My understanding is that PDF Pen Pro does allow you to edit PDF files. I
don’t know how extensively, but I know of a few folks who have been using
it successfully
On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 3:36 AM Daniele Corciulo <>

> Hello every body
> I have a Question.
> Is there a Way in Mac os to read and fill out adobe  pdf-forms? The
> Documents are taged and are accessible.
> Thanks for your Help.
> Regards
> Daniele
> Am 14.01.2016 um 21:49 schrieb
> <!forum/macvisionaries/topics>
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> Topic digest
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> <!forum/macvisionaries/topics>
>    - Question about multi-tasking on I O S - 6 Updates
>    - How T-Mobile is writing the manual for fucking up the internet.
>    (original authors wording / title) - 1 Update
>    - AT&T launches 700 mhz band 12 interoperability across it's network - 1
>    Update
>    - Access IOS File System from OSX - 2 Updates
>    - Managing archives. - 1 Update
>    - Adding items not running to the dock? - 4 Updates
>    - Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S - 6 Updates
>    - Low power mode? - 2 Updates
>    - issue from a friend - 1 Update
>    - mac and firefox? - 1 Update
> Question about multi-tasking on I O S
> <>
> Christopher Gilland <>: Jan 14 08:01AM -0500
> Guys,
> I've got a question. I have recently acquired a very nice bluetooth case
> for my IPad Air 1st gen. I'm therefore using the unit way more than before.
> What I need to know is, let's assume that I want to check e-mail, or maybe
> browse the web while listening to music in the background. I definitely
> know how to do this in general, and am very familiar with the app switcher,
> etc. What concerns me though is the fact that with music playing, I might
> not be able to effectively hear Voiceover speaking.
> So, the ten million dollar question: Is there a way that I can do like I
> do on the mac with ITunes, in that I could turn the volume down just of my
> music without effecting the volume of Voiceover? I definitely know that
> there is an inlined volume control slider within the Music app, but I'm
> noticing that when I turn it up or down, it's effecting my Voiceover volume
> as well.
> I know about the audio ducking feature, which is on by default, but I've
> turned that off, as I find the ducking to not be very natural. In fact,
> frankly, I find it to be quite jarring.
> Is ducking really my only option?
> Thanks.
> Chris.
> sent from my iPad
> Phil Halton <>: Jan 14 10:14AM -0500
> What about audio ducking? Isn't that lowering the background sound when
> voiceover is speaking?.
> Sent from my IPhone
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 10:36AM -0500
> It looks like that might be the best sollution. I don't really care for
> the
> ducking ability, as said in my initial post. I find it to be a bit
> jarring,
> but it's looking like I might not have a choice. I really don't like my
> music going up and down in volume. Call me weird, but, yeah...
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Halton" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Question about multi-tasking on I O S
> What about audio ducking? Isn't that lowering the background sound when
> voiceover is speaking?.
> Sent from my IPhone
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> Phil Halton <>: Jan 14 12:43PM -0500
> OK, you're weird!😉
> Sent from my IPhone
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 02:25PM -0500
> Why thank you! I take it as a complement. Ha.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Halton" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about multi-tasking on I O S
> OK, you're weird!😉
> Sent from my IPhone
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> > Visit this group at
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> Phil Halton <>: Jan 14 03:40PM -0500
> Well, you did say to call you weird and I'm nothing if not obliging.🤔
> Sent from my IPhone
> Back to top
> How T-Mobile is writing the manual for fucking up the internet. (original
> authors wording / title)
> <>
> Scott Granados <>: Jan 14 02:46PM -0500
> FYI the language is part of the article and I’m quoting in context, not
> adding my special brand of color.:)
> I do quote this article here because I think it’s worth reading. It
> details the corporate interests verses the pubic interest and the attacks
> on keeping an open network. There’s a very small amount of language but
> it’s in context and not gratuitous in my opinion but if you’re offended
> then please hit delete. For everyone else read on and enjoy, it’s worth
> your time. Read more here.
