Mike Erigo had some podcasts that were fantastic for learning VM Fusion and 
windows.  I got started using his content myself.  They were on Blindcooltech 
but possibly he can speak up as he’s on list and may have pointers of other 
podcasts he’s done more recently.

> On Jul 6, 2016, at 7:47 PM, Nancy Badger <nancybad...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Is there a tutorial anywhere for using VM? Especially with VoiceOver?
> Nancy Badger, Ph.D
> Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
> UT Chattanooga
> Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse spelling errors.
>> On Jul 6, 2016, at 3:27 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, i found a guide about it, here is what you do.
>> go to the from box, press the key left too your number 1 on your
>> keyboard, to go too the too box, press Vo-space, and a list comes up,
>> select the right key, and you are golden.
>> Amazing that little mac book can run windows xp, ss
>>> On 7/5/16, Scott Granados <sc...@qualityip.net> wrote:
>>> Just to be clear, are you using sharp keys to make this adjustment or how
>>> are you remapping in vmware?
>>>> On Jul 5, 2016, at 11:30 AM, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi. in short, what do you do in the too field under mapping of keys in
>>>> vmware?
>>>> i can get from field in cutely enough, but i seem to remember there is
>>>> a list of keys in the too combo box, but when i interact with it ,
>>>> nothing happens,
>>>> Best Sandi, who is apparently it  seems  having a blonde moment
>>>> despite black mane :)
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