Thanks Kevin,

I haven’t yet contacted them but I’m more interested in what they are doing on  
 the OSX or windows platforms as I have to use those for work which is more 
mportnt than IOS.

Cheers though for the update.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Kevin Chao
Sent: Monday, 18 July 2016 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

Slack has made VO/a11y improvements in latest iOS app and are responding to 
feedback in this channel.
On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 4:48 AM michael babcock 
<<>> wrote:
Just sent a message to:
/feedback your feedback message here
In any of the chat edit boxes and this will open a new support ticket.
I just do find for “esc” and VO left from there, reads the messages backwards 
but works for me for now.
Thanks for the tip about setting the modifier key to padlock, can I set an 
activity to switch to this when I’m in slack or should I maybe just make it a 
normal practice of using caps lock?
If you press “option” first and hold it, then press “control” without letting 
option up, the VO keys work, but not the best solution.

On Jul 16, 2016, at 10:06 PM, Chris Meredith 
<<>> wrote:

One thing that I’ve found helps with Slack is to set the VO modifiers to allow 
caps lock as an option.  My guess is that some sort of keyDown event gets fired 
whenever any key that would register does so (I.e. Option, particularly since 
it can be used to type extended characters), and pops focus into the input 
field.  Caps lock is handled entirely by the OS (illustrated nicely by how many 
hoops we have to jump through to pass that key to VMware Fusion), and is thus 
not intercepted by Slack.
Find is your friend.  Search for “new messages since” to find the date of the 
last message, then search backward for that date to read what went on in your 
absence.  One thing I can’t seem to do is close the pop-up windows such as, for 
instance, the search box, short of closing and reopening the app.  If Slack are 
engaging in public discourse with their blind users, I’d love to chime in, 
since Slack seems to be part of my complete <strike>breakfast</strike> set of 
tools I need at my employer.
On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:19 AM, michael babcock 
<<>> wrote:

So hears how I’m using the desktop app:
#1, try not to tap “Option” (that jumps focus back to edit box). I know kinda 
hard when using voiceover…
#2, use find for the text “esc” and that will take you to the end of the 
conversation (channel) your in.
#3, use command+option+left or right to jump between conversations you’ve 
opened since that instance of the app has been running.
Let me know if I can help any more :( and I hope they make it more accessible. 
Love the concept of it, and am actively using it with a VA out of India, so 
would love to have it working.
VOIP quality IMO is fairly good.

On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:29 AM, Simon Fogarty 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks Michael,

I’ll go check this out , it might be worthwhile.

If only the desktop apps were more accessible, I’ll probanly have to use my 

 On Behalf Of michael babcock
Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2016 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

Thanks for your message.
Slack has created a #a11y organization, and they seem to be making things 
better. I’ll post one of the messages I got from the team a few hours ago:
"Hi Michael,
Thanks for coming back to me. Yes, there is an existing team that the 
accessibility community has created. This is a broad, public team on Slack with 
the goal of collaborating on accessibility solutions, technologies, etc. The 
current membership is already substantial and includes some of our engineers 
and folks from our accessibility team. Please feel free to share this with 
anyone who is interested.
Here's the link to request an invite:<>.
And this was a follow-up to this message:
"Bel (Slack)
Jul 9, 9:32 PM PDT
Hey there Michael,
Thanks for getting in touch! We would love to hear all your suggestions on how 
we might improve the user experience for blind users.
Accessibility is something we are working very hard to improve and our 
dedicated accessibility team are currently working on more features for our 
vision-impaired users. Please do let us know what your initial thoughts are on 
your experience and I will get our team involved from this side too.
Thanks for taking the time to offer your help and feedback on this Michael, 
your insights are really valuable to our development.
Hit up @slackhq
And type
/feedback your feedback here
In any of the edit boxes on slack
Note: in desktop app on Mac, hitting the option key seems to jump focus back to 
the edit box, kinda makes things hard when using voiceover :)

On Jul 11, 2016, at 12:02 AM, Simon Fogarty 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Michael,

Thanks for this, I will definitely be looking into this.

We’ve just started using slack at work for our messaging system as it’s not 
hosted locally therefore if systems go down we can still communicate with our 
teams nationwide.

I have only been able to get it to work somewhat accessible on my iPhone but 
mac osx and windows desktop clients are pretty much crap accessibility
So thanks this will be helpful.

 On Behalf Of Michael Babcock
Sent: Monday, 11 July 2016 2:08 AM
Subject: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

Hey all!
I’m posting this message because I’ve recently began using the platform called 
Slack for my team communication needs.
It’s not the most accessible, e.g. Focus jumps around the place at times, and 
things could be designed better. That being said however, the platform can be 
used and it wouldn’t take much to make it more accessible.
A few things from you,
I contacted slack and they gave me positive feedback and state they have a team 
working on accessibility for future releases of the platform.
Both on twitter and via email, they seem to be positive about wanting to 
improve accessibility.
So if you click the link below, I’ll send you the email, shhh, I’m waiting for 
permission to just post its publicly…  But more importantly, you can then ask 
for access to the channel.
I’m sure someone will post the email, so if you just want access to the channel 
shoot me a message at:<>
And I’ll get you in. It’s my hopes we all can share knowledge with the slack 
team from different points of views.
NOTE, you will only get info about slack.
They have versions for the following platforms:
Windows, Mac, Linux (Beta), IOS, android, and windows phones. You can also 
interact with the service using a web browser.
It’s free for most users.

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