> <
> >
> Thank you
> Scott
> Back to top
> AT&T launches 700 mhz band 12 interoperability across it's network
> <>
> Scott Granados <>: Jan 14 02:27PM -0500
> AT&T announces activation on it’s network of band 12 or 700 mhz A band.
> This new spectrum will be used for roaming and other interoperability
> between carriers. T-Mobile, US Cellular and other carriers will be able to
> roam both voice and data on to the AT&T network. Some challenges still
> exist but definite progress is being made. Read more here.
> <
> >
> Back to top
> Access IOS File System from OSX
> <>
> Jeff Berwick <>: Jan 14 10:59AM -0500
> Hi all,
> I would like to access the file system on my iPhone from my Mac running
> the latest versions on both. My iPhone is not jail broken, nor do I wish to
> do so. I'd like to gain access to the file system though. Does anybody know
> an accessible tool to do so?
> Thx,
> Jeff
> Devin Prater <>: Jan 14 10:09AM -0600
> Iexplorer can somewhat do it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Back to top
> Managing archives.
> <>
> Gabriele Battaglia <>: Jan 14 04:24PM +0100
> Hello all.
> What software do I need on my mac to manage the Archive file like under
> windows?
> I mean, to compress and decompress file, creating self-extracting
> archives, compressed .rar or .zip file divided in to a multiple parts or
> in a single file, Create a compressed archive closed with password.
> Under Windows I use RAR which is very good but under Mac OS X, with in
> the Appstore I can find only unarchivers.
> Thanks for tips.
> Gabriel.
> Back to top
> Adding items not running to the dock?
> <>
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 06:59AM -0500
> OK Keith,
> Let's take your specific example.
> 1. Navigate to your desktop with command+Tab until you reach your Finder.
> 2. Press command+Shift+A to open your applications directory.
> 3. type VM which hopefully will land you on VMWare If not then
> please navigate to it yourself, but don't hit command+O.
> 4. Now, to add it to your dock, simply press command+Shift+T, if you're
> running anything Lion or earlier. If you're on Mountain Lion or later all
> the way up to El Capitan, then the command will be command+ctrl+shift+T.
> In
> other words, Mountain Lion or later, add the control key. So, most likely,
> in your case, you'll hit command+control+Shift+T. A good mnumonic for this
> to remember the letter T is, think, "To... the dock."
> Now, to access your dock from anywhere at all, you have a few options.
> 1. The most common way: Press VO+D. You probably know that already, but
> want to be sure I don't leave something out.
> 2. You also can press ctrl+F3. The only thing worth noting about this
> method is, remember that if your function keys are set to hardware right
> now, then you'll have to add the FN key to that, making the command
> actually
> be fn+Ctrl+F3.
> 3. Another way is if you have trackpad commander enabled, at which point,
> you can two finger double tap at the bottom of the trackpad.
> 4. There is a way with numpad commander. I think it was numpad 3, but I
> can't test this over here effectively, as I've remapped a few of the keys
> on
> my numpad, that I believe, being one of them. As my numpad 3 isn't doing
> anything.
> The final tip, Keith, that I'd like to give you is for moving things on
> your
> dock.
> If you navigate to your dock, then find the item you want to move,
> Voiceover
> won't say anything when you do this, but if you press ctrl+left arrow,
> you'll move the item one position to the left in the dock, and ctrl+right
> arrow will do the same, moving it one position to the right. Again,
> Voiceover won't say anything when you do this, but after you do so, if you
> then vo+left and right arrow and check what you did, you'll see that it
> worked.
> These commands obviously will change to ctrl+up arrow, and ctrl+down arrow
> if you have your docked positioned either on the left or the right,
> instead
> of the default which is on the bottom.
> Also, don't forget that if you VO+M, go into the Apple Menu, then go to
> the
> dock sub menu, you can set the dock to auto hide unless the mouse either
> hovers into it's area, at which point, it'll pop up, or unless you use one
> of the above methods to access it.
> If you want to remove an item from your dock, find it in the dock, then
> hit
> vo+Shift+M. Go to the options sub menu, and in there, you'll find remove
> from dock.
