No you raise good questions.

It’s a single finger print reader uncle the home button.  On the 6S it was 
upgraded and is very very fast but it’s worked reliably now for me in all 
versions since release.

You can scan up to 5 individual fingers and it’s advised you scan one from each 
hand in case you lose a hand or finger.  (seriously)

The process is you rest your finger on the reader and it unlocks the phone or 
works with applications.

Yes, you have up to 10 scans or 10 times to enter your passcode or some 
combination of.

You could grab a finger and hold it to the scanner but you can also remotely 
wipe the phone so that’s of limited value.

> On Feb 22, 2016, at 10:47 AM, E.T. <> wrote:
>   Trump has everything and nothing at the same time. Boggles my mind those 
> who follow him.
>   Back to fingerprints. I do not have a 6 do am curious. How does this work? 
> A single finger? Any one of the 10? How many tries does one have? Surely not 
> 10. I see a cretin knocking you down and choosing a finger to unlock the 
> phone then run off with it.
>   Ok its Monday and I need coffee. (smiles)
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> <>
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
> On 2/22/2016 5:33 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> Just as an FYI, he has both a Samsung phone and an iPhone.:)
>>> On Feb 20, 2016, at 4:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu < 
>>> <>
>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I really like your explanation and how you put it in simple terms.
>>> You are absolutely right so it is best that Apple stuck to their guns
>>> and not let FBI or that stupid Trump who wants to become president of
>>> the US tell anyone what to do.  I even bet that trump has an I phone.
>>> Sorry for bringing that Trump up, but he irritates me even though I’m
>>> not a US citizen, he gets on my nerves.  I know I shouldn’t say this
>>> but he talks a lot of nonsense in my opinion.
>>> Kawal.
>>>> On 20 Feb 2016, at 20:41, Tyler Thompson < 
>>>> <>
>>>> < <>>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So I feel it’s about time to throw in my 2 cents here. I’m a
>>>> Certified Ethical Hacker and I’ve got qualifications and
>>>> certifications in regards to cryptography, steganography and cyber
>>>> security. I don’t bring this up to brag but instead to outline that
>>>> I’m speaking from a place of experience. In this letter
>>>> < 
>>>> <>> to us, the customers Tim Cook
>>>> does a decent job of outlining the issue.
>>>> I can say with 100% certainty that by creating access to a single
>>>> phone apple will significantly reduce it’s ability to protect your
>>>> data, and, what’s worse they’ll give that access to the FBI. There’s
>>>> no such thing as a backdoor into 1 device. One of the most potent
>>>> security measures, and one that Apple has implemented is to ensure
>>>> that nobody again *nobody* has access to secured data, including
>>>> Apple themselves. When I’m contracted out to build secure apps or
>>>> websites I do the same thing, for example, once a password has been
>>>> created for a user I do not, and cannot ever gain access to that
>>>> users account.
>>>> In order to build a “backdoor” you have to build it into the
>>>> operating system. This means every iOS operating system would become
>>>> vulnerable to both malicious hackers and our government. But let me
>>>> give it to you in an analogy: Imagine that the iPhone is your home.
>>>> Now imagine that your home is in a bad neighborhood and is a
>>>> high-profile home. So the FBI comes along and asks you to please
>>>> smash out one of your own windows in broad daylight. When you say it
>>>> lowers the security of your home the answer is “Well it’s ok, thieves
>>>> in the area don’t know which window you smashed out.”
>>>> I’ve been a very avid Apple fan for years now, I love their
>>>> accessibility, I love their products but knowing about cyber security
>>>> I can guarantee you right now that if they build this backdoor I will
>>>> immediately stop using apple products.
>>>> You want one even scarier? Think about a backdoor to an operating
>>>> system that houses your credit card info for Apple Pay. That’s not
>>>> enough for you? What about your keychain? You know, the one where you
>>>> store all your passwords for things like your bank account.
>>>> We can say “Surely you can just do it this once” all we want to but
>>>> I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing. Once you’ve lowered your
>>>> security it’s done and the product will never be as secure again.
>>>> Tyler K. Thompson
>>>> -Software Engineer
>>>>> On Feb 20, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Eric Oyen < 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>> ok,
>>>>> the way I see it, apple can come up with a method to access the
>>>>> device. Hell, if the fingerprints of the terrorists are still
>>>>> available, and that were the only method of encryption, then the FBI
>>>>> already has its problem solved. If, however, there was a secondary
>>>>> method (like a passcode) used, then it becomes a lot harder to get
>>>>> into the device. Note: I did not say impossible.
>>>>> Now, apple can develop a method by which they can access the phone.
>>>>> they aren't required to publish it nor to provide it to law
>>>>> enforcement. all they need to do is provide a technician who knows
>>>>> the method (and has the program). since that program will not be
>>>>> turned over to the FBI, there is essentially no problem. Apple would
>>>>> retain custody of the program and the method and law enforcement
>>>>> would have to follow the law (file a warrant, etc.). At this point,
>>>>> there would be no back door to exploit To further secure it, I would
>>>>> props that the program be placed on a specialized (and isolated)
>>>>> device. THis device cannot be plugged into any network and would
>>>>> also require the use of a password (only known to apple) to work.
>>>>> does this sound like a decent proposal?
>>>>> -eric
>>>>> On Feb 19, 2016, at 4:34 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>>>>> I agree,
>>>>>> It's not just terrorist that this will effect it's all IOS device
>>>>>> users.
>>>>>> A back door access to one device is a back door to all devices of
>>>>>> that type.
>>>>>> Iargree
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>> [ 
>>>>>> <>] On Behalf Of George Cham
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, 19 February 2016 9:21 PM
>>>>>> To: 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> < 
>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable
>>>>>> search
>>>>>> That's a good point about the fingerprint. But my question is this
>>>>>> doesn't make apple an accessory to terrorism if they don't
>>>>>> cooperate  with the FBI?
>>>>>> George,
>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>> On 19 Feb 2016, at 6:53 PM, Simon Fogarty < 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> < <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Apart from that point where if your phone battery dies and you
>>>>>>> need to
>>>>>>> use the pin code to open it for the first time
>>>>>>> Or did they even have finguerprints setup on the devices.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> [ 
>>>>>>> <>] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, 19 February 2016 8:11 AM
>>>>>>> To: 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable
>>>>>>> search
>>>>>>> Karen, you raise a really really good question.  Why don’t they
>>>>>>> just use the fingerprint of the phone owner.  He’s dead anyway so
>>>>>>> you don’t have to worry about his specific rights, he’s dead.:)
>>>>>>> Couldn’t they lift a print or even a finger and just use that?
>>>>>>> Now I really smell a rat since they had the body and had a means in.
>>>>>>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Karen Lewellen
>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>> <>< 
>>>>>>>> <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Not only is Apple 100% correct here, the FBI is not using other
>>>>>>>> doors, such as the fingerprints of  those involved.
>>>>>>>> A master key like the one the FBI desires seeing created is
>>>>>>>> simply unwise to develop.  Hackers have anoth leeway, and no one
>>>>>>>> should have  their privacy compromised in this fashion.
>>>>>>>> After  all consider how often the government has themselves been
>>>>>>>> hacked, not only could this key be abused by the government, it
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> be stolen by others. Just my take, Karen
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Feb 2016, Scott Granados wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Wonder if anyone else is following Tim Cook’s position against
>>>>>>>>> being forced to cripple the security on iPhones. Anyone have
>>>>>>>>> any comments?
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