AFAIK, focus has never moved from navigation list to content container. As
others have suggestd, it's required to navigate by containers.
Android N has multi-window support.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 9:05 AM 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries <> wrote:

> Well, that's certainly faster than jumping to the end of the settings
> and flicking backwards but it still seems like focus should move there
> automatically when I double-tap a particular preference. So this is how
> it used to work? Did focus land on the first control or just the first
> bit of text?
> CB
> On 3/9/16 6:10 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> > Aa, chris, my friend.  You need to turn your rotor to containers.  Two
> > finger twist until you get there.  Then, flick up and down with one
> > finger. This will jump you from the settings on the left side to the
> > setting content of the setting payne which is currently selected.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > Chris.
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries"
> > <>
> > To: "MacVisionaries" <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:07 AM
> > Subject: iPad settings navigation
> >
> >
> > I usually use an iPhone but I was helping a Android developer who wanted
> > to know how best to implement a accessible tablet UI with a split pane
> > such as a column of items on the left which, when selected, displays
> > some kind of stuff on the right - like Settings on iOS. So I said I
> > would check how Apple did it because that would probably be a good
> > example. Now on the phone, when I go to settings and pick something,
> > such as "General", the whole screen changes and my focus lands on the
> > "Settings" button to take me back where I was. On the iPad this is not
> > the case. Because the list of settings and the UI for the selected
> > setting are on the screen all the time, when I double-tap a settings the
> > right side reloads with the UI but my focus just lands on the Settings
> > heading at the top. I was kinda hoping my focus would just move to the
> > first item in the right pane for me. I can just randomly tap over there
> > but is there some gesture to jump to the right side? I can also
> > four-finger tap at the bottom of the screen which takes me to the last
> > item and then flick left (backwards) through the various items but it
> > seems like there should be a better way.
> >
> > CB
> >
> --
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> --
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