> I hope this helps.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Keith Hinton" <>
> To: "macvisionaries" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:21 AM
> Subject: Adding items not running to the dock?
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 07:01AM -0500
> The practical thing is, you don't have to have a Finder Window opened with
> your applications, therefore it's less screen clutter. Just pop yourself
> into the dock, open your app of choice, or whatever, and boom. You're
> done,
> nothing in the way.
> And, you're very close. It's actually command+ctrl+shift+T. Don't forget
> that shift key.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anatoliy Popko" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 2:50 AM
> Subject: RE: Adding items not running to the dock?
> Basioli George <>: Jan 14 06:16AM -0800
> hi Keath and all;
> Keath could you please email me off list at
> < <>>
> i really woould like to talk to you about useing v m fusion 8.
> i have the app. but wish to understand how to install and set up to it’s
> optimal functions with a iMac and windows 10 please.
> thanks
> george
> BBS <>: Jan 14 09:02AM -0600
> George, instead of keeping it off list, why not start a new thread
> altogether? Intrigued minds such as mine would like to know this as well. I
> have a VM of Windows 10 and it can sometimes get very sluggish and my Mac's
> fan has to work very hard to keep up. This is also the case with a Windows
> 7 VM I have. I'm running the latest El Capitan with Fusion 8 on a mid 2010
> white MacBook.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Macbook
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime username:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Basioli George
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:16 AM
> Subject: Re: Adding items not running to the dock?
> hi Keath and all;
> Keath could you please email me off list at
> i really woould like to talk to you about useing v m fusion 8.
> i have the app. but wish to understand how to install and set up to it’s
> optimal functions with a iMac and windows 10 please.
> thanks
> george
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 4:01 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <
>> wrote:
> The practical thing is, you don't have to have a Finder Window opened with
> your applications, therefore it's less screen clutter. Just pop yourself
> into the dock, open your app of choice, or whatever, and boom. You're done,
> nothing in the way.
> And, you're very close. It's actually command+ctrl+shift+T. Don't forget
> that shift key.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Anatoliy Popko" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 2:50 AM
> Subject: RE: Adding items not running to the dock?
> Keith,
> Control+Command+t is the shortcut (press when the focus is in Finder on
> the application you need).
> Sidenote: I also haven't really figured out a place for the Doc in my user
> experience. Seems like not much key combinations to save: Command+Shift+a +
> first letter navigation or VO+d + first letter navigation.
> If anyone has a practical use (not just a habitual user pattern) for the
> Doc, please, share. Actually, the same holds true for the Launchpad.
> --
> Best regards,
> Anatoliy D. Popko
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
> <>]
> On Behalf Of Keith Hinton
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:21
> To: macvisionaries <>
> Subject: Adding items not running to the dock?
> Hi folks,
> I'm curious, but how does somebody go about adding an application that
> might not currently be running to the dock?
> The dock is a feature of OS Ten despite having used OS Ten for over two
> years now that I've never really used.
> Usually, I've always gone in to the applications area and launched an
> application with command-O.
> I'd like to start adding other applications other than Mail, Safari, etc
> to the Dock though for faster access.
> VMware Fusion is an application that I tend to do serious Windows work in
> for quite a lot of things.
> So, how might I go about adding Fusion to the dock for example for faster
> productivity?
> Thanks,
> Keith
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> Back to top
> Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> <>
> Christopher Gilland <>: Jan 14 08:08AM -0500
> Folks, I desperately could use some help.
> I am using a bluetooth keyboard with my IPad Air. When I try editting text
> by means of arrowing around a text area with my arrow keys in all 4
> directions, although mainly when moving left and right character by
> character, I'm finding that sometimes Voiceover reads correctly the
> character the cursor passes, as expected, but more times than not, it reads
> that, but it also reads the next character as well. Say I typed the word
> cat, but actually wanted to say cash. I know I could backspace out the t
> then type s h, but let's say I left arrowed after typing the t in cat. I
> might hear it say T, which is fine, but other times when I left arrow I'd
> hear it say t A. So, OK, is my cursor to the left of the T? Or is it now to
> the left of the A. It's incredibly difficult to tell when it does this, and
> therefore, I often get terribly bad edits.
