Why bother, just use Sharpkeys to map the physical key of your choice to the 
insert key.

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Jonathan Cohn
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 10:40 AM
To: macvisionaries <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: I successfully instlal windows on my Mac computer!, but I just hve 
some questions

No, the problem is that when in laptop layout the "JAWS" key is the caps lock 
key and the insert key is no longer associated with the "jaws+functions".  
There might be a "use key for JAWS key" type setting in the settings center 
under the default configuration, or you you could edit default.jkm and change 
all of the "jaws+" to insert+" and then go about your JAWS work. Oh, you only 
want to change these in the region starting with [laptop] and ending with the 
next [].

I won't be using JAWS until later this afternoon, so I can't check the 
specifics. If nobody replies to then I will check into this after I have my 
Windows VM running.

Best Wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

On 16 August 2016 at 08:09, jeff `greene 
<greenebo...@gmail.com<mailto:greenebo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Helga and Scott,
Well, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe Jaws doesn't like the
command key as insert, I would try making the ` or \ keys as insert.
I'm going to install jaws 17 tonight on my mac running windows 10
under bootcamp, and I'll play around with it.
Best, Jeff

On 8/15/16, Scott Granados <sc...@qualityip.net<mailto:sc...@qualityip.net>> 
> Hi, I have this problem as well.  I do have laptop set under keyboard type
> and still no go with the cursor selection.  Keyboard help doesn’t even
> recognize them but it does other jaws commands.
> I’m confused as well.
>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 3:47 PM, jeff `greene 
>> <greenebo...@gmail.com<mailto:greenebo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Helga,
>> Go to your jaws window. Go into the menus and I think its under
>> basics, choose your keyboard type as laptop instead of desktop. I
>> think that will do it!
>> Hope this helps! Jeff
>> On 8/15/16, Helga Schreiber 
>> <helga.schreibe...@gmail.com<mailto:helga.schreibe...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi All! This is Helga. How are you all?  As the  subjectline says I
>>> instlal
>>> windows on  my Mac computer. I have  VM ware fusion and I use windows
>>> with
>>> that. And yes on my windows side of my Mac, I have  JAWS on it. It is
>>> working great for me so far. My only problem that I encounter is
>>> regarding
>>> that I can't  do a JAWS Pc cursor and JAWS cursor. I do have  a insert
>>> key
>>> on my Mac ckeyboard.  My friend  help me create an insert key by using
>>> the
>>> sharp keys app. My insert key works, but when I do insert key and semi
>>> colon
>>> to to perform JAWS PC cursor and insert key and P for JAWS cursor it
>>> does
>>> not work. I really don't know what should I do about it.  On my other
>>> windows computer, I use a numpad keys, and in here I don't have a
>>> numpad
>>> keys. It  works great, except the things I told you. Do you guys? have
>>> any
>>> suggestion? I will really appreciate it a  lot! I really don't want to
>>> get a
>>> full keyboard to take  around. Perhaps a numpad. Or do you think
>>> uninstalling JAWS and reinstalling   it will do the trick? Just
>>> wondering. I
>>> found some commands about JaWS in order to use it with the laptop
>>> keyboard,
>>> and  I  do want to perform them but my insert key is not cooperating!
>>> LOL
>>> I look forward in hearing from you soon. Thanks and God bless!
>>> Helga Schreiber
>>> Member of National Federation of the Blind and Florida Association of
>>> Blind
>>> Students.
>>> Member of the International Networkers Team (INT).
>>> Independent Entrepreneur of the Company 4Life Research.
>>> Phone:  (561) 706-5950<tel:%28561%29%20706-5950>
>>> Email: helga.schreibe...@gmail.com<mailto:helga.schreibe...@gmail.com>
>>> Skype: helga.schreiber26
>>> 4Life Website: http://helgaschreiber.my4life.com/1/default.aspx
>>> INT Website: http://int4life.com/
>>> "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
>>> whoever
>>> believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
>>> Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.4
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