
If you start up Script Editor on your macintosh, than under the help area
is an AppleScript guide.
Essentially you send messages to an application and they will send back
replies that can then be stored in variables. In the more recent Apple OS's
you can also use JavaScript for the base language.

I generally try to divide what I am attempting to script into small blocks
and get those tested. So for example if I am wanting to automate the saving
of attachments from a specific e-mail into a folder, I created an
AppleScript command to do this function and tested it out quite a bit.
To start writing a function you do something like

on SaveMessageAttachments from MessageList to aFolder

End SaveMessageAttachments

In this example MessageList and aFolder are variables.

In the block of the SaveMessageAttachments you might do something like

tell mail
repeat with aMessage in MessageList
set FileName to subject of a Message
end tell

tell finder
set StorageFolder to  make new Folder with name   FileName
End Tell
tell mail
repeat with OneAttachment in ( attachments of   theMessage )
copy OneAttachment to StorageFolder
End Repeat
End Repeat

There are really very few builtin commands in AppleScript most of the work
involves getting properties of things and performing actions on  things.
Some of the properties of things give you new things like the attachments
property of a Mail message.

I started a mailing list to discuss automation on the Macintosh but we
never got very far.  If you have ideas and want to join, I will be glad to
provide any support needed.

I am so used to doing things already, that I generally don't go for
scripting except at the shell script level

Best Wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 7:01 PM Larry Thacker Jr. <> wrote:

> Are there resources you would recommend for learning AppleScript?  I think
> that is the next step in my education if I want to become as efficient with
> the Mac as I was with Windows.  As for my search for sanity.  I think I
> have abandoned that.
> *Larry Thacker Jr.*
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