Can you not attend a college after 21 if your high school grades weren’t high 

You can here in NZ.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of David Chittenden
Sent: Friday, 15 July 2016 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

In the US, it is necessary to either graduate from high school, or pass the 
GED, Graduate Equivalency Deploma, a series of exams that one completes to 
prove that one is college (higher edudation) ready. If one did not earn high 
enough grades in high school, the only path into university is to attend a 2 
year community college (PolyTech in NZ), and earn a minimum GPA. I believe it 
is a B- for many universities.

Kind regards,

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

On 15 Jul 2016, at 19:59, Simon Fogarty 
<<>> wrote:

I don’t know the situation with colleges in the USA but if you have the will 
then there will be a way,
 If you wished to study at college and showed you could work at it surely it 
must be possible

Good luck
[] On Behalf Of Devin Prater
Sent: Thursday, 14 July 2016 8:56 AM
To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty cool. I 
guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a lower-middle class 
home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama school for the blind, where 
teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do much, or didn’t know what to do, 
exactly. As you can imagine, they then shuttled me off to the adult learning 
facility, E.H. Gentry, where I attend now. I know more than I did when I left 
ASB, sure, but these blindness organizations just aren’t all that organized, at 
least here in the state of football and rednecks. I just hope that I can get at 
least something to happen before my family decides a group home would indeed be 
just the spot to plop down their poor blind boy that just can’t seem to learn 
independence and advocacy skills no matter where the Alabama Institute sends 
him. Oh discordia.
Sent from my Mac.

Devin Prater<>

On Jul 13, 2016, at 6:38 AM, Donna Goodin 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Katie,

Yep, I agree with everything you pointed out.  It really is a nice braille 
display.  I haven't had the problem you describe, so I'm afraid I can't help 
you.  Have you tried calling tech support or posting the VarioUltra list?  It's 
a great list, with some very helpful and knowledgeable folks.

On Jul 12, 2016, at 10:52 PM, Katie Zodrow 
<<>> wrote:

Hi, Donna.

Yes, I’ve been learning to use the VarioUltra since May and love it! :-) its 
the best braille display for me so far. I think its great you can just connect 
a device like your phone via bluetooth and it works once the pairing is 
successfully connected. I can also text or email people with just my iphone and 
the braille display, so that’s awesome I don’t always need to constantly use 
dictation. Its really cool that you can just charge the device with a USB cable 
too instead of carrying around a 12 volt charger. The only problem I have 
sometimes is opening documents. Yesterday, I tried opening a couple files with 
the USB stick connected to the device. They were in .docx format, an every time 
I’d press the navistick to open the file, I would get a warning that said the 
file could not be opened. Really strange. The VU is the lightest and smallest 
display I’ve ever seen compared to my old Braille Lite 40 and the BrailleNote 
MPower. Those were the 2 previous notetakers I used with braille displays. I’ll 
be getting some more training again with the VU in a couple days, so hopefully 
I can find out why the documents were not opening from my flash drive.


On Jul 12, 2016, at 8:05 PM, Donna Goodin 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Katie,

Isn't the VarioUltra the best?  Earlier tonight I was thinking about how bulky 
things used to be.  My first braille display was a TSI Navigator.  The thing 
was huge.  I used to carry around what was basically a large briefcase, just to 
carry around my PC laptop and my braille display, and of course, all the 
accompanying cables and chargers..  When I compare that with now carrying 
around my MBA and VU,, not to mention having the option of pairing the VU with 
the iPhone, the difference between then and now is really striking.

On Jul 12, 2016, at 9:38 PM, Katie Zodrow 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Donna and Scott. I thought I would chime in too.

Yes, you're right about Apple starting accessibility over 30 years ago, even 
before we had voiceover and the mac. It sounds like my experience is somewhat 
similar to yours, even though I was born a few years later and I started using 
computers and technology at an earlier age. My dad was more of a computer and 
tech guy too, but both my parents used the computer often at home and at work.

