The only thing I hate about braille with Apple devices is that it doesn't show 
textual formatting like italics. Not even putting the braille signs for italics 
makes the text actually italicized.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 27, 2015, at 7:48 AM, Scott Granados <> wrote:
> So on the braille front?
> Is it me or does braille support on the IOS devices like the pad and phone 
> work so much better than it does on the Mac with VO?
> What’s that about?
> I just got a braille device and I’m actually thinking (perish the thought) of 
> installing windows in a VM so I can use it with JFW instead of VoiceOver on 
> the computer side.
>> On Aug 27, 2015, at 3:18 AM, David Chittenden <> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I run my business and personal life from my iPhone and my iPad. I turn my 
>> Mac on around once per week.
>> The biggest hint I can give you is, learn to use your touch screen. I use my 
>> touch screen all the time. I now use braille screen input for writing, 
>> including this email. You may well find yourself much more productive if you 
>> only use your keyboard for actually writing text. This, after all, is how 
>> the iPad and iPhone are designed to be used.
>> My fiancé is a specialised teacher of blind children. Now that she has 
>> adjusted her teaching to having the kids use touch screen gesture commands 
>> rather than keyboard commands, there has been a very significant increase in 
>> the students' abilities to keep up with their sighted peers.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 26 Aug 2015, at 02:33, Christopher Gilland <> wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> OK so here is my next observation working soly with I O S exclusively for 
>>> this 1-day challenge.
>>> This morning, the challenge has been forcing myself to check all of my 
>>> e-mail from my IPad.  I am not saying that I've never done e-mail from I O 
>>> S before.  Remember, I am a fairly advanced I O S user, however I'm 
>>> honestly starting to wonder if I really am as advanced as I gave myself 
>>> credit.  I definitely feel very weird doing things totally on a mobile 
>>> platform only.  I think it's more that I know what I'm doing, but it's just 
>>> a bit foreign to me, as I don't admittedly do this probably near as much as 
>>> I should.
>>> Anyway, so e-mail... OK, realize that I'm basing this on doing things with 
>>> the IPad, not with an IPod/IPhone.  This said, I'm sure I'd run into some 
>>> of the same hurtles.  These things are definitely not show stoppers by any 
>>> means, but it's just taking some time for me to really get used to.
>>> First off, I was under the impression that when using a bluetooth keyboard, 
>>> which I am, I could use some of the same keystrokes that are built into 
>>> Mail on the Mac.  For example, When sitting on a message in my inbox, 
>>> focused on the message list, I heard a message, something like, Unread, 
>>> Christopher-Mark Gilland: This is a test.  I also heard Voiceover tell me 
>>> that actions were available within my actions rotor.  I totally understand 
>>> that I could have pressed my down arrow key to move through these actions, 
>>> however, I was under the impression that if I was to simply just hit my 
>>> delete key, I then could delete that message with basically one keystroke.  
>>> Lamentably, this didn't work.  I'm not sure if that has anything to do with 
>>> the fact that I'm using IMap with GMail, but I seriously doubt it.  I don't 
>>> think I was in my GMail mailbox.  To the best of my knowledge, I was in my 
>>> unified inbox.
>>> Finally, I found a message that I needed to read.  I pressed both my up and 
>>> down arrow keys together to perform a double tap on the item.  I admit I 
>>> was very impressed that even though the IPad uses a split screen, and 
>>> therefore the message list virtically stays on the left side of the screen, 
>>> Voiceover was smart enough to move my immediate focus to the content of the 
>>> message I'd just double tapped on.  I was then able to use quick nav and 
>>> simply left and right arrow through the message, as if I was flicking 
>>> through the screen to read its content.  I was blown away at how well 
>>> things worked on that front!
>>> Now came my next, "Huh?" moment.  I went to reply to the message.  I was 
>>> hoping, though on a mobile platform, not OSX, that Apple would have 
>>> implemented some keyboard hotkeys for us bluetooth users.  I therefore just 
>>> out of a hunch tried hitting command+R.  Well, um, duh.  That kind a didn't 
>>> work, darn!  So I went to the place where I logically thought the reply 
>>> icon would be located... below the message.  I then discovered it actually 
>>> wasn't down there, but instead, unlike on the IPhone, is up at the top of 
>>> the screen right above the message content.
>>> So, yeah, that was a little bit confusing.
>>> Further, I tried composing a new message from scratch.  This proved to be 
>>> extremely confusing!  I started by pressing command+N.  I really hoped that 
>>> at the very least would work.  Well, no dice.  It didn't.  Oh well.  So, I 
>>> hit ctrl+Up arrow to move my focus to the top of the screen.  I then used 
>>> my right arrow key to systematically move through the screen and locate the 
>>> compose button.  You know... while I'm sitting here writing this, I'm 
>>> having a major no duh, Shirlock, moment.  Wy the hell did I not just use 
>>> the damn item chooser list?  Who's the real advanced VO user now!?  LOL!  
>>> God I feel stupid!  Anyway, try as I may, I couldn't find the compose 
>>> button.  I knew it was there, but no matter what, Voiceover wouldn't see 
>>> it.  This took me on quite a wild goose chase for about 5 minutes.  Finally 
>>> it occured to me that the unified inbox was opened in a popup window.  So, 
>>> I touched my screen outside its bounderies, and then heard, "Double tap to 
>>> dismiss."  I did this and the message list went away.  As this point, I was 
>>> then able to find the compose button with no issue.  Man was that confusing 
>>> though!  Anyway, I got my e-mail typed, and went to send it.  I tried 
>>> command+Shift+D, but it didn't work.
>>> I understand you all may say, "Chris, this isn't a mac.  You can't expect 
>>> the keyboard commands to be identical."  I know that.  I just simply was 
>>> hoping that maybe some of the same keystrokes were integraded.  Sadly, 
>>> they're not though.
>>> OK, now I will confess one thing.  I know I probably shouldn't admit this 
>>> publicly, but I am running the I O S 9 beta.  I'm not sure if maybe they 
>>> broke these keystrokes, but, somehow I doubt it.  I vaguely remember being 
>>> able to do them in the past, but maybe I only dreamt I could.  Sometimes, I 
>>> miss my mind.  LOL!
>>> Over all, I think Mail works fantastically, but it would definitely be nice 
>>> to see Apple include some of these sshortcuts.  I think it would make 
>>> people's lives a bit easier.  For one thing, it would be way less VOing 
>>> around the screen.
>>> Over all though, I was able to successfully check and send mail, though not 
>>> with the most ease, I think given some time and practice, I could actually 
>>> grow to really really like doing so from the IPad/IPhone.
>>> If anyone has any tips maybe that they could provide for an IPad user 
>>> checking Mail, then please do let me know.  I'm open for suggestions.
>>> Have a terriffic day.
>>> sent from my iPad
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