
Yes I have tried using send space wisard and had the same problem.  I  
do not have a send space max account any more so do not use it any  
more, but I hope that send space can do something about this.

On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:29 PM, David McLean wrote:

> I guess you were able to login from what you say but that's my
> problem. I can't get keyboard focus to move to the login or password
> boxes.  When I type nothing happens so I'm stuck at that point.
> Did you have to do anything special to enter your login and password?
> On Nov 4, 2009, at 5:11 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, it works really well. There is an extended VoiceOver
>> compatibility option. I believe you can log in without that feature
>> enabled, because the way I remember it, you can't enable it before  
>> you
>> log in.
>> Just had a look, and you seem to be able to. When you log in, go to
>> the  options menu and you'll find it.
>> I wrote the support team about some minor things, and they say  
>> they'll
>> test it before the next release.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>> AIM: cincinster
>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>> Facebook Profile
>> My Twitter
>> On Nov 3, 2009, at 11:07 PM, David McLean wrote:
>>> Hello, This probably seems like a strange question for this list
>>> but I
>>> am sure some folks on this list have probably used Sendspace in
>>> Windows.  The Windows version comes with a wizard that allows for  
>>> the
>>> download of multiple files simultaneously and I was pleasantly
>>> surprised the other day to find that there is also a version for the
>>> Mac.
>>> However when I tried it I found I can't get past the login screen
>>> because I can't type anything in the login and password boxes.
>>> I've tried routing the mouse an clicking it but it doesn't seem to
>>> work.
>>> Has anyone actually been able to use this?
>>> Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about!
>>> Thanks for any help.∂
> >

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