On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 6:21 AM Sabahattin Gucukoglu <listse...@me.com>

> Well, to be fair, ChromeVox would be a better extension if it could
> actually announce the chrome in Chrome.

It's built using web technology (HTML5/JavaScript) and content scripts are
injected to each page, so this was done by design. It still does better
than traditional/legacy desktop-based screen readers with advanced
interactive web apps (e.g. Twitter, FaceBook, Docs & Drive, Office 365,

>   You’d have to leave aside the fact that using a dedicated screen reader
> just for your web browser was kind of crazy to start with, but it’s
> basically the reality on ChromeBooks.
Why is this "crazy"? There are so many great web apps that only require a
browser and will work mostly the same across Linux, Mac, Windows, and
Chrome OS. e.g. I'm using inbox.google.com with VoiceOver to interact with
this thread/bundle.

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