Grant?  You! my friend, are a genius!  That worked absolutely 100% flawlessly!  
Thank you thank you thank you!

Mission accomplished.  My book manager is working perfectly now!

God bless, and have yourself a magnificent night.


> On Jan 23, 2016, at 7:38 PM, Grant <> wrote:
> Hi Christopher-Mark,
> I know this is a very late reply to this thread.
> If you go into system preferences>security and privacy, there’s an 
> accessibility category under the privacy tab. Here you can, as the UI puts 
> it, "Allow the apps below to control your computer.” I know nothing about the 
> Learning Alley Book Manager app, but do you think that’s maybe the place 
> where you need to go to give it permission? I believe this authorizes apps to 
> control your Mac using certain scripts and commands.
> Cheers,
> Grant
>> On Jan 7, 2016, at 11:20 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I just renewed my Learning Alley membership, as I've not been current now 
>> for quite some time, probably since 2011.  A lot seems to have changed since 
>> then.
>> I see that they have a mac version of the Learning alley Book Manager.  I 
>> know it's not necessary for downloading books, but if I want to play them on 
>> my mac, I'll need it, no doubt, being the books are incrypted.
>> After installing the book manager, and launching it, I get a message saying 
>> I need to go into System Preferences, and then tab down to the checkbox to 
>> enable access for assistive devices within Universal Access.  Well, 
>> obviously, there is no such thing in El Capitan as Universal Access.  Yeah, 
>> under System prefs, there is the accessibility payne, but even under there, 
>> none of the categories within the table give you the option to allow access 
>> to assistive devices.  I definitely do see 3 buttons in that message given 
>> by the Book Manager.  I have an option to continue anyway, to quit, or of 
>> corse, to open System Prefs, which does absolutely no good in this case.
>> If I elect to continue anyway, then I'm given to items on the  screen of 
>> which both just say unknown, and interacting with them does entirely 
>> nothing.  I can't even access About window to tell you all what version of 
>> the manager is running.  Again, I just get two unknowns.  I don't honestly 
>> even think the About window is even popping up, period.
>> Yes, this is the most recent version of the software.  It has to be, as I 
>> just downloaded it from the Learning Alley web site this morning.
>> Suffice it to say, if L A can't get their crap together more than this, I'm 
>> probably gonna cancel my membership.  When I called their support, they were 
>> incredibly unhelpful.  They told me they had no user guide for the mac 
>> client, which I later after looking myself found out wasn't true.  The pdf 
>> for the guide however is only images, with no text.  Therefore, I'd have to 
>> find a way to O C R the blasted thing.
>> When I called and asked to speak to someone who was in tech support that 
>> could help me with the mac side of things, they not only said they were 
>> doing away with the mac software eventually, but that they had no one on 
>> staff at all either in office or not who knew Voiceover, and for that mind, 
>> not only this, but they'd never even heard of Voiceover and didn't even know 
>> it existed.  Finally, after some research, the lady I spoke with came back 
>> on the line and goes, OK, sir.  You're running OSX 10.5 Leopard, right?  I'm 
>> like, uh... Not? freaking, hardly!  Try El Capitan 10.11.2!  She's like, oh, 
>> I didn't realize they'd come out with something so much newer.
>> Needless to say, I'm not even slightly! impressed.
>> I'd be incredibly curious if anyone of you all have gotten the manager to 
>> work, and if not, then how the hell are you playing your books on the mac, 
>> or do you simply not.  Yeah, I have both my IPhone, and my Nexus 6, and both 
>> on the Apple side of things with Voiceover, as well as on the Android side 
>> with Talkback, things in both cases seem to work quite well, but it would be 
>> nice to not always have to rely on a mobile device just to listen to things. 
>>  Ya know?  Yeah, I also do have my Bard Enhanced NLS player, but again, I 
>> might not always want to rely on that thing.
>> Suggestions, aside from the obvious of screaming at the top of my lungs?
>> Chris.
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