Luke Wroblewski
Google+ Updates
Jan 22, 02:28PM
Google+ Accessibility
You may have noticed that I regularly call out the number of "accessibility 
issues addressed" in our releases. Accessibility plays a big role in our 
ongoing efforts to improve and in the new Google+, we've optimized user 
interfaces on Android, iOS, and the Web for easier navigation with screen 
readers and keyboard controls. In the past year alone, we've found & fixed over 
450 accessibility bugs.

Some recent updates:
* Improved keyboard support on the web: navigate, comment, +1, create new 
posts, and more
* Improved interactions with posts using both Talkback on Android and VoiceOver 
on iOS that save people significant time and effort
* Search accessibility improvements on all platforms, with autocomplete results 
announced when they're available

You can read more about accessibility support on the Google+ Help Center page 
(, and be sure to check out the 
user-created GPlus Accessibility Community 

As always, we're continuing to listen to your suggestions and ideas. So please 
keep them coming using the Send Feedback menu item.

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