I grew up during the 1980s and 90s. I have an older sister so I was the 
youngest and the only blind person in my family. I was born in Ohio 3 months 
premature and have been blind since birth. My family moved to the Chicago 
suburbs when I was 2, which is where I grew up. I lived in that area for 18 
years until I was 20. My family has always been very encouraging and 
supportive. They wanted to give me the best education possible, so I was 
mainstreamed in public schools from age 3 to high school. The elementary school 
I attended was a few miles away in another city from where we lived, but they 
had a great Special Ed program with a resource room for all the kids with 
blindness and other disabilities. I would go there if I wasn’t with the regular 
classroom teacher during part of the day like for Reading or Math. The vision 
teacher in my resource room and the rest of the staff at the school were all 
great! Besides my parents helping me learn and encouraging me to be 
independent, The school provided all the extra services I needed back then like 
reading Braille, O and M skills, and basic daily living skills. I still use 
braille often, and that skill along with the others are very important for 
employment and being independent. In middle and high school, I worked with an 
itinerant teacher for an hour and was in regular classes with the sighted 
students the rest of the day.

one of the first computers I used in elementary school was the Apple II E with 
that robotic sounding Echo speech synthesizer. The Alex voice and synthesized 
speech have come a long way since then!! :-) I remember when I was about four 
and five years old and pressing different keys on the Apple 2 keyboard. I 
thought it was really cool how the Echo synthesizer would pronounce everything, 
and that you could change the speech rate and pitch of the voice. It would 
always sound really funny  talking in a really high or low pitch!

When I was in first grade, my parents bought an Apple II GS computer. my sister 
and I used to play a lot of games on it and some of them had speech using the 
Echo synthesizer so I could play them myself. I remember using the old word 
processing programs too like Braille Edit and another one called ProWord 
ProBraille in middle and high school. Everything was all on 3.5 inch floppy 
disc back then, or they were on those bigger 5 and 1/4 inch diskettes. During 
most of my elementary school years, my mom worked at a high school in a 
resource room. She worked as a teacher assistant to the main resource teacher 
preparing materials in Braille for the blind and visually impaired students. 
When she would put handouts and other information in Braille for me or the high 
school students, she would normally use either BrailleEdit or another program 
called Bex. I remember my mom taught me how to use the BrailleEdit software for 
word processing. You had to use three different 5.25 inch disks just to use the 
program, and they had to be used in a certain order so the program could work 
correctly. We had the Apple II GS computer until my junior year of high school. 
I got a desktop PC with Windows 98 and JAWS after that. My parents wanted me to 
get my own computer before I started college.

I used a Mac computer for the first time in the summer of 2000 after my first 
semester of college and learned outSPOKEN. I attended Berklee College of Music 
in Boston from 2000 to 2004, and almost everyone was using the Mac OS. For a 
couple of my music tech classes, I used outSPOKEN when I was learning Digital 
Performer and ProTools. I still used the Windows platform most of the time from 
1998 until  2013, then I decided to switch back over to the Mac. I had worked 
in a couple call centers as a telephone reservations sales agent for 6 years, 
and wanted to get back into the entertainment industry doing audio production 
work and music again. I majored in Music Production and Engineering in college, 
and wanted to get back into a career I enjoy and am passionate about . Now, I 
do just about everything with the Mac and my iPhone. I received the new 
VarioUltra braille display earlier this year, and use that device with the 
iphone or when I’m at work and don’t want to use speech.

I can’t believe how far we’ve come with technology since the 1980’s! Back then, 
everything was so huge and bulky 30 years ago. Now the size of everything has 
drastically shrunk down and gotten much smaller. It will be interesting to see 
what technology changes happen during the next 30 to 40 years.


On Jul 12, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<<>> wrote:

Wut?  "Stupid sighted people"?  That's a little harsh, don'tcha think?  LOL! 
It's all good, just am sayin'.

Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.<>
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Terje Strømberg" 
To: "Mac Group" 
Cc: "Terje Strømberg" <<>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 3:56 AM
Subject: Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

Take care

Great article. So many stupid sighted people around.

12. jul. 2016 kl. 08.19 skrev Anne Robertson 

I grew up in England and between the ages of 7 and 17, attended schools for the 
blind where maths was taught, but the only science was biology, which didn’t 
interest me at the time. I would have preferred to learn physics.
I finished my secondary education in a mainstream school and specialised in 
languages. I studied French at university, but then I went into computer 
The tool that allowed me to work on an equal footing with my sighted colleagues 
was the optacon. I was able to read the terminal screen and printout. I 
programmed the Apple ii in hexadecimal and read all the manuals using the 
I didn’t use speech on a computer until we got a Mac, a 2SI, during the 90s and 
I purchased OutSpoken.
It never occurred to me that I might not be able to get a job as a blind person 
once the optacon became available to me.



