Or  getting run over by a motor vehicle  which you step in front of while  
chasing a cartoon character which you can only see if your stuck to your phones 

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of E.T.
Sent: Saturday, 16 July 2016 4:14 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: HP's radical new computing design or Singularity here we come!

    I cannot resist. Pokemon = subliminal programming.

 From E.T.'s Keyboard...
   Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 7/15/2016 8:40 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Absolutely startling developments at HP that may impact us all.  It 
> dwarfs what Apple is doing in the cloud or even the idea of the cloud.
>  It’s also probably one of your m ore frightening advertising videos.
>  It’s tied in with Star Trek believe it or not but basically they’re 
> using the idea of the Singularity (AKA Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity).
> The idea is that instead of processors and nodes in the cloud like we 
> have now there will be a massive pile of addressable memory.  They 
> have built this system, memory is stored on fabric made of photons 
> meaning memory is stored on particles of light instead of electrons.  
> This means a base increase of performance over conventional circuits 
> of 1000 times but it gets crazier than that.  Once data is stored in 
> photons you can start applying principles of quantum mechanics using 
> ideas like entanglement to instantly transfer data over any distance.  
> Think of a radio wave taking 8 minutes to get from our Sun to our 
> planet in perfect conditions, now imagine modulating one out of two 
> photons in a pair and seeing it’s results over that same distance 
> instantly because information can exceed the speed of light.
> Imagine HP releasing this to open source developers so unix instances 
> automatically boot with hooks in to this memory fabric, the internet 
> of things starts dumping data in to this system.  By 2020 there will 
> be over 30 billion connected devices, that level of connectivity will 
> crush the network as it stands today but ideas like this allow us to 
> progress past Moore’s law right down to the photon level rather than 
> primitive
> atoms.:)
> Read a lot more here
> http://www.labs.hpe.com/research/themachine/
> I used to laugh at the idea of computing becoming self aware and 
> intelligent especially by 2029 on the near end or 2045 on the far end.
>  IF possible I used to think it would take hundreds of years 
> especially considering where we started.  I’m not laughing any more.  
> I’m wondering if 2029 isn’t to far out?  I’m not sure if I’m ready for 
> my computing infrastructure to be alive rather than a thing.  Wait 
> until the human machine interfaces become so good that you hard wire 
> your brain right to the network and we’ve got 9 billion brains 
> available for parallel processing.  I’m in!  For anyone who doubts it, 
> go outside, look at the billion people staring at their phones 
> wandering around the country side staring like zombies in their phones 
> finding Pokemon.  This enhanced reality thing, it’s just the primitive 
> start, the model A ford equivalent of it’s time, it’s about to get really 
> really interesting!
> --
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