
Whoops, the podcast is TII Today In IOS.



> On 4 Feb 2016, at 12:53, Georgina Joyce <g...@gena-j.me.uk> wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> I get my information from IOS Today podcast. Rob suggests that there has been 
> a big demand for a 4inch phone to replace the 5 and 5S. He suggested that it 
> is likely to be announced in March of this year. But you all must realise 
> that Apple do everything to keep commercial sensitive information from being 
> leaked. So rumours are just that. From memory Rob suggested that the new 
> phone might be called the 6C. It’ll be interesting to see how they manage the 
> battery situation because a big attraction for the plus is the battery life.
> All we can do is just wait and see. It’s pointless in producing a lot of mis 
> informed hot air. It’s rumoured and that is it!
> Regards,
> Gena
>> On 4 Feb 2016, at 08:37, Simon Fogarty <si...@blinky-net.com 
>> <mailto:si...@blinky-net.com>> wrote:
>> Hi List, not sure this should be listed here but I just wondered if anyone 
>> has heard of the new iPhone that’s to be released?
>> I believe it’s to be called the iPhone 5SE or something similar to that.
>> It was mentioned to me at work today 
>> And I’ve just been reading about it on mac rumours.
>> Interesting I just wondered if anyone state side had heard more on it other 
>> than it’s rumoured release around the time of later this year.
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