On 12 Jul 2016, at 05:15, Donna Goodin 
<<>> wrote:

Hey Scott,

First let me say that on a very fundamental level I agree with your post. But 

As a kid, I somehow sort of absorbed the fact that because I was blind, math 
and the sciences weren't for me.  And this despite the fact that my dad was a 
computer guy, who spent lots of time and energy conveying to me how important 
tech would be for me..  Some of my earliest memories are of him bringing home 
those old computer punch cards and magnetic tapes for my brother and me to play 
with.  I remember going with him into the office on Saturdays and seeing the 
computer, which was this great big behemoth that took up an entire room.  I 
remember him teaching me base 2 at the dinner table.  But once I got to school, 
my math and science teachers had no idea what to do with me.  Classes were 
taught almost exclusively on the blackboard, and I was bored out of my mind.  I 
grew up thinking I sucked at math, and it wasn't until I was in my thirties 
that I realized that I was actually pretty bloody good at it.  Back in the 80s, 
I went out with this total computer geek.  I was fascinated by all the stuff he 
was into, but neither he nor I knew how to make all that accessible to me.  
(And by that time, I actually owned a TSI Versabraille).  I think that had I 
been born within the last 25 years, I actually would have chosen IT--or 
something related--as a career. Clearly something was different for you and 
John.  Maybe it was innate intelligence, maybe there was a gender bias at play, 
maybe it was opportunity, I don't know.  I do know from other posts I've seen 
from you that your parents seemed quite willing to think out of the box.  I 
grew up in suburbia.  My mom was 20 when she had me, my dad was 22.  Having a 
blind kid pretty much rocked their young, limited world.  I don't think my 
experience is unique.  Whatever it was that jived for you guys, didn't carry 
over to lots of blind folks.

So yes, it was a fluff piece.  And yes, I wish they'd just treat blind folks 
like everyone else.  But I also hope that there's a little Donna out there 
somewhere--or maybe little Donna's parents--who don't buy into those 
preconceived notions about what someone who's blind can or cannot do, and that 
someday 20 years from now, that little Donna finds herself at the heart of 
technological developments.

Just an alternate perspective.

On Jul 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, Scott Granados 
<<>> wrote:

So here’s my problem with the article.

I think it’s fantastic what this young lady is doing, I absolutely support her 
efforts.  I also am thrilled that apple hired someone from our community for 
the design side.  I’m also happy Google does the same now and there’s 
discussion of teaching children to code.

My problem is with the reporter.  These articles are so damn fluff happy.  Look 
at Apple saving the day for blind people.  Like it’s something new.  Never mind 
you John and I built parts of the networks this reporter publishes on.:)  The 
article leads the reader to believe that blind people could only code until 
recently.  This blind guy as a child started coding 33+ years ago learning 
things like 6502 assembler, Apple Soft, PASCAL, then C and so forth. We used 
apples or PCs or what ever to get it done and in some ways have been directly 
or indirectly involved with the development of computers since the very 
beginning. Real trail blazers like your self or Ray Kurzweil building devices 
to help his child, certain musicians with very deep pockets who brought some of 
the funding to the table, any blind person at all who successfully landed a job 
and held it showing others in our own little way we’re just people doing the 
same things that everyone else does, try to help take care of your selves, 
families and participate in our communities.
I guess part of me just wishes that instead of being singled out and made to be 
some sort of something special we were just dealt with and reflected on by 
reporters especially as just another part of society. Lest I get way to NFB 
here:) but there’s something to be said for being lumped in with everyone 
else.:)  The special attention sometimes makes us seem well special in the 
sense we’re not the norm, we’re almost untouchable and separate to make a 
reference to a really unfortunate cultural label in eastern societies.
The same thing happens with reporters who publish puff pieces on artificial 
vision advances or medical advances that cure illnesses related to blindness.  
I don’t know how many articles I’ve read where some gadget is going to save us 
from our selves and totally make it all better.  Things ain’t that bad.  What’s 
bad is convincing the public we need to be saved.
Maybe I’m just becoming a grumpy old man like I was afraid of when I was young.

Still, congratulations to this young lady but also congratulations to all the 
other engineers at apple some of which are on this list.  And congratulations 
to you John and others who have made countless contributions to technology in 

Ah well, what’s the expression, there’s no such thing as bad publicity? Suppose 
that’s true.

On Jul 11, 2016, at 2:29 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn 
<<>> wrote:

Well, this is interesting story. I don't believe they mention anything about 
braille. But at least it shows there are people  at Apple working on 

This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

Apple engineer Jordyn Castor has never been one for limitations.