> Is there a work around to this?
> I'm on I O S 9.2, and no, this is not a beta of any type.
> Chris.
> sent from my iPad
> Craig Werner <>: Jan 14 08:18AM -0500
> Chris, have you tried forgetting the keyboard and then re-enabling the
> Bluetooth connection? I'll bet you have.
> Craig
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Christopher Gilland <>
> wrote:
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 08:32AM -0500
> Well, no offense intended, but, if your bet were a gamble, then you'd a
> lost your money, as yes. I've tried this many many times, and, it's not
> just this one device. I'm having this issue as well on both of my IPhones,
> a 6+ and a 6S. So clearly, I'm either doing something wrong, or there
> really is truly a bigtime bug that Apple needs to look into.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Werner
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> Chris, have you tried forgetting the keyboard and then re-enabling the
> Bluetooth connection? I'll bet you have.
> Craig
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Christopher Gilland <>
> wrote:
> Folks, I desperately could use some help.
> I am using a bluetooth keyboard with my IPad Air. When I try editting text
> by means of arrowing around a text area with my arrow keys in all 4
> directions, although mainly when moving left and right character by
> character, I'm finding that sometimes Voiceover reads correctly the
> character the cursor passes, as expected, but more times than not, it reads
> that, but it also reads the next character as well. Say I typed the word
> cat, but actually wanted to say cash. I know I could backspace out the t
> then type s h, but let's say I left arrowed after typing the t in cat. I
> might hear it say T, which is fine, but other times when I left arrow I'd
> hear it say t A. So, OK, is my cursor to the left of the T? Or is it now to
> the left of the A. It's incredibly difficult to tell when it does this, and
> therefore, I often get terribly bad edits.
> Is there a work around to this?
> I'm on I O S 9.2, and no, this is not a beta of any type.
> Chris.
> sent from my iPad
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> Devin Prater <>: Jan 14 08:29AM -0600
> Report it to Apple, and if you can, try updating to a beta on one of your
> devices and see if its still there. If so, report that to appbe as well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 09:35AM -0500
> Yeah, I need to see. I think my 6+ might be on a beta. I don't remember. I
> can't update the IPad, as I use it for work, as well as personal use.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Devin Prater
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:29 AM
> Subject: Re: Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> Report it to Apple, and if you can, try updating to a beta on one of your
> devices and see if its still there. If so, report that to appbe as well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 7:32 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <
>> wrote:
> Well, no offense intended, but, if your bet were a gamble, then you'd a
> lost your money, as yes. I've tried this many many times, and, it's not
> just this one device. I'm having this issue as well on both of my IPhones,
> a 6+ and a 6S. So clearly, I'm either doing something wrong, or there
> really is truly a bigtime bug that Apple needs to look into.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Werner
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> Chris, have you tried forgetting the keyboard and then re-enabling the
> Bluetooth connection? I'll bet you have.
> Craig
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Christopher Gilland <>
> wrote:
> Folks, I desperately could use some help.
> I am using a bluetooth keyboard with my IPad Air. When I try editting text
> by means of arrowing around a text area with my arrow keys in all 4
> directions, although mainly when moving left and right character by
> character, I'm finding that sometimes Voiceover reads correctly the
> character the cursor passes, as expected, but more times than not, it reads
> that, but it also reads the next character as well. Say I typed the word
> cat, but actually wanted to say cash. I know I could backspace out the t
> then type s h, but let's say I left arrowed after typing the t in cat. I
> might hear it say T, which is fine, but other times when I left arrow I'd
> hear it say t A. So, OK, is my cursor to the left of the T? Or is it now to
> the left of the A. It's incredibly difficult to tell when it does this, and
> therefore, I often get terribly bad edits.
> Is there a work around to this?
> I'm on I O S 9.2, and no, this is not a beta of any type.
> Chris.
