
Yes, Coctale is still around.

Keep in mind, Coctale and Clean My Mac are paid products.


On 8/4/16, E.T. <ancient.ali...@icloud.com> wrote:
>     Clean My Mac 3 is one I use for this. Quite friendly too.
>  From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>    Are We Alone in the Universe?
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
> On 8/4/2016 3:01 PM, Keith Hinton wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I hope all is going well with everybody.
>> I haven't posted for a considerable period of time, so if this subject
>> has been covered before, I apologize, but I'm wondering what programs
>> out there are accessible to VoiceOver these days as far as Mac
>> maintenance programs go?
>> I frequently manually do things at this point like Clear the Safari
>> cache, amongst other things.
>> I remember that years ago on Blind Cool Tech, Mike did some tutorials
>> talking about something called  Cocktail, amongst others in the Mac
>> maintenance space, but that was years and years ago now.
>> I do not know if that program is still accessible, or if other options
>> such as cCleaner perhaps might be accessible, etc.
>> Those are the only two possibilities that spring to mind off the top
>> of my head, but it would be nice to hear back from some of you.
>> Mike, maybe if your on this list, you might perhaps consider doing
>> another Mac tutorial covering Mac maintenance for those of us who want
>> to still do that with VoiceOver nowadays and stick that up on the
>> Blind Geek Zone perhaps? Just a thought.
>> And if your not on this list, well, then, :) guess I'm talking to thin
>> air. Grin.
>> Thanks for any suggestions and feedback that comes along, and I hope
>> everyone has an excellent August 4th!
>> Regards,
>> Keith
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