>> For more options, visit >> >> -- >> The following information is important for all members of the Mac >> Visionaries list. >> >> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if >> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or >> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. >> >> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara >> Quinn - you can reach Cara at >> >> The archives for this list can be searched at: >> >> --- >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >> "MacVisionaries" group. >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >> email to >> To post to this group, send email to >> Visit this group at >> For more options, visit >> >> -- >> The following information is important for all members of the Mac >> Visionaries list. >> >> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if >> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or >> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. >> >> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara >> Quinn - you can reach Cara at >> >> The archives for this list can be searched at: >> >> --- >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups >> "MacVisionaries" group. >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an >> email to >> To post to this group, send email to >> Visit this group at >> For more options, visit > > -- > The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries > list. > > If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if > you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or > moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. > > Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara > Quinn - you can reach Cara at > > The archives for this list can be searched at: > > --- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an > email to > To post to this group, send email to > Visit this group at > For more options, visit -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at The archives for this list can be searched at: --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at For more options, visit