She was born 15 weeks early, weighing just under two pounds. Her grandfather 
could hold her in the palm of his hand, and could even slide his wedding ring 
along her arm and over her shoulder. Doctors said she had a slim chance of 

It was Castor's first brush with limited expectations — and also the first time 
she shattered them.

Castor, now 22, has been blind since birth, a result of her early delivery. But 
throughout childhood, her parents encouraged her to defy expectations of people 
with disabilities, motivating her to be adventurous, hands-on and insatiably 

It was that spirit that led to her interact with technology, whether it was the 
desktop computer her family bought when she was in second grade, or the 
classroom computer teachers encouraged her to use in school.

"I could help make technology more accessible for blind users."
She says the adults in her life would often hand her a gadget, telling her to 
figure it out and show them how to use it. And she would.

"I realized then I could code on the computer to have it fulfill the tasks I 
wanted it to," says Castor, whose current work focuses on enhancing features 
like VoiceOver for blind Apple users. "I came to realize that with my knowledge 
of computers and technology, I could help change the world for people with 

"I could help make technology more accessible for blind users."

Bringing a personal perspective to Apple innovation

There's an often overlooked component of "diversity" in workplace initiatives — 
the need to include the perspectives of people with disabilities.

Keeping tabs on the needs of the blind and low-vision community is a key 
component of Apple's innovation in accessibility. Castor is proof of how much 
that can strengthen a company.

She was a college student at Michigan State University when she was first 
introduced to Apple at a Minneapolis job fair in 2015. Castor went to the 
gathering of employers, already knowing the tech giant would be there — and she 
was nervous.

"You aren't going to know unless you try," she thought. "You aren't going to 
know unless you talk to them ... so go."

Apple engineer Jordyn Castor poses for a headshot. Castor is a driving force 
behind accessibility of Apple products, especially for blind users.

Image: Provided by Apple and Jordyn Castor

Castor told Apple reps how amazed she was by the iPad she received as a gift 
for her 17th birthday just a few years earlier. It raised her passion for tech 
to another level — mainly due to the iPad's immediate accessibility.

"Everything just worked and was accessible just right out of the box," Castor 
tells Mashable. "That was something I had never experienced before."

"I'm directly impacting the lives of the blind community."
Sarah Herrlinger, senior manager for global accessibility policy and 
initiatives at Apple, says a notable part of the company's steps toward 
accessibility is its dedication to making inclusivity features standard, not 
specialized. This allows those features to be dually accessible — both for 
getting the tech to more users, as well as keeping down costs.

"[These features] show up on your device, regardless of if you are someone who 
needs them," Herrlinger tells Mashable. "By being built-in, they are also free. 
Historically, for the blind and visually impaired community, there are 
additional things you have to buy or things that you have to do to be able to 
use technology."

At that job fair in 2015, Castor's passion for accessibility and Apple was 
evident. She was soon hired as an intern focusing on VoiceOver accessibility.

As her internship came to a close, Castor's skills as an engineer and advocate 
for tech accessibility were too commanding to let go. She was hired full-time 
as an engineer on the accessibility design and quality team — a group of people 
Castor describes as "passionate" and "dedicated."

"I'm directly impacting the lives of the blind community," she says of her 
work. "It's incredible."

Innovation with blind users in mind

Increased accessibility for all users is one of Apple's driving values, under 
the mantra "inclusion inspires innovation."

Herrlinger says the company loves what it makes, and wants what it makes to be 
available to everyone. She describes the need to continuously innovate with 
accessibility in mind as part of Apple's DNA.

"Accessibility is something that is never-ending," Herrlinger says. "It isn't 
something where you just do it once, check that box and then move on to do 
other things."

And it's a dedication that isn't going unnoticed by the blind community. On 
July 4, Apple was the recipient of the American Council of the Blind's Robert 
S. Bray Award for the company's strides in accessibility and continued 
dedication to inclusion-based innovation for blind users.

Sarah Herrlinger, senior manager for global accessibility policy and 
initiatives at Apple, and Eric Bridges, executive director of the American 
Council of the Blind (ACB), pose with the Robert S. Bray award at ACB's 
national conference on July 4, 2016.

Image: PRovided by Apple and ACB

The company, for example, made the first touchscreen device accessible to the 
blind via VoiceOver. Recent announcements of Siri coming to Mac this fall, and 
of newer innovations, like a magnifying glass feature for low-vision users, 
have continued the promise of improving the Apple experience for those who are 
blind and low vision.

