I have not looked specifically for World Service but in the past I have
beend able to play a lot of BBC Radio content like BBBC Radio 4 simply
through ITunes using its internet radio capacity.
I have not done this for at least a year so I would have to go back and
check whether iTunes can still do this but it would be worth a look.
David Griffith
On 02/08/2016 12:47, Craig Werner wrote:
Hello, everyone.
I am a U.S. listener running OS X 10.10.5 on a MacBook Air. I
am trying to play live stream of the BBC World Service via the BBC
iPlayer, but when I
press the "Play" button on the iPlayer Radio screen, nothing happens.
I have tried to activate the "Mute/Unmute" button and the various
buttons that increase the volume; but no matter what I do, I hear
nothing. I'm not even sure if the buttons are being activated. Has
anyone else experienced this problem?
Thank you for all help.
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