You need to turn on ITunes Sharing both on your mac, and on your Apple TV.

I can help you with this, if needed.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Simon Fogarty 
  Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:29 PM
  Subject: music from itunes to apple tv

  Hi List,


  Wondering if anyone can help me figure this out.


  I have a largish collection of music which I’ve ripped a lot from my cd’s in 
the past.


  What  I want to do but it’s not automatically happening is get that 
collection of music from my itunes account on my computer to show in my music s 
collection on my Apple TV Gen4


  All my purchased music from iTunes store show in the apple tv music and my 
iTunes collection on the computer 


  Does anyone know how I can get the full collection to show on my apple tv?


  And also what does itunes match do is it a help or a hinderence?


  Thanks for any info on this.





  Simon F


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