> sent from my iPad
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> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 09:36AM -0500
> By the way,
> I've reported this issue to Apple many upon many upon many! times, and
> just did so again this morning.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Devin Prater
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 9:29 AM
> Subject: Re: Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> Report it to Apple, and if you can, try updating to a beta on one of your
> devices and see if its still there. If so, report that to appbe as well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 14, 2016, at 7:32 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <
>> wrote:
> Well, no offense intended, but, if your bet were a gamble, then you'd a
> lost your money, as yes. I've tried this many many times, and, it's not
> just this one device. I'm having this issue as well on both of my IPhones,
> a 6+ and a 6S. So clearly, I'm either doing something wrong, or there
> really is truly a bigtime bug that Apple needs to look into.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Werner
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Getting very irritated with editting text on I O S
> Chris, have you tried forgetting the keyboard and then re-enabling the
> Bluetooth connection? I'll bet you have.
> Craig
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016, Christopher Gilland <>
> wrote:
> Folks, I desperately could use some help.
> I am using a bluetooth keyboard with my IPad Air. When I try editting text
> by means of arrowing around a text area with my arrow keys in all 4
> directions, although mainly when moving left and right character by
> character, I'm finding that sometimes Voiceover reads correctly the
> character the cursor passes, as expected, but more times than not, it reads
> that, but it also reads the next character as well. Say I typed the word
> cat, but actually wanted to say cash. I know I could backspace out the t
> then type s h, but let's say I left arrowed after typing the t in cat. I
> might hear it say T, which is fine, but other times when I left arrow I'd
> hear it say t A. So, OK, is my cursor to the left of the T? Or is it now to
> the left of the A. It's incredibly difficult to tell when it does this, and
> therefore, I often get terribly bad edits.
> Is there a work around to this?
> I'm on I O S 9.2, and no, this is not a beta of any type.
> Chris.
> sent from my iPad
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> Low power mode?
> <>
> Craig Werner <>: Jan 14 08:15AM -0500
> Chris, if you don't want to turn off Power Mode in Settings, it will
> automatically disengage when your iDevice is charged to a certain point.
> Craig
> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016, Christopher-Mark Gilland <
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 08:30AM -0500
> Oh, really? That's a good thing to know. Thanks for the heads up.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Werner
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Low power mode?
> Chris, if you don't want to turn off Power Mode in Settings, it will
> automatically disengage when your iDevice is charged to a certain point.
> Craig
> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016, Christopher-Mark Gilland <
>> wrote:
> I've accidentally turned on low power mode on my IPhone. How do I disable
> it?
> Chris.
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> issue from a friend
> <>
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 06:36AM -0500
> OK, I presume that he was simply using things like shift+down arrow, and
> the like to select the text. Correct?
> I've personally hardly ever used it, but If memory serves correctly, I
> think he can also move to the beginning of what he wants selected, hit
> vo+return to start selecting, navigate to the end of his block selection,
> then hit vo+return again to stop selecting. Then, have him hit vo+F6 to see
> what, if anything is selected.
> Tell us if that method works for him. Also you didn't tell us what browser
> he's using. I'd presume probably Safari, but being that Chrome is totally
> accessible as well, I just want to make sure.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Denise Barajas
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 12:32 AM
> Subject: issue from a friend
> Hello all,
> I recently was talking to a friend of mine who claims to be having issues
> when trying to copy and paste text from the Internet fromhis Mac onto a
> different location. I heard him try and mess with the command, but
> Voiceover kept repeating the first thing he was selecting all the time, and
> we made sure that things like quick nav were off and the like. I believe
> he's using a Macbook Pro 2013 but he is also using the latest version of
> Yosemeti. He's tried to restart the machine and VO, but to no avail. If any
> suggestions could be offered, that would greatly be appreciated.
> Blessings to oyou all.
> from Denise Barajas's Macintosh computer
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> mac and firefox?
> <>
> "Christopher-Mark Gilland" <>: Jan 14 06:32AM -0500
> Totally agree with E.T here. Why in God's world! would they think it's not
> worth improving Voiceover support on the mac side of things? To me, that
> seems totally absurd!
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "E.T." <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:32 PM
> Subject: Re: mac and firefox?
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