"The fact that we take the time to innovate in these ways is something new and 
different," Herrlinger says. "It was not the expected thing in the tech 

"[Accessibility] isn't something where you just do it once, check that box and 
then move on to do other things."
Often, the success of such innovations depends on the input of the community — 
and employees like Castor provide irreplaceable first-hand insight into the 
tech experience for blind individuals.

The most recent example of community-driven innovation can be found on the 
Apple Watch. During a meeting, Herrlinger explains, a person who sees could 
easily peer down at their watch to keep an eye on the clock. A person who is 
blind, however, hasn't had a way to tell time without VoiceOver.

After confronting the conundrum, Apple solved the issue by making a feature 
that tells time through vibrations. The addition, Herrlinger says, is coming to 
watchOS 3 this fall.

High-tech meets low-tech

Castor says her own success — and her career — hinges on two things: technology 
and Braille. That may sound strange to many people, even to some who are blind 
and visually impaired. Braille and new tech are often depicted as at odds with 
one another, with Braille literacy rates decreasing as the presence of tech 

But many activists argue that Braille literacy is the key to employment and 
stable livelihood for blind individuals. With more than 70% of blind people 
lacking employment, the majority of those who are employed — an estimated 80% — 
have something in common: They read Braille.

"Braille allows me to know what the code feels like."
For Castor, Braille is crucial to her innovative work at Apple — and she 
insists tech is complementary to Braille, not a replacement.

"I use a Braille display every time I write a piece of code," she says. 
"Braille allows me to know what the code feels like."

In coding, she uses a combination of Nemeth Braille — or "math Braille" — and 
Alphabetic Braille. Castor even says that with the heavy presence of tech in 
her life, she still prefers to read meeting agendas in Braille.

"I can see grammar. I can see punctuation. I can see how things are spelled and 
how things are written out," she says.

The technologies that Apple creates support her love of Braille, too — there 
are various modifications, like Braille displays that can to plug into devices, 
to help her code and communicate. But Castor also often forgoes Braille 
displays, solely using VoiceOver to navigate her devices and read screens.

A Braille display like this one, which is compatible with Apple products, 
allows blind users to navigate technology using Braille commands.

Image: PRovided by Apple

That autonomy of choice in accessibility, Apple says, is intentional. The 
company believes that the ability to choose — to have several tools at a user's 
disposal, whenever they want them — is key to its accessibility values.

Giving back to the community

Last week, Castor attended a conference hosted by the National Federation of 
the Blind, where she gave a speech telling her story. She says the impact that 
Apple has had on the blind community was extremely clear as soon as she stepped 
into the conference hall — just by listening to what was going on around her.

"When I walk through the convention, I hear VoiceOver everywhere," she says. 
"Being able to give back through something that so many people use is amazing."

Castor was recently able to use her presence and perspective at Apple to give 
back to a part of the community she's especially passionate about — the next 
generation of engineers.

She was a driving force behind accessibility on Apple's soon-to-be released 
Swift Playgrounds, an intro-to-coding program geared toward children. She's 
been working to make the program accessible to blind children, who have been 
waiting a long time for the tool, she says.

"I would constantly get Facebook messages from so many parents of blind 
children, saying, 'My child wants to code so badly. Do you know of a way that 
they can do that?'" Castor says. "Now, when it's released, I can say, 
'Absolutely, absolutely they can start coding.'"

Promotional materials for Swift Playgrounds show how the program will work when 
released in fall. Users will code commands to make a character move throughout 
puzzle-like challenges. The program will use VoiceOver to be accessible to 
blind children.
Image: Provided by Apple

Castor says working on Swift Playgrounds has been an empowering experience, and 
her team has deeply valued her perspective on the VoiceOver experience for 
blind users.

"[Blindness] does not define you or what you can do in life."
She says the task-based, interactive app would have made a massive impact on 
her as a child. The program is, after all, a guided way of taking tech and 
figuring out what makes it tick — a virtual version of the hands-on curiosity 
adults instilled in her as a child.

"It will allow children to dive into code," she says of the program. "They can 
use Swift Playgrounds right away out of the box; no modifications. Just turn on 
VoiceOver and be able to start coding."

As someone who was always encouraged to challenge expectations, Castor says she 
has one simple message for the next generation of blind coders, like the 
children who will sit down with Swift Playgrounds in the fall.

"Blindness does not define you," she says. "It's part of who you are as a 
person, as a characteristic — but it does not define you or what you can do in 

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

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moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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To post to this group, send email to<>.
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at<>

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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To post to this group, send email to<>.
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The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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