According to
https://www.dropbox.com/release_notes <https://www.dropbox.com/release_notes>
It looks like Dropbox now has OS X 10.11 support. Or maybe, it has for a while, 
I’m not sure, since I’m not running the beta or anything.
Hope this helps,
> On Sep 17, 2015, at 7:13 PM, Michael Babcock <mich...@yourownpay.com> wrote:
> For what it’s worth, google drive (i use it more then dropbox) is installed 
> and working just fine on the OS X 10.11 BETA.
> I can copy and paste files both from the google drive and to the google drive 
> folder in my home folder.
> I have not tested dropbox.
> Michael Babcock
> Your Blind Digital Marketing Partner.
> @payown on periscope and twitter.
> http://yourownpay.com/ <http://yourownpay.com/>
>> On Sep 17, 2015, at 1:41 PM, Mike Arrigo <n0...@charter.net 
>> <mailto:n0...@charter.net>> wrote:
>> Hey everyone, I've been doing some reading on what will be coming in version 
>> 10.11, el Capitan, it does appear as though Apple is getting more 
>> restrictive with each release. In 10.10 they introduced kext signing which 
>> only allows you to install kernel extentions that are signed by Apple. Now, 
>> in 10.11, they are introducing what is called system integrity protection. 
>> In a nutshell, what this does is prevent any program from accessing or 
>> binding to running processes such as the finder or dock. One program that 
>> apparently is affected by this is dropbox, the finder integration will no 
>> longer work. Basically, it requires all applications to be sandboxed, even 
>> those that are installed from outside the app store. Even if a program 
>> requests elevated permissions where you have to type in your password, that 
>> will no longer matter, the program will no longer have this access. 
>> Fortunately, there will be a way to disable this from the recovery, and that 
>> will be one of the first things I do once I upgrade.
>> -- 
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