I thought some of you might want to attend this, especially if your thankful 
for what apple has done for us all!

Michael Babcock
Your Blind Digital Marketing Partner.
@payown on periscope and twitter.
http://yourownpay.com/ <http://yourownpay.com/>

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Fedora Outlier LLC <excelle...@fedoraoutlier.com>
> Date: October 23, 2015 at 5:46:59 AM PDT
> To: <mich...@yourownpay.com>
> Subject: {EVENT} Michael & Fedora Outlier LLC Presents: The worlds largest 
> virtual Thank you card to Apple Inc
> On Wednesday October 28th at 8PM EDT we invite you to join the Fedora team 
> and the rest of the world in thanking Apple.
> Apple is the first mainstream company that has taken accessibility  for the 
> blind and made it a priority in all of its devices, products and services and 
> we want to thank them.
> Apple has allowed Fedora Outlier LLC to serve over 2,000 clients worldwide to 
> date and we not only want to thank Apple for the opportunity, but more 
> importantly Fedora wants to thank you for being a client.
> The only way to predict the future is to invent it. - Steve Jobs
> He built devices with accessibility built in and not bolted on.
> Steve Jobs was one amazing man. He sat out to change the world and because of 
> his dreams we are able to use Apple Watches, Apple TV’s, iPads, iPhones, 
> Macs, Routers, Magic Track Pads, iPad Pro’s and home automation with free 
> accessibility built in.
> Let’s get together this Wednesday and tell Apple thank you. They will be 
> listening for sure…no need to register. Here’s the info…
> Be prepared to tell your story in three minutes or less, practice it, start 
> with your name, if you have been a Fedora client in the past and how you got 
> involved using Apples’ born accessible products.
> From your iPhone click the number below ant you’ll automatically be added to 
> the event.
> 712.432.0190,,732659
> If you are calling from a landline dial 712.432.0190. Use access Code 732659.
> The live stream link is http://listen2.ultrastreams.us:8038/listen.pls 
> <http://fedoraoutlier.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=f2a41f9f56288e09edb95bf6d&id=4702f7ecd3&e=2a580c6b89>
> Just click to listen live
> Disclaimer: You may receive this notice in your inbox and, on social multiple 
> times, however its not us spamming you. The world will be sharing this info 
> and when it boomerang back back to you, we just ask that you share it again. 
> We want to create and present the largest virtual thank you card to Apple 
> ever!!
> We also want to change the world. Let’s do it together!
> Use#letschangetheworldtogehter on Twitter
> VaShaun Jones - Visionary
> This email was sent to mich...@yourownpay.com <mailto:mich...@yourownpay.com> 
> why did I get this? 
> <http://fedoraoutlier.us4.list-manage1.com/about?u=f2a41f9f56288e09edb95bf6d&id=9076c37ef1&e=2a580c6b89&c=d3ec165f00>
>     unsubscribe from this list 
> <http://fedoraoutlier.us4.list-manage2.com/unsubscribe?u=f2a41f9f56288e09edb95bf6d&id=9076c37ef1&e=2a580c6b89&c=d3ec165f00>
>     update subscription preferences 
> <http://fedoraoutlier.us4.list-manage.com/profile?u=f2a41f9f56288e09edb95bf6d&id=9076c37ef1&e=2a580c6b89>
> excelle...@fedoraoutlier.com <mailto:excelle...@fedoraoutlier.com> · 58 
> Hammock Place SE · Atlanta, GA 30312 · USA 

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