Arnold, to let you know from my angle I started out as a windows user on the PC 
side and in about 2008 migrated to the Mac.  For me I’ve been able to move all 
my functions away from windows.  Most things I hear that people have issue with 
are OCR reading or other very specialized adaptive software like braille 
translation.  Also I know some industries like Insurance have mainly windows 
based tools.  So professionally you may not have a choice.  I just passed on a 
job that required the use of windows by the end user.  I have no desire to 
fight the virtual desktop battle just to do something I can do better and 
faster for my needs anyway with a Mac. So that’s the long way of saying I bet 
you could switch over entirely especially if you’re already to think laterally 
when you hit an issue like your example of using a KNFB reader.  Also remember 
if you do have the desire to run windows you can do so on your Mac with VM 
Fusion while OS X is running or using bootcamp you could boot in to windows if 
you needed to.  The fusion method is the one I find most preferable.  So lucky 
for you with a good Mac you have the best of both worlds available in one box.

Good luck.

> On Jul 9, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Arnold Schmidt <> wrote:
> Your original message brings up an interesting point, in that you said you 
> might spend half hour, , to an hour in windows.  Being that I have now 
> ordered my Mac mini, I am not going back this time, what type things simply 
> work better in windows than on the mac?  Oftentimes, it is that the user 
> simply does not know how to do something well when they say something doesn't 
> work as well, so I am more interested in the answer from the more experienced 
> users.  I know, for example, that Openbook will not be available to me on the 
> Mac, I don't know how well DocuScan, from System Access works, and it sounds 
> as if scanning and reading, by importing everything into a word processing 
> app is about more trouble than it is worth.  No problem, I will use KNFB 
> reader on my iPhone.  But what else does windows do better?  Thanks for any 
> opinions.
> Arnold Schmidt
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