Meh, I personally took a listen and didn't really care for how she sounded in 
that link you gave.  Way way too much low end, and nowhere near enough high 
frequency.  She's way too boomy in my opinion, which makes it incredibly 
difficult for me to understand.  That's only one person's thoughts though, so 
please judge the voice according to your opinion, and not necessarily that of 
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Shawn Krasniuk 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:06 PM
  Subject: Re: any thoughts on Mac OS Sierra?

  I was kinda disappointed that they didn't use Nuance's new female voice for 
Siri. I mean, have you guys heard this one yet? She's freaking awesome! Her 
name is Zoe and she's the most human sounding voice they've ever created. You 
can use her with Mac OS Sierra. If you want to listen to her, go to
 and set it to use Zoe. Type in some stuff and let her read to you. They also 
have three other new voices called Evelyn, Nathan who are all US English voices 
like Zoe, and Malcom, a new British English voice. And no, I'm not breaking any 
NDA. Nuance announced that these voices would be in Mac OS Sierra long before 

  Sent From My White MacBook
  Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
  Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
  Skype username: bbstheblindrapper

    On Jun 14, 2016, at 3:53 PM, Andrew Lamanche <> wrote:

    Yes, definitely, I'd like a male voice for siri on the mac, please!


      On 14 Jun 2016, at 20:35, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<> wrote:

      Ray, I can't really say anything, being I'm on NDA, but I'll throw my 
comments to the borderline without breaking anything.

      I'll say this.  I did see the keynote, and I did see them using Siri.  
Would the male voice be something you guys would want?  If so, I cannot reveal 
if it's already there or not, but what I'll say is, if, it's not already there, 
nor is intended to be there, I'd be happy on the back end to put it in as a dev 
feedback request, provided it's not there already.  Either way, you'll have to 
trust that we devs will voice the possibility, if it be wanted by you guys.

      Would that be something you all would like to see in addition to Samantha 
ia if it be something we devs could convince Apple to do?
      Christopher Gilland
      JAWS Certified, 2016.
      Training Instructor.
      Phone: (704) 256-8010.
      ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ray Foret jr" <>
      To: "Mac Visionaries List" <>
      Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 1:32 PM
      Subject: any thoughts on Mac OS Sierra?

      Folks, looks like we will be getting Siri when Mac OS Sierra comes out 
this Fall.  During the keynote yesterday, they used Samantha as the voice so 
I’m not sure if the Mac will be getting the voices we’ve been enjoying on our 
iPHones for a little while now.  Just wondered if anybody had their own 
impressions of Mac OS Sierra yet?  Of course, I realize that it’s hard to get 
much of an impression from a demo meant for the light dependant;  still, just 
thought I’d ask.

      Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

      Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
      Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